New school house in Nevada
-NEW SCHOOL HOUSE.- In District No. 9,
-NEW SCHOOL HOUSE.- In District No. 9,
-SUICIDE BY HANGING.- Last Saturday night, Andrew U. Peterson, hung himself to a tree on his farm, 3 miles east of Lyle village, in Nevada township.
There seems to be no rational cause assigned for the act, as Peterson was well-to-do, and his family relations were always pleasant. He had recently sold his farm, and was to give possession in a few days. It is said he regretted the sale, and that he had to leave the old farm worked upon his mind. This fact, together with intemperate drinking, are the only causes assigned for the act.
A long life well spent is what might be said of the life of Mrs. Sarah Jacobson. She was one of the oldest residents of this community at the time of her death, having spent seventy-five years of her life in this part of the country.
Mary Jacobson, daughter of Andreas Anderson and Christiana Hanson, was born in Oster, Toten Norway, May 30, 1851. She came the United States with her parents when two years old, and settled in Nevada Township. She was confirmed at St. Ansgar, by Rev. Clausen. In 1868 she was married to Jacob Jacobson, by Rev. Clausen. They homesteaded in Nevada Township, where they continued to reside.
Mr. Jacobson, her husband, died in September, 1916.
The Six Mile Grove Congregation Celebrate 65th Anniversary
Gleanings from Some Addresses Given -- A Feast of Good Things.
Inspiring Music for the Three Days was Rendered by A Large Choir Under the Able Leadership of Rev. John M. Eggen who Also Favored the Audience With A Number of Excellent Solos.
Old Settler Gone
Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson's only child died last Sunday night and was buried in the Mona cemetery, Tuesday.
Guldbran Torsten Morstad, one of the oldest settlers of the county passed away at the home of his son. Torsten, in Nevada Township last Friday Oct. 6th. Besides being an old resident of the county, he was, at the time of his death conceded to be the oldest person living in this section, having commenced the last year before reaching the century mark. Until a few days before his death he was able to be about the place in his usual health, and retained his faculties remarkably well.
Simon Nelson passed away at the St. Olaf Hospital at Austin.
Guttrom Aslackson, an old respected citizen of this country, passed away at his home in Nevada Saturday after an illness of a couple of weeks. He came here in the spring of 1870 and has since lived here.
Mrs. Julia Enerson, who has been making her home with her children, Mrs. A. P. Martin and Sam Enerson, since her husband died 36 years ago, passed away at the A. P. Martin home Thursday morning at 11:40.
For several years, she has been deprived of her faculties of hearing and sight and has been more or less an invalid. She was one of the early settlers of this county, having lived in Nevada Township since 1857.
Mrs. Julia O. Nelson passed away at the home of her son N. O. Nelson 3 miles west of Lyle Friday Feb. 12th.
The deceased was born in Norway 86 years ago and was at the time of her death 86 years 5 months and 2 days old. She leaves a son with whom she has been making her home and one daughter Mrs. Thor Hermanson of this vicinity.
Orrin H. Brown, another one of the brave old soldiers, passed away at his home in Austin Tuesday afternoon after a long and lingering illness.
The deceased was born at St. Johnsville, N. Y., on August 19, 1841. At the call to arms during the civil war, he insisted and served for three years. He came west in 1866 and settled in Nevada township and later moved to Lyle township, about a mile and a half north of the village, where he lived for many years. Later he moved to Austin where he lived until his death. He was well liked and held many positions of trust.
Osmund T. Ostenson, who has been ailing for some time, died Sunday at his home six miles northeast of Lyle. Ever since he had the flu last year he has not been in good health, but it was hoped that he would be spared to enjoy life many years in the community where he had lived since he was born and where he was so highly respected as an upright citizen. The many kind and sympathetic words that have been spoken regarding the deceased is an indication of the high esteem in which he was held in the community.
Obituary- Enerson
Even Eneron was born in Nevada township, Mower county, October 15, 1864. He has always been in this community, living with his mother in childhood days and at the home of his brother, Tom, the last thirty-nine years. Deceased has never had good health, but his willingness has made him an honest and faithful laborer, until about five weeks ago when he was confined to his bed and gradually wasted away. The end came peacefully last Wednesday day afternoon, about 2:15.
Theo. T. Austinson, who has been at the Thomas Hospital, Minneapolis since last Dec. 25th, passed away and his parents brought the remains home, Saturday, for interment in the family lot at Six Mile Grove cemetery.
Theodore had never been very strong, and when a child was not expected to live for some time, yet he reached the age of 32 years. He was born on the home farm in Nevada Township May 26, 1886. Last September he was taken quite ill, and 3 months later went to the hospital in Minneapolis, hoping to get relief from that dread disease tuberculosis.
Gunder Austinson who has been ailing for some time passed away at his home two miles northeast of Lyle Monday.
He came to America about 47 years ago and most of that time his lived in this vicinity. In 1865 he was married to Helga Amundson who with one son, Theodore, survive him. The deceased was born in Telemarken Norway, April 30th, 1841 and until 26 years of age made his native land his home.
Mrs. O T Richardson Died
The Same Pall Bearers That Carried Her
Husband to His Last Resting Place
Last December.
Weep not, that her toils are over,
Weep not that her race is run.
God grant, we may rest as calmly
When our work, like hers, is done.
Till then, we yield with gladness,
Our mother, to Him, to keep,
And rejoice in the sweet assurance
He giveth His loved one sleep.
T. Guttormson was born in Thellemar Riu, Norway June 28th 1826 and died at his home northeast of Lyle January 23 1913, age 86 years 6 mo, and 25 days. He was the youngest of 5 children all of whom has gone before him in eternity. His father died when he was a child, and an aunt took care of him and taught him to read. He was baptised in the Lutheran church as an infant and confirmed by Rev Wettergren at the age of 15.
Broke His Neck
Hans Olson Fell From His
Wagon While Hauling
Grain to Lyle, and
Died Suddenly.
Mrs. R. D. Gregg passed away at her home Saturday morning, July 11, 1908, of apprendicitis and peritonitis. She was 36 years of age and had been ill only a short time. Alta M. Bisbee was the daughter of Mrs. Helen Bisbee of this village.
The remains of the late Mrs. Lewis Leverson of Leeds, N. D., whose death was reported in last weeks issue of the Tribune, were brought to Lyle last Thursday and interment was made in the Six Mile Grove cemetery.
Sophia Meyer was born in Nevada Township in Feb. of 1878 and died at her home at Leeds, N. D., Dec. 11. On Dec. 27, 1902 she was married to Lewis Leverson, who survives her. She also leaves one sister and four brothers besides her parents to mourn her loss.
It again becomes our duty to chronicle the death of one who has been near and dear to many in this community, and who succumbed to the terrible disease of typhoid fever, after a brave struggle of several weeks. The end came last Saturday night, at Leeds, N. D. and the sad message was sent to relatives here. Only the night before she had rallied and the word that there was new hope of her recovery was joyfully received, but it was only to be followed by another that life was no more.
Sever P. Nordess, who has been confined to his home since the 20th of December died, Thursday, afternoon at 2 o'clock. The deceased has been a sufferer with Bright's disease for many years but has borne his suffering with patience unto the end. Mr. Nordess was born in Norway the 25th days of June 1828 and came to the country about fifty years ago. He settled in Wisconsin where he made his home for two years when he came to Minnesota and located on a farm in Nevada township. He lived there until last summer when he moved to this village.
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