
Henry Dutte obituary


Died Saturday April 3, 1897. Mr. Henry Dutte senior at the home of his son-in-law Wm. Berndt aged 79 years. The deceased was a brother of John Dutte of this town, and he was the father-in-law of our townsmen Henry Toeter, and Henry Schroeder. The was buried in the Lutheran cemetery last Tuesday.

Death of Anton Arneson.


Death of Anton Arneson.

After an illness of a little over a year, Anton Arneson died last Friday night at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Arenson, two miles east of town. He was quite well known to the people of this vicinity having lived in this locality nearly all his life, with the exception of three years that he resided at Brown's Valley, Minn.

Katie Einsfeld Small obituary



Mrs. Adam Small, who has been ill the past ten days, passed away at her home in Lyle, Tuesday morning at nine o'clock. The deceased had not been well for some time, but it was not until recently that her case was considered at all serious.

The funeral will be held, Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Katie Einsfeld-Small, was born in Mines Germany on the 13th day of February in the year 1855. When a girl of 16 years she came to America with her parents and settled in Mitchell county, in Union Township.

Theodore Thompson died


Theodore Thompson, one of Mitchell county's oldest citizens passed away at his home in Mona, Tuesday morning at 1:00 o'clock after an illness of five weeks, at the age of about 71 years.

When a lad of about two years, he came to Mitchell county with his parents, from Illinois where he was born on June 14, 1852. He leaves besides his wife 8 children, two sisters and a host of friends and neighbors who will greatly miss him. He was of a jovial disposition, always cheerful and to know him was to be his friend.

Mrs. Schumacher Died Friday



Mrs. Margurete Schumacher passed away at the home of her son, George Schumacher, last Friday after a short illness. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weichman and was born in Wisconsin in June, 1853. Her husband, John Schumascher passed away Nov. 1, 1913 at the same age as his wife, who survived him for 9 years. The family resided at St. Charles for a couple years and in 1877 came to this locality to reside.

OBITUARY - Mrs. Andrew Stiley.



Mrs. Andrew Stiley.

The best lives are not always measured by length of years, but rather by the service rendered in the home and out in the broader fellowship of mankind.

Such is especially true of the subject of this sketch, whose years were just a little less than two score and six; but they were years filled with service to loved ones and neighbors.

Gunhild Sola obituary



Gunhild Marie Sola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peder O. Sola, of Freeborn County, Minn., passed away at the home of her parents July 12th., at 2:30 P. M., after a long illness. She was born May 10th, 1893, was baptized the same year by Rev. L. O. Pederson of Kensett, Ia. In her 15th year, after due instruction in the word of God, she was confirmed in Lutheran faith by Rev. David Stove, March 29, 1908, in the North Deer Creek church.

Gunhild Sola died



Miss Gunhild Sola passed away at the Sola home Tuesday afternoon at about 2 o'clock.

The deceased had been ill for the past year and a half, but not until the past eight weeks had she been considered seriously ill. Death came as a relief from her suffering.

Miss Sola was born May 10th, 1893, and not only the immediate family, but the entire community mourns her death, while yet in the springtime of youth.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon and interment was made in the North Deer Creek cemetery.

Evelyn Tubbs obituary



Mrs. E. L. Tubbs passed away at her home in Freewater, Ore., Friday, March 12, of heart trouble.

Mrs. Evelyn Marie Tubbs was a daughter of William M. Pace and was born at Lyle, Minn., in 1860. She was married to E. L. Tubbs forty-three years ago at Austin, Minn., and moved to Spokane with her husband about thirty years ago. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, five grandsons, one granddaughter and one great-granddaughter, two sisters and two brothers.

R. P. Gibson obituary



Word reached Lyle Tuesday morning that R. P. Gibson, for many years a resident of Lyle, passed away at his home in Duluth Monday evening. The remains will be brought here for burial in Woodbury cemetery. Miss Grace Gibson and brother, Rodger, who have been visiting here departed Tuesday morning on the early train for their home.

Fredrick Dufty obituary


Frederick Swenson Dufty, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dufty passed away at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. [illegible: G?] Swenson Wednesday evening March 26th at 10:30 after an illness of only a couple days, death being caused by pneumonia. Little Frederick had not seemed well for some time, but Monday was taken very sick and a doctor was called immediately.

The deceased was born Sept. 20th 1918, and leaves to mourn his sudden death, a father, mother and one sister. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the Six Mile Grove Church.

Thomas Rochford died


Thomas Rochford, who was well known to the older residents of this community, passed away at his home in Austin Saturday after an illness of several weeks.

The deceased was born in St. George, Canada, April 7, 1856. At the age of ten he moved to Mower county with his parents, where he grew to manhood. For a number of years he followed farming in Lyle township until 1881, when he moved to Austin, where he engaged in the confectionery business a short time.

Guldbran Torsten Morstad obituary



Guldbran Torsten Morstad, one of the oldest settlers of the county passed away at the home of his son. Torsten, in Nevada Township last Friday Oct. 6th. Besides being an old resident of the county, he was, at the time of his death conceded to be the oldest person living in this section, having commenced the last year before reaching the century mark. Until a few days before his death he was able to be about the place in his usual health, and retained his faculties remarkably well.

Capt. Miles M. Trowbridge obituary



Capt. Miles M. Trowbridge, passed away at his late home in Portland, Oregon, July 12th.

He was born in Wisconsin May 22, 1843 where he lived until 1861 when he enlisted in the Wisconsin Infantry. He was seriously injured in the battle of Perryville on October 8, 1862 and was discharged. He remained at home and in the fall of '63 moved with his father to Lyle Minn.

Amund Sundem obituary



Amund Sundem passed away at his home, one mile north of Lyle, Saturday, Oct. 9th. Mr. Sundem reached the old age of 90 years and six months. He was born in Aurdahl, Valders, Norway on the 27th of March, 1825. Came to America in 1855. After having lived at Blue Mount, Wis., for five years he came to Mower County where he purchased a farm on which he lived the greater part of his life.

Richard Glenn Richards obituary


Richard Glenn Richard, who has been suffering for some time with pernicious anemia for nearly a year passed away at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Richard Monday afternoon.

Glenn, as he was called had grown up in this community and had a host of friends. He had never been robust or strong and some time last fall he was taken ill with the disease which finally claimed him. He possessed a kind and sympathetic disposition and thru all his suffering was cheerful and patient.
