A Postmaster for Lyle, Minn.
Swept By A Hailstorm
Country Around Lyle, Minn,. Suffers Great Damage.
By Wire From Lyle, Minn., June 8.
One of the most destructive hailstorms that has ever visited this region passed over the country east of here last night. It was accompanied by a small tornado, and much damage was done to the growing crops. Windows were broken for miles around.
Postal and Other Matters.
Washington, D.C., March 17.- [Special.]
Railroad postoffice service has been established on the line of the Illinois Central railroad between Lyle, Minn., and Waterloo, Iowa.
Service formerly performed by Minneapolis, Hayfield and Waterloo railroad postoffice, which has been changed to end at Mason City, Iowa.
State Homeopathic Medical Society. Annual Meeting Yesterday in Minneapolis.
The fourth annual meeting of the Minnesota Homeopathic Institute met at Pomeroy's Hall at 2 p.m. yesterday. The following are the names of delegates present: Drs. Williams, Alley, Wedelstraedt, and Weigman, St. Paul; Drs. Leonard, Goodwin, Huntington and DeWitt, Minneapolis; Drs. Lathrop and Skeels, Northfield; Dr. Wheat, Austin; Dr. Higbee, Red Wing; Dr. Cooley, Faribault; Dr. Sillman, Hudson, Wis; Dr. Turner, Lyle, Minn; Drs. Donberg, and Cosner, Mankato; Dr. Webber, St. Cloud; Dr. Whiteman, Anoka.
J.D.Converse, a very enterprising young man, editor of the Lyle Mirror, is among the new comers of this city. He moved here May 1, 1889, and commenced the publication of his paper; a wide-awake and good Republican, in every way worthy of success.
J.J. While, the popular landlord of the railroad eating house, is one of the most jovial landlords found on the line; is a crank on the subject of building railroads, and entertains his guest with that same chestnut. He is a good fellow and a great joker, liked by all.
Lyle and Riceville are about the only towns in this part of the State that are enjoying booms at present. Town lots in both places are said to command fancy prices- that is to say fancy prices are being asked for them. Riceville will doubtless develop, during the next two years into a country town of from three hundred to four hundred inhabitants. Lyle is a sort of an unknown quantity. It is hard matter to form an estimate on how many new saloons will be opened in the old slough during the coming summer.
We made a flying visit up to Lyle the other day (this is strictly confidential) to see what was going on in that somewhat notorious burg. About the only improvements we noticed were those made by the railroad company. The new depot is nearly completed and is a better one than is usually erected in a small town. The round house, of eight stalls, will soon be completed and we were informed that the contract had been awarded for building fourteen additional stalls as soon as spring opened.
Particulars About Tragic Accident.
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