
Even Bakke obituary


Knut Bakke received a telephone message, from Austin Monday afternoon, that his brother, Even, had passed away at 5 o'clock, at the hospital, where he had been for the past two years. The deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis, at his home in Fairbault, Minn., March 10, 1907, from which he never recovered, and death came as a relief from his suffering.

Arney Berg obituary


Arney Berg, one of Mower County's old citizens, passed away at his home in Lyle Wednesday afternoon after a lingering illness of six months.

He was born in Solar, Norway, Dec. 7, 1845, and lived there until he was 23 years of age. He came to this country and settled near St. Ansgar. He has lived in the vicinity of Lyle nearly 40 years, and in this village about 6 years.

Besides his wife, he leaves one sister, Mrs. Severson, two daughters, Misses Isabelle and Dora and four sons, Oliver, Henry, Thorval and Oscar.

Gunder Berg obituary



Mr. Gunder G. Berg who passed away suddenly at his home near Mona January 1st, was born in Grue parish, Solor, Norway, the 24th of January, 1861. He was baptized and confirmed in the parish where he was born.

The deceased was an upright man and respected by all who knew him. He found genuine pleasure in supporting liberally the one institution that sheds light on man's pathway through life, the church of God.

Herman Berndt obituary


Herman Berndt, 83, died at 3:30 a.m. today at St. Olaf Hospital.

He resided at 810 9th Ave. SW and is survived by his widow, Minnie; two sons, Arthur and Chester, and two grandchildren of Austin; two brothers, Henry and Julius of Westfield, Wis.

Funeral services will be held Friday morning.

BERNDT- Funeral services for Herman Berndt, 810 9th Ave. SW, will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at the Mayer Funeral Home, Rev. M. E. Hauge officiating. Interment will be at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Mona, Iowa.

Martha Barclay obituary


Mrs. Martha Barclay, 80, died early this morning at the Miller Rest Home, Lansing.

She is survived by one daughter Mrs. Alfred Peterson, Austin, and three sons, Earl, Minneapolis, and Emmanuel and Alvin, Austin.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday.

Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Barclay will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Jordan Chapel, the Rev. Cecil Siefkes officiating. Interment will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Mona, Iowa.

Last Rites For Theodore Bagstad Thursday, July 9

Last Rites For
Theodore Bagstad
Thursday, July 9

Theodore Bagstad was born December 14th, 1861 in Opsal Hedemarken, Norway. When twelve years of age, he came to this country with his parents and settled in Six-Mile Grove, where he grew to manhood, attending the Red Star School house. Oct. 24, 1886, he was united in marriage to Martha Finkelson. Oct. 24, 1936, they celebrated their Golden Wedding and in 1946 their sixtieth anniversary. He was preceded in death by his wife on Oct. 13, 1947. He leaves to mourn his death numerous nieces and nephews.

Frank Barclay obituary


Frank Edward Barclay, 82, died Thursday at City Hospital in Red Wing. He resided on Austin Rt. 4.

Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon.

Funeral services for Frank Edward Barclay, Austin Rt. 4, will be held at 2 p. m. Monday at the Jordan Chapel, Rev. Cecil Seifkes officiating. Interment will be at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Mona, Ia.

Edward Bjork obituary


Thursday morning last week news spread rapidly about the village that Ed Bjork had passed away during the night. He had been in his usual health and it was a shock to his immediate family and friends.

Edward J Bjork was born May 20, 1870 in Mitchell county, Iowa, the son of Andrew and Christena Bjork. He was baptized in infancy and confirmed at the age of 15 in the Mona Lutheran church.

Martha Bagstad obituary


Mrs. T Bagstad, who had been in failing health the past year passed away at 10 o'clock, Monday evening.

On Oct. 24th, 1946, she and Mr. Bagstad celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, an event which she looked forward to with pleasure. She attended to her household duties as long as her strength made it possible, but of late other and willing hands have cared for her as life slowly ebbed from the frail body.

Mrs. Bagstad was hospitality itself and she made everyone welcome. The community will not be the same without her.

Martha Bagstad obituary

The funeral of Mrs. T A Bagstad was held Friday at the Lyle Lutheran church, and was well attended. Interment was in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rev. Torvik had charge of the service, and was assisted by Rev. O C Myhre of Windam, a former pastor of the deceased, while the Bagstad's resided at Adams. The latter spoke particularly of the Christian faith and the generosity of Mrs. Bagstad, and of her neighborly kindness.

The Jewish Mission and the W C T U served lunch to the family, the pallbearers and friends from away after the grave side service.

Martha Bagstad obituary


Martha Finkelson was born in Adams Township Feb. 4th, 1867. Later that year she was baptized by Pastor Olson, and after some years was confirmed by Pastor Eggen.

On October 24th 1886 she was married to Theo. Bagstad, and the following year they moved to a farm east of Austin.

During these years she grew in her faith and love for her Master, Jesus Christ, and the assurance of her salvation became more real to her.

Lena Arneson obituary


Lena Arneson, daughter of Martin and Olea Larson was born May 18, 1864, on the Atlantic Ocean, and passed peacefully away April 22nd, at the St Olaf hospital at Austin. Had she lived until the 18th of May she would have been 74 years old.

In the year 1885 she was united in marriage to Theo Arneson. They settled on the farm two miles south west of Mona, where they resided till in 1931, when Mrs Arneson moved to Mona.

Mr. Arneson preceded her in death 10 years ago. Two children were mothered in her home.

Robert Bjork obituary


Relatives and friends of Richard Bjork were greatly shocked, Saturday afternoon when the message came from Austin, announcing that Richard had been injured. It was later learned that he had been shot. He lived only a short time.

The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended.

Albert Richard Bjork was born at Lyle, Minn., May 22, 1905. He was baptized by the Rev. Dedrickson and confirmed by Rev. Stroaasli.

Robert Bjork obituary


JUNE 30, 1934
(Albert) Richard Bjork passed away on June 30 here in Austin, the victim of accidental shooting.

Robert Richard Bjork was born at Lyle May 22, 1905 and had lived there since with his parents. He attended Lyle Public Schools and then went to receive his high school training there.

Besides his parents he leaves 3 brothers, Edward, Herbert and Allan and one sister, Lucille.

Funeral services were held July 2 and Rev. Langehough took charge of the service and burial was made in the Pleasant Hill cemetery at Mona.

Theodore Arneson obituary


Theodore Arneson was born Oct. 30, 1854 in Solor, Norway, and emigrated to America in 1882. He made his home with Mr. Martin Hanson, south of Mona the first three years. He was united in marriage to Miss Lena Larson in 1885. They settled on the Arneson farm where he resided until his death, Jan. 23. Mr. Arneson had always been in good health, until about two weeks before his death, but appeared as well as usual until the evening when he was taken suddenly ill, and died.

Annie Bagstad obituary

Annie Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anderson was born in Sagn, Norway, Nov. 7, 1855. She with her parents came to the United States when 4 years of age. They settled at Madison, Wis. Later they moved to Adams, Minn., where she grew to womanhood. November 20th, 1880 she was married to Andrew Bagstad. To this union were born four children: Lena and Alice who died in childhood, Mrs. Heny Larson of Osage, Ia. and Mrs. Henry Olswold of Lyle. She also leaves six grandchildren, two brothers and one sister, Andrew Anderson of North Dakota, Erick Anderson of Lyle and Mrs.

Halvor Blakestad obituary


Halvor O. Blakestad was born in Otranto Township, Mitchell County, Iowa Jan. 17th, 1864, and died after a lingering illness May 21 at 11:15 A. M. Thus he reached the age of 60 years, four months and four days. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Blakestad, who came here from Norway, when they were but children. They were among the first settlers in Otranto Township.

The departed made his home here also after he grew up, except a few years when the lived in N. Dak.

Funeral Services Were Held In Lyle For Opal Berg At Our Savior's Lutheran

Funeral Services Were Held In Lyle For Opal Berg At Our Savior's Lutheran

Funeral services for Opal Berg, 76, of Lyle, Minnesota, who died March 28 at St. Mark's Lutheran Home in Austin, Minnesota, were held Monday, April 1 at Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Lyle with the Rev. Harold Luecke officiating.

Mrs. G. G. Berg, Mona Resident, Dies Saturday

Mrs. G. G. Berg, Mona Resident, Dies Saturday

Mrs. G. G. Berg, residing near Mona, died Saturday, Dec. 13, following a stroke Friday. She was born Aug. 8, 1872, in Mitchell county, and had resided here since her birth. Her husband, Gunder Berg, passed away seven years ago.

She is survived by eight children, Mrs. Mabel Tieman, Mrs. Helga Larson, Mrs. Bessie Duenow, Mrs. Dora Carlson, Blanche, Lloyd, Lee and Rueben, all of whom reside in the community, and were present at her bedside when the summons came.
