Knute K. Dyrland obituary

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Friday, July 4, 1913
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Knute K. Dyrland, well known in this place, died very suddenly at Austin last Friday morning. The Daily Herald says: He had not been feeling very well for a couple days but went to work as usual, but feeling worse secured a room near by and was helped to bed. After a while he fell asleep and friends who had helped him to the room left. Later when they stepped in he was "dead." The deceased was in the saloon business at Dodge Center where he resided but in the spring election Dodge Center voted dry and since then he was out of employment. For the past few weeks he has been tending bar for Al Wingert at Austin and was in his employ at the time of his death. He at one time operated a saloon in Lyle and had many friends here.

The deceased was born in Norway October 1864 and came to this country about 25 years ago. He first located in Wisconsin and about 15 years ago he came to Minnesota. He leaves a mother and sister in Norway and a widow and three children to mourn his sudden demise. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Moe at the Lutheran church Monday afternoon and interment was made in the Six Mile Grove cemetery.