Over 1,000 people gather in Lyle

Article Type: 
Publication Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 1871
Publication Date Is Approx: 


LYLE, June 21st, 1871.
Editor Mower County Register:

Herewith I send you the first edition of Lyle items for that splendid Potter Power Press:

Have had just enough rain in this vicinity, and crops look splendidly. Business in town is lively. Our gentlemanly station agent manages railroad matters correctly and with "large order," compels even his mountains of freight to assume forms of beauty.

W. H. Culton, Esq., produce dealer and lumber merchant, who keeps the tidiest warehouse and lumber yard in Mower county, has broken ground for a fine residence on the corner of Grove and Second streets.

About one thousand people were in town yesterday-the first crowd over gathered in Lyle. Some came to see Mons. Price cross First street on a wire suspension bridge, some to see Hon. Harlan W. Page and family off on the Illinois Central train for the East; many came to see the crowd, and one, at least, to see the ladies; but the large majority evidently came to trade at our cheap stores.

Following the mail from the cars we soon found ourself in a broad current of what one came to see, and "accepting the situation" soon fetched up at the P. O., in the well-filled store of Irgens & Halverson. Eastern papers secured, we essayed a retreat, but the "fair" tide was flowing us-ward and goods-ward, and we were obliged to see egress through a side door or be sold. Reaching First street again by side alley, we made a feint to rejoin our friends at the depot, but lo! the main tide was sweeping centrawirse, between which we tried in vain to steer.

Recovering from our "feint," we found our bark safely moored under the gaily lettered windows of the dry goods palace of our merchant prince, C. H. Cole. Looking in we espied Charlie up to his eyes in his element, to-wit: Merchandise and a freshet of lady customers. While awaiting, in a semi-trance delusion, the tides ebbing, we described an eddy whirring in the direction of a new drug store, and heard-or fancied we heard-the hiss and whiz of a soda fountain therein; but we could not get there, and whether or not our yearling town boasts a nice side fountain to balance her billiard saloon, will have to be an item for the next communication form.


P.S.- 10 A. M.- A gentle rain has set in which can do no further damage than keeping us away from a select strawberry festival this P. M.