
Emma Leidall obituary



This community was shocked and saddened Friday when it became known that Mrs. K. L. Leidall had suffered a fatal stroke of apoplexy. She revived a short time afterward, but soon sank into unconsciousness and passed away, Saturday morning about 6 o'clock. Mrs. Leidall was apparently in good health, and able to care for the home as usual, with no intimation that she was near the border land, until the final summons came.

Hannah Nelson obituary


The death of Mrs. Hannah Nelson occurred Thursday morning at 6:30. She has been in poor health for the past three years, the cause of her death being paralysis and tuberculosis. Deceased was born in Reser. Norway Dec. 8, 1846. She came to this country when 18 years of age and since that time has made her home in this vicinity. She was united in marriage to Christopher Swenson when 20 yrs. of age and, after his death, to Ole Nelson. She leaves two brothers, Chris Meyer of this place and M. D. Meyer of Winans, S. D., a sister, Mrs.

Return B. Foster obituary


Return B. Foster, aged 76 years and 2 months, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of his brother, H. E. Foster, the lumberman, 422 Wabash avenue, after an illness of two years with dropsy of the heart.

The funeral will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the residence. The interment will be at Greenwood.

Wilder Will Be Buried at Lyle


[yet to be transcribed] OCR below

Banker and Manufacturer Dies at Minnetonka Home

Funeral services for Alanson B Wilder, 70, Minneapolis banker and manufacturer who died early Sunday at his Lake Minnetonka home, will be at Scottish Rite temple Wednesday at 10:30 a.m., with interment at Lyle, Minn., where Mr. Wilder was born in 1864.

David West obituary


At his home at Otranto Station, Iowa, Wednesday evening April 6, 1898, of Bright's disease, David West, aged 75 years.

He was born in Stockton, Chatauqua county, New York, four miles northeast of Lake Chatauqua, March 9, 1823. he grew up there, receiving a common school education. He was married about the year 1844 to Miss Harriet Woodworth, a native of the same county. There the three children, Charles L., Jeannette, and James E. were born.

Lewis West obituary

Mr. Lewis West, aged 69 years, died last Wednesday afternoon at Carpenter, Iowa, of Bright's disease. He has been ill for some time.

Mr. West was born in Chatauqua Co. New York. He settled at Otranto on the state line south of this city 32 years ago, and is widely known among the old settlers. He was a member of the Masonic Order, and has $2000 life insurance in the Iowa Masonic Mutual.

Fred E. Wheeler obituary


The remains of Fred E. Wheeler were brought to Lyle Monday by a son, G E Wheeler, from Normal, Ill. for burial in the old Mona cemetery. The Wheeler family, some forty years ago, operated the Wheeler Hotel at Mona, and later at Lyle, and are remembered by the older residents of this community. Rev. Langehough had charge of the burial service.

Donna Rae Hotson obituary



Donna Roe, the little twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Hotson was born Jan. 5th, 1918, and died April 16th, 1919, aged 15 months and 11 days. She leaves to mourn her loss her father, mother, a brother Dale, a sister Wilma, and her little twin brother, Dean Richard. She had been in perfect health, but an attack of heart failure rendered all human aid unavailable, and the suddenness of this sad bereavement has brought a sorrow to the family and the community that only time and faith in the Higher life can heal.

Thomas A. Hotson obituary




In the death of Thomas A. Hotson Mower County loses one of her builders as well as one of her best types of citizen. Kindly and cordial, it was always a pleasure to meet him. Intelligent and well read, his companionship was inspiring. Honest and upright, it is of such as he that the country has great need.

Christian Hildebrand obituary



The remains of the late C. A. Hildebrand were brought to Lyle from Minneapolis last week Friday, and laid to rest in the family lot in Woodbury Cemetery. The funeral was held in the Congregational church, being in charge of Rev. Jackson of Mason City, a former pastor and friend of the family. The services were attended by friends and former as socialites, and as a token of respect the business places were closed during the hour of service.

Plane crash in Chesapeake Bay left mother and son adrift - Mary Lagerquist


Plane crash in Chesapeake Bay left mother and son adrift

OCT 29, 2011 | 3:51 PM

Lanny Ross struggled to push his 78-year-old mother through the surf toward shore.

On a cool, cloudy October afternoon, his two-seater plane had smacked into the Chesapeake Bay, stranding them both amid five-foot waves.

His mother's right eye was swollen shut, her teeth had pierced her bottom lip, and her nose was broken. Miles from land, the sun was setting and they were shivering, when his mother spoke.

Carrie Berge obituary



Mrs. Carrie Berge, daughter of Haggie and Knut Rue, was born in Telemarken, Sept. 7th 1829 and passed away Feb. 15, 1926. She left Norway in 1952 (sic) and came to Wisconsin, and was united in marriage to Havor Berge Dec 26 1852. This union was blessed with seven children: Mrs. Anne Thovson of Lyle, Mrs. Ole Torgeson of Bolivd, Ia., Mrs. August Anderson of Belgrade, Minn., Mrs. M. P. Martin who passed away the 17th of Jun 1925., and one boy who died in infancy.

Julia Thovson obituary


Mrs. Julia Thovson, who passed away Friday May 27th, was buried Tuesday afternoon, May 31st, in the Six Mile Grove Cemetery. The deceased was 86 years and 5 months, and was one of the oldest residents in this community. She is survived by two daughters, Misses Annie and Nettie Thovson, both residing at home.

Annie Thovson obituary



Mrs. Annie Thovson was born in Wisconsin, June 10th, 1853 and died Sept. 3, 1945 in Spokane, Wash. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Chas. Thon, Spokane, Wash; two sisters, Mrs. Mathilda Anderson, Belgrade, Minn., Mrs. Ole Torgerson, Osage, Iowa; ten grandchildren, three great grand children.

Funeral services were conducted at the Six Mile Grove church on Sunday Sept. 9th.

2 Brothers Dead (Oscar and Edwin Thovson)


2 Brothers Dead

A message reached Lyle relatives Sunday that Oscar Theodore Thovsen, who went to Kalispell, Mont., a little over a year ago, accompanied by his brother Edwin, had passed away and that the remains would be sent here for burial.

The deceased was born on the old homestead farm about 5 miles north east of Lyle April 3rd, 1885 and lived here until March 1916. He leaves a mother, three brothers Henry and Albert Thovson of this locality and Edwin of Kalispell, also a sister, Mrs. Emily Thon, of Minot, N. D.

Halvor Thovson obituary


Another one of Mower County's oldest settlers answers to the final roll call. This was the news spread around last Saturday when it was learned that Halvor Thovson had passed away during the nigh after an illness of four days. He had not been in good health the past three years, yet his troubles were not considered serious until the end came. During his long residence in this vicinity, he became well known to everybody and few of the early settlers survive him to tell the story of the early pioneer days and their struggles.

Mrs. Andrew Hanson died


The remains of Mrs. Andrew Hanson, who died in Minneapolis Monday, was brought to Lyle Wednesday afternoon and laid to rest in Six Mile Grove cemetery. Funeral services were held in the Lyle church, conducted by Rev. Waldeland of St. Ansgar.

The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knut Helgeson of this community and leaves besides her husband, parents and other relatives a 10 weeks old child.

Martha Arneson obituary



The funeral of the late Martha Arneson was held from the home Friday afternoon, Rev. Stroaasli and K. H. Valstad having charge. The remains were laid to rest in the family lot in the Grove cemetery, where the last [illegible:?] rites were performed for another of Nevada's early pioneers, who lived and labored here nearly fifty years.

Louise Berg obituary


The funeral of the late Mrs. Rollin Berg was held at the Congregational church, Tuesday afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. Henry Dickman. The remains were laid to rest in Woodbury cemetery. The deceased passed away Saturday at her home in Chas. City. She was ill for some time with cancer of the stomach.

Louise E. Berg was born at Hampton, Ia., Oct. 14, 1885. She is survived by her husband, two sons by a former marriage, her father, one brother and a sister.
