All Research Tasks
Person | Death Certificate | Body |
James Mortensen |
Was he cremated? Funeral home is not helpful. Ask Dona Ziegler? |
William H. Officer | 1887 no cert |
Where is WIlliam H. Officer buried? |
John Bergeson's boy | 1893 no cert |
John Bergeson's boy died in 1893. No mention of name, unclear where he's buried. |
Mari Anderson | 1902 no cert |
Is this really Christine Maria Anderson, wife of Paul Anderson? Also Lena Larson lived there |
Anna Anderson Volstad | 1905 no cert |
Anna Anderson Volstad, lived with uncle HK Volstad after father died when she was very young. 25 years old when died in 1905. Likely Six Mile Grove or Pleasant Hill |
Cecelia (Celia) Trodler | 1906-45A-947 | |
Lena Running | 1908-MN-007698 |
Where is she buried? Is this the same Lena Running listed as "Rusmusing"? |
Hans Jacob Erickson | 1909-MN-007352 |
Where is he buried? Was his name really Claus or is that an error in the death index? |
Hage Mycklejord | 1909-MN-007354 |
Buried in Six Mile Grove? Mother of Ole? |
Andrew H. Anderson | 1910-MN-008150 |
Where is Andrew H. Anderson buried? |
Wilson Beach | 1914-MN-008400 |
Where is Wilson buried? |
Karen Fisher | 1916-MN-008446 |
Confirm spelling of name and actual birth/death dates |
Andrew C. Anderson | 1916-MN-008529 |
Where is he buried |
George Thrasher | 1916-MN-008536 |
Committed suicide, is he buried in Woodbury by his brother Edward? |
Theodore Haas | 1920-MN-008647 |
What year was he born? |
Lucy O. Small | 1921-MN-007875 |
Where was Lucy buried? |
Anton George, Jr. | 1924-MN-008376 |
Where is Anton George Jr. buried? Former postmaster at Otranto Station, father of Harry Evertsen George who is buried at St. Ansgar. |
Marvin L. Clark | 1933-MN-008794 |
Buried in Woodbury, possible murder victim in 1933 near Rose Creek by "Peg Leg" Smith? Also Sarah and Ivan died same day. |
Ivan Wilder | 1936-MN-009780 |
Is his name really Iver or Ivan and what is his middle name? |
John J. Jahr | 1937-MN-024684 |
Was he the saloon owner, married to Carrie? Assume so. |
Carrie Jahr | 1939-MN-024183 |
Wife of saloon owner John Jahr. Check her name, may be Kaja |
Olaf Aslakson | 1940-MN-009170 |
Which Ole/Olaf/Olav Aslakson is he? |
Louis Albert Sherman | 1949-MN-009410 |
Is this the husband of J. Sophie (Dahl) Sherman? If so where is he buried |
J. Sophie Sherman | 1951-MN-009449 |
Where is she buried? Wife of Louis A. Sherman, not sure where he is either. Daughter of Hans O. Dahl in Pleasant Hill. |
Baby Girl Allen | 1954-MN-009490 |
Death cert says May 21, 1954 but headstone says June 21, 1954. Which is correct? |
Edward Roswold | 1959-MN-016804 |
Is he really buried in Six Mile Grove? Lived and died in St. Louis county, connection to Lyle unclear |
Invold Ferdinand Dahl | 1962-MN-011626 |
where is he buried? son of Hans O. Dahl |
Bernard Merkel | 1987-MN-032764 |
where is he buried, service was at six mile grove |
Richard Lee Lewis | 1993-MN-007408 |
Was this Richard Lee Lewis married to Marilyn (Block) Lewis? |