Old Settler Gone - Ole Richardson obituary
Old Settler Gone
Even as the winter winds sweep the few remaining leaves from the barren trees, so the great reaper with tireless energy calls, one by one, from our midst those who have spent the greater part of their lives in their section. Their early years were times of toil and hardship yet as they recount their experiences to the younger generations their faces glow with happiness and pleasure and the early days seem to be the brightest of their lives. Some of these early settlers, came to this country while the red man was still at home on Minnesota prairies, and unmolested sat around his cherry camp fire and paddled his bark canoe near Minnehaha's laughing water.
Among these early settlers in Mower county was the Richardson family who came here from Dane County, Wisconsin in 1854 with two pair of oxens and two wagons, one of which had been made by the pioneer.
On arriving in Mower County they built a log house on section 29, and besides being a home for the family this house became the educational and religious center, of the community in the early day. One of these new settlers, then a lad of 7 years, was Ole T Richardson, who on Monday was called from the home which had been his for years to the everlasting abode.
Ole T. Richardson was born in TeleMarken, Norway Nov. 15- 1846 and died Dec. 9th, 1912, at the age of 66 years and 24 days. He came to America with his parents at the age of 3 years and the family settled in Dane County Wis., where they lived until 1854, and then removed to Mower County. In 1866, Ole T. Richardson was married to Petrina Hanson, who with nine children survives him. They are Mrs. O. A. Bjork and Theo. Richardson both of White Rock, S. Dak., Mrs. O. R. Mycklejord of London Mrs. A. Halvorson of Nevada Mrs. Carl Springer of Lyle, and Hans, Gustave Geroge and Della, at home. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. A. O. Flaten of Nevada Twp. Mr. Richardson was loyal to the early religious teaching, and has been a life long member of the Lutheran church, and his death marks the passing of the last survivor of those present at the dedicatory service of the Six Mile Grove church, where he attended devine services since its erection in 1867. Deceased suffered several strokes of paralysis, which were the cause of his death but through all the days of sickness was a patient sufferer, and the following lines have been quoted in honor of his memory.
Through all pain, at times he'd smile,
A smile of heavenly birth,
And when the angles called him home
He smiled farewell to earth,
Heaven retaineth now our treasure,
Earth the lonely casket keeps,
And the sunbeams love to linger
Where our sainted father sleeps.
The remains were laid to rest in
the church cemetery, the funeral
service being conducted by Rev. Esser.