Harold Johnson death card
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Harold Oscar Johnson passed away at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson October 24th 1908, at 9 o'clock.
Harold was born at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Nine years ago he moved with his parents to the Lyle farm west of the village. Last spring he was very sick and was confirmed while in bed, being too weak to attend the service with his class. He seemed to rally for awhile but never fully regained his strength.
Lilly Adella Holt Arneson was born in Lyle Township Oct. 19, 1900. Her mother died when she was 7 months old. She was then adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arneson, in whose home she was surrounded by Christian influences and grew to womanhood under their loving care and guidance, a devout and true Christian.
Mrs. Adolph Jahr
Funeral Held At
Mona Lutheran
Funeral services for Mrs. Adolph Jahr, 57, who died at the Mitchell County Memorial hospital in Osage Saturday, July 14, were held Tuesday, July 17 at the Mona Lutheran church with the Rev. Stanley Klemsrud officiating.
1888 Mrs. Emma Jahr 1957
Emma Helena Jahr, daughter of Amon and Helga Olson, was born July 4, 1888, in Lyle Township, and passed away on Saturday evening, Sept. 21, 1957, at the age of 69 years, 2 months and 18 days.
She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith in Mona, Iowa, and was a faithful member of the Lyle congregation all her life.
Mrs. Emma Jahr, 69, died Saturday evening at St. Olaf Hospital. She resided at 306 W. Allegheney.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Joe Nockels (Thelma), Charles City, Iowa and Mrs. Roger Huff (Ione), Austin; five sons, Orvis and Glaydon of Austin, Noren of Mankato, Vernon of Long Beach, Calif., and Arthur of Des Moines.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon.
Austin Daily Herald
Mon. Sept. 23, 1957
Mrs. Mary Johnson
Rites Held At Our
Savior's Church
Mrs. John I. Johnson passed away at the St. Olaf hospital Saturday morning, February 2nd, at 12:25 a. m. after an illness of 2 weeks at the age of 82 years, 1 month and 26 days.
She was born in Mitchell County, Iowa December 7, 1869 to Erick and Gertrude Erickson and was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. She attended the Drown school in Mitchell County.
Miss Matilda Johnson, daughter of Martin and Bertha Nesset Johnson, was born Aug. 23, 1874 on a farm in Otranto Township.
She passed away Jan. 5, 1950 after a short illness at the age of 75 years, four months and 13 days.
She was baptized by Pastor Johan Olsen and confirmed by Pastor J M Eggen at the Mona Lutheran church. For the past 38 years she has been at Independence, Ia.
Miss Matilda Johnson, daughter of Martin and Bertha Nesset Johnson, was born August 23, 1874, on a farm in Otranto township. She passed away January 5, 1950, after a short illness at the age of 75 years, four months and 13 days.
She was baptized by Pastor Johan Olsen and confirmed by Pastor J. M. Eggen at the Mona Lutheran church. For the past 38 years she has been at Independence, Iowa.
George N. Jahr, son of Nels and Gena Jahr, was born December 21st 1883 at Mona, Iowa, and passed away at St. Olaf Hospital at Austin Minnesota, at 6:15 December 21st on the morning of his 57th birthday.
On January 29th, 1912 he was united in marriage to Emma Olson of Lyle, Minnesota. This union was blessed with eight children; one son Omar; having preceded him in death in 1928. He leaves besides his wife Orvis of Austin, Thelma (Mrs. Nockels) of Hampton, Iowa; Glaydon, Noren, Vernon Arthur and Ione at home and one grandson Richard Jahr.
Many Attend Don Johnson's Funeral
Here Tuesday Afternoon
George Jahr, who had not been well for some time, passed from this life. Saturday morning, on the date of his birth. He was able to be about until a few days before his death, when he became very ill, and slipped away after being in a coma for several hours.
His death was a shock to the community as well as the family, which felt the loss most keenly at this holiday season.
Mr. Eberhart Johnson passed away at his home, three miles southwest of Lyle, Saturday noon, of pneumonia at the age of 82 years, 2 months and 10 days.
He had been in good health until two weeks previous when he was taken ill with a cold. He was confined to his bed only five days.
He was born in Grue Solor, Norway December 23, 1855, and was baptized and confirmed at the same place.
Olena Henrietta Thompson daughter of [illegible?] and Annie Thompson, was born near Madison, Wis., March 12, 1863, and passed away in peaceful rest at her home near Lyle, Minn., on March 16, 1936 at the age of 73 years, and three days.
She was the last of six children.
Mr. Ole Holt passed into the Great Beyond last Thursday morning in the hospital in Austin after an extended illness. Mr. Holt has resided in Lyle community for a good many years and the old time friends will miss this kindly gentleman. His funeral services were held in the Mona Church Saturday afternoon. Rev. Loss of Austin officiating.
Interment was made in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Karen Johnson was held Friday afternoon at the Lutheran church, and was largely attended by friends and relatives, who gathered to pay their last respects to one whom they had learned to know as a conscientious Christian woman.
Interment was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery.
(The Lyle Tribune)
Bernt Johnson died at 5:30 Thursday morning, March 21, 1929, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Huldah Erickson, of Lyle, Minn.
Bernt Johnson was born in Solor, Norway, on April 20, 1842. The year 1862 he was united in marriage with Johanna Pederson. They emigrated from Norway to the United States and arrived in Otranto township, Mitchell county, Iowa, in June, 1871.
Omer Avery Jahr passed quietly away at his home in Galena, Illinois Wednesday Sept. 25, last. He was born October 6th, 1912. He was 14 years, 11 months and 22nd, at the time of his death.
He was born in Lyle and resided here until the 9th of June last year when he moved to Galena, Illinois with his parents. Omar was baptized, confirmed in the Norwegian Lutheran church which he attended while living here. He attended the Lyle public school until he was compelled due to illness to discontinue his school work.
Miss Eva Johnson passed away at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnson living just south of the fair grounds, Saturday. She was born in Lyle township January 18th 1903. She worked for a time in the Berg store and last fall she began teaching in the Minnereka district where she taught until three weeks ago when she was compelled to give up her work and go home.
Mrs. Eberhart Johnson, who has had heart trouble for some time, passed away rather suddenly, Saturday morning, at her home about three miles southwest of Lyle, where the family has resided the past 39 years.
Mrs. Maren Johnson was born in Bergen, Norway on April 15, 1866 and passed away at the hospital at Albert Lea, Minn at 11:50 p. m. May 12, 1925.
Chris Johnson,
Born, Dec. 19, 1856.
Died, Oct. 5, 1922.
Obituary of Mrs. Johnson. (Berthea)
Mrs. Martin Johnson Nesset died at her home five miles North of St. Ansgar at four o'clock, Saturday afternoon, December 17, 1910, of dropsy after an illness of five months. The shock of the sudden death of her granddaughter, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Hanson last May seemed to bring on the sickness that caused her death. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Esser, at the Norwegian Lutheran church at Mona, Wednesday, December, 21, and her remains were laid to rest in the Pleasant Hill cemetery.
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