Brief Sketch of the Life of Mrs. Ingeborg Volstad.
Mrs. Shedd Wilder died Thursday morning at 10:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. C. Kinter on First street. She had been in failing health for years and sick for the past two years with Bright's disease.
The funeral of the late J. H. Sherman was held at the Congregational church Friday afternoon, Rev. Johnson officiating. The remains were interred in Woodbury Cemetery. Those from away who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Sherman of Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sherman of Austin, Ed Sherman of Wibaux, Mont.; Mrs. Ed. Stanley of Minneapolis and Mrs. Jas. Pryer and Mrs. Will Pomeroy of Edgerton, Wis.
Ole Larson who has been suffering for many years with tuberculosis, died at his home in Osage Thursday December 18th and the remains were brought here Saturday for burial, interment being made in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. The deceased was well known in this community, having made his home here for a number of years.
The remains of the late Hans C. Anderson were brought to Lyle Friday morning from Alstead, New Hampshire, where he passed away Nov. 21st. He was one of the pioneer settlers of this county and was first and foremost in many of the struggles that made this county what it is today. His name was a household word in every home in this vicinity. His bright intellect, kindly disposition and fearless expression of opinion stamped him as a good neighbor and friend to all who had any dealings with him.
Andrew Ostenson, who has not been feeling well for some time passed away at the home of his brother Tollef Ostenson, Saturday afternoon.
The deceased was born in Molands' Prestegjeld, Telemarken, Norway in October 1858. When 12 years of age he, with the family, came to America and settled in this vicinity where he has since made his home.
He leaves three sisters, Mrs. K. Olson, Mrs. T. Anderson, Mrs. O. Asmundson; and four brothers, Ole, Tollef, John and Jaran.
Knute K. Dyrland, well known in this place, died very suddenly at Austin last Friday morning. The Daily Herald says: He had not been feeling very well for a couple days but went to work as usual, but feeling worse secured a room near by and was helped to bed. After a while he fell asleep and friends who had helped him to the room left. Later when they stepped in he was "dead." The deceased was in the saloon business at Dodge Center where he resided but in the spring election Dodge Center voted dry and since then he was out of employment.
Rev. Eggen Gone.
Passed after Long and Useful
Life- Funeral
Mrs. O T Richardson Died
The Same Pall Bearers That Carried Her
Husband to His Last Resting Place
Last December.
Weep not, that her toils are over,
Weep not that her race is run.
God grant, we may rest as calmly
When our work, like hers, is done.
Till then, we yield with gladness,
Our mother, to Him, to keep,
And rejoice in the sweet assurance
He giveth His loved one sleep.
Mrs. Mary Funda, who has been ill for several weeks, passed away at her home one mile southeast of London, Tuesday morning.
The deceased was about 63 years of age and came here from Bohemia when she was a young girl in her teens. The family first settled in the neighborhood of St. Ansgar but a short time after moved to Freeborn county where she since made her home.
Alexander D. Reynolds died at his home in Lyle township north of London Sunday night about 10 o'clock after a week's illness of pneumonia. Though in feeble health for some time he was able to attend the funeral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Perry Reynolds some two weeks ago.
Mr. Reynolds was born in Argyle, May 1, 1851, but for the past 34 years has lived in Mower county. He leaves beside his wife two brothers and two sisters, Mrs. Ada Drummond and Mrs. Marie Watkins.
The funeral of the late James H. Stewart and his son, Marvin Stewart was held in the church at London Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was made in Woodbury cemetery.
T. Guttormson was born in Thellemar Riu, Norway June 28th 1826 and died at his home northeast of Lyle January 23 1913, age 86 years 6 mo, and 25 days. He was the youngest of 5 children all of whom has gone before him in eternity. His father died when he was a child, and an aunt took care of him and taught him to read. He was baptised in the Lutheran church as an infant and confirmed by Rev Wettergren at the age of 15.
Broke His Neck
Hans Olson Fell From His
Wagon While Hauling
Grain to Lyle, and
Died Suddenly.
C A Ruddock Dead
Former Pastor of Local Congregation
Died on Christmas Day
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lodwick
in Oshkosh Wisconsin.
Mrs. Thomas Varco, age 86 years died quite suddenly at the home of her son Justin on the old homestead in Austin township last Saturday morning.
She was apparently well when she retired for the night but the next morning was found dead in bed. She was one of the old residents of the county having settled here on July 24, 1856, coming here by ox-team from Wisconsin.
The funeral was held Monday afternoon and interment was made in Enterprise cemetery.
Old Settlers
Passed Away
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is to the goal;
"Dust thou art, to dust returnerth,"
Was not spoken of the soul.
The harvest is past and the summer is ended, and the golden sheaves are being gathered into the garner, so likewise the great reaper has been in our midst, calling home some of our citizens that have passed the three score and ten mile post.
John Norris
Miss Martha Engesetter who has been suffering for the past three years with a cancer passed away at St. Olafs hospital at Austin Friday evening about midnight. It was a long and painful struggle and the end was welcome.
When she was first taken ill she commenced to doctor, visiting most of the specialists in Minnesota and Iowa but no relief and no hope was given her, and she soon resigned herself to meet death. About nine months ago she was taken to the hospital where she remained until death.
Aslak Knutson, who for the past 5 years has been practically helpless on account of his advanced age, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. K. L. Leidahl (sic), Monday afternoon. It was a quiet ending of a long life. He complained a little in the morning about not having had his rest and said if he could get to sleep he would be all right. Later on he went to sleep and his spirit quietly passed away.
Ezra D. Ames, better known as Grandpa Ames, passed away at the home of his son Wilber Ames last Monday morning after a brief illness. The deceased has not been feeling well since last autumn when he had a bad fall. Just a short time ago he celebrated his 86th birthday and was kindly remembered by a large number of old friends. He was one of the oldest citizens of this community, having come here the spring of 1856.
The one month old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hofland died Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock. The little one had not been noticeably ill and apparently was only suffering with a slight cold.
The funeral will be held from the Mona Church Saturday at one o'clock and interment will be made in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
After two weeks of slight ailment resulting from a fall, Mrs. Inga Bjornson Olson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Losey, at 7:30 Monday morning.
She was born in Flekkefjord, Norway. August 26, 1821. She and her husband, Lars, came to America in 1868 and located at Chicago, where he was engaged as a cabinet maker. In 1873 they came to Lyle and he entered in the furniture business. On May 22 1889 their home was destroyed by fire and then the home was built in which she has lived since.
Merle Dixon, who has been sick with typhoid fever for about three weeks, passed away last Saturday morning at 6 o'clock.
Merle was born at Oldham, South Dakota July 10, 1989. When he was two years of age his parents moved to Old Otranto where the family lived for a few years. About seven years ago the family took up their residence in Lyle and here he became well known to us all.
Hans Hall who was about 85 years of age passed away at the Tom Enerson home in Nevada, Sunday, Jan. 7th. The deceased has made his home in this vicinity for the past 25 years, stopping at one place and then another.
For a while he lived with his son, who was then in business at Osage. He leaves no near relatives so far as can be learned, and was buried by the county.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon and interment was made at Six Mile Grove cemetery.
Mark D. McConnell died at his home five miles west of Lyle Sunday, Jan. 7th at 4:15 p. m. having been in feeble health for some years.
Mark D. McConnell was born Jan. 6th, 1834 at Elmira, Cheming County, New York.
In his early youth he moved with his parents to Rockton, Illinois where he had a position as school teacher. About that time he united with the Congregational church of that place.
Copyright © 2025, Lyle Historical Society