
John Halvorson closing sale

Closing Sale, at Cost, of a Large
and Well-selected Stock of
General Merchandise,
at Lyle, Minn.

Having determined to quit business, I offer my entire stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Crockery, Glassware, &c., at cost, for cash.

This is no advertising dodge, but a bona-fide closing sale, as 1 can readily convince any one that will take the trouble to examine my goods and prices.

Lyle is a village of no mean pretensions

A recent visit to Lyle convinces us that it is a village of no mean pretensions. Aside from the fact that it has a municipal organization and a local government of its own, there is much in the character of its business and in the intelligence of its people to convey the ida that it has a substantial foundation for business property. Nearly every department of ordinary-unless it be that of saloon-keeping-seems to be overdone.

Bassett, Huntting & Co. to build elevator in Lyle

Major Van Valkenburg, formerly an esteemed citizen but now of La Crosse, made us a call this morning. From him we learned that the firm of Bassett, Huntting & Col, and Van Valkenburg, are already building an elevator at Van Station, four miles south of this city, --that they have the material for another on the ground at Lyle, and that a third one will be built here as soon as suitable grounds for the location can be obtained.

Over 1,000 people gather in Lyle


LYLE, June 21st, 1871.
Editor Mower County Register:

Herewith I send you the first edition of Lyle items for that splendid Potter Power Press:

Have had just enough rain in this vicinity, and crops look splendidly. Business in town is lively. Our gentlemanly station agent manages railroad matters correctly and with "large order," compels even his mountains of freight to assume forms of beauty.

Illinois Central Railway Time-Table

Illinois Central Railway.

Dubuque, daily, at 7:30 P. M. and 7:15 A. M.
Waterloo, 1:05 A. M. 12:45 P. M.
ex. Mondays, ex. Sundays.
Charles City, 4:25 A. M. 4:30 P. M.
Osage, 5:40 A. M. 6.:00 P. M.
West Mitchell, 5:54 A. M. 6:20 P. M.
St. Ansgar, 6:17 A. M. 6:45 P. M.
Arrive at Mona, 6:45 A. M. 7:15 P. M.
" " Lyle, 12:00 M.
" " AUSTIN, 12:45 P. M.


Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Time Table.

Mil. & St. Paul R. R. Time Table.



[illegible: ?]55 p.m., 4:55 a.m. Lansing, 12:51 p.m., 11:25 p.m.
2:45 p.m., 4:40 a.m. Ramsey, 1:01 p.m., 11:49 p.m.
2:30 p.m., 4:25 a.m. Austin, 1:10 p.m., 11:55 p.m.
2:10 p.m. R Creek. 1:37 p.m.
1:55 p.m. Adams, 1:55 p.m.
1:41 p.m. Belleview. 2:09 p.m.
1:25 p.m. LeRoy. 2:25 p.m.


Preacher at Lyle Station

FROM MINNEREKA.-- By private letter from Minnereka, we learn that Rev. A. G. Ruliffson, of Minneapolis, will preach in the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad depot at Lyle station, next Sunday, the 24th inst., at 10 o'clock, a.m., also that showers are nightly descending, man and beast rejoicing, potato bus flying, corn strutting, wheat filling, farmers hoping, railroads extending, and real estate advancing.

Our new city of Lyle is still excited and lively as ever

A short note from wide-awake Potter, dated Minnereka, June 6th, gives us the following items:

"Our new city of Lyle is still excited, and lively as ever, and Mona, one mile south, is not much behind.

"Wheat pours in in a continuous stream, cutting up our nice smooth roads terribly.

"Rev. H. I. Parker has consented to preach to us two weeks from yesterday, at 3 o'clock p.m., in the Ill. Central R. R. Depot, one mile south of 'Lyle City.'"
