
Edwin Carlson Passes Suddenly

Edwin Carlson
Passes Suddenly

Funeral services were held for Edwin Carlson at Mona Lutheran church on Saturday afternoon, November 3. The Rev. Stanley V. Gjervik officiated and Mrs. Blanche Sola sang "Behold a Host" and "Beautiful Savior." Committal services were held at Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Edwin Benjamin Carlson, the son of Gustav and Olena Carlson, was born on January 21, 1890 in Mitchell County, Iowa. He was baptized and confirmed in the Mona Lutheran church where he had been a lifelong member.

Laura Buringrud obituary


News reached Lyle relatives Sunday that Mrs Laura Blakestad Buringrud passed away at the Iowa City hospital that morning where she was taken following a fall in which a hip and wrist were fractured recently. The funeral was held at Northwood Thursday Jan, 15 at 1:30 and at Mona Lutheran church the same afternoon.

A grandson who is in the service in Germany may fly home for the funeral.

Born Jan. 22, 1878
Died January 11, 1948

Inger Blakestad obituary


Mrs. Inger Blakestad, known to all in Lyle and vicinity as Aunt Inger, passed away suddenly, Tuesday evening, Dec. 30, 1947 about 9 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Hulda Dicklever, where she had an apartment. At the age of 81 yrs. and 3 days she was called to her eternal reward.

Inger Blakestad, whose maiden name was Jacobson, was born in Eker Pariss Norway, Dec. 27, 1866. She emigrated to the U. S., in 1894 and located in Cass County N Dak. There she met Halvor Blakestad, to whom she was married in 1901. Shortly afterward they purchased a farm near Otranto, Iowa.

Edwin Christianson obituary


Edwin Oliver Christianson, son of John and Sorine Christianson was born at Mona, Iowa, October 4, 1891, and passed away at the St. Olaf hospital at Austin Wednesday afternoon, April 2 following a brief illness. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith and was a member of the Mona Lutheran church until moving away from here.

Charlie Carlson obituary


Eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Carlson was born at Garner, Iowa, Hancock County on Aug. 20 1878, and passed peacefully away on Sunday morning March 11th at the age of 66 years, 6 months and 18 days.

At the age of 1 1/2 yrs., he moved with his parents to Mona, Iowa. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith, of which he was a life-long member.

On May 8th, 1901 he was united in marriage to Gunda Johnson of Mona, who preceded him in death on May 16, 1938.

Charley Carlson obituary


The community was shocked and saddened Sunday morning when it became known that Charley Carlson had passed away during the night. He had not been well for some time but no one realized that he was so near his journey's end. Saturday, he was about as usual.

Charles Carlson was born at Garner, Iowa, and passed his 67th birthday last August. His parents moved to Mona when he was a year old and Charlie continued to reside there until his death.

Otto Blakestad obituary



Otto George Blakestad, the only son of Gullick and Ingebor Blakestad, was born August 10th, 1879, on the farm north of Otranto, which his grandfather homesteaded in the spring of 1854 and where Otto lived all his life, and passed away very peacefully on August 24th at the age of 63 years and 14 days.

He was baptized in infancy and when he received the proper instructions he was confirmed in Mona Lutheran church, of which he was a life member.

Karen Blakestad obituary


Blakestad, Karen Raye Lyle Tribune
KAREN ROYE BLAKESTAD December, 27, 1940

Born Oct. 9, 1940
At St. Olaf Hospital
Baptized Nov. 5, 1940
By Rev. O. M. Langehough
She passed away at the home of her parents, Dec. 20, 1940 after a sudden attack of pneumonia.

Funeral services were held at the Norman Blakestad home last Sunday, Dec 22, at 3 P M, Rev. Langehough officiating.

Sorine Christianson obituary

Christianson, Sorine

Sorine Samuelson Christianson was born in Grue, Prestejeld, Solor, Norway, October, 14th, 1860 and after a lingering illness passed away at her home at Mona, Iowa, Sunday October 9th at 2 P. M., having attained the age of 77 years, 11 months and 24 days. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith in her native land and grew to womanhood there.

Gundi Carlson obituary


Mrs. Charley Carlson passed away peacefully at her home at Mona, Iowa, on May 16, 1938 at 9:30 P. M. She was stricken with a heart attack on May 11th, after which she gradually grew weaker and on May 16 she sank into a coma, from which she never rallied.

Mrs. Gundi Johnson Carlson was born July 9th, 1877 at Mona, Ia. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith by Rev. J. Mueller Eggen.

Louis Blakestad obituary


The community was shocked, Monday morning to hear of the sudden death of Louis Blakestad, a pioneer resident of the village. He dropped dead while shoveling snow in front of his residence, Monday morning. He was engaged in the furniture business until a few years ago when he sold his interest to his brother, O. G. Blakestad.

Oline Carlson obituary


The death of Mrs. Carlson, who has been ailing for some time, occurred Sunday. It was not until the past four weeks that she was confined to her bed.

The funeral was held from the home at 1:30 and the Mona church Tuesday afternoon and she was laid to rest in Pleasant Hill cemetery, her six sons being pall bearers. Rev. O. M. Langehough conducted the service.

Mrs. Charles Carlson Buried At Mona Today

Mrs. Charles Carlson Buried at Mona Today

Funeral services were held this afternoon for Mrs. Charles Carlson, age 61, at the Mona Norwegian Lutheran church where she was a member.

Mrs. Charles Carlson, nee Gundie Johnson, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernt Johnson of Mona. Death came suddenly last Monday evening, May 16, following a heart attach. She is survived by her husband and two children. Mrs. Albin Nelson, a daughter, lives at Lyle; Galin Carlson, a son, lives at Minneapolis.

Hold Final Rites for J. O. Christianson


Funeral services for John O. Christianson, 88, were held yesterday afternoon at the Mona Lutheran church, the Rev. O. T. Boe officiating.

Mr. Christianson was born in Norway on May 6, 1861, and he passed away in Mona on Sept. 11.

Burial was at Pleasant Hill cemetery near Mona. Alfred Larson, Larden Halvorson, Chris Nelson, Adolph Jahr, Rudolph Haugland and Peter Nelson were pall bearers.
