Dr. C. O. Peterson obituary
Particulars About Tragic Accident.
The remains of Dr. C. O. Peterson were brought here from Cottonwood, Minn., Friday where he met a tragic death by drowning. After two days search for the body it was finally recovered. For nearly three years Mr. Peterson practiced in this vicinity and during that time becomes well known to many of the people, especially throughout the farming community. His square dealings and genial manner made him many friends who feel his sudden death most keenly. Those who knew him best were his best and closest friends. He was kind and considerate and his true manhood was exemplified in every transaction. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Lyle Lutheran church and was one of the largest funerals held here for some time. The interment was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rev. Moe preached the funeral services.
The following account of the death is from the Cottonwood Current of Oct. 29th.
The uncertainty of life was forcibly brought to the minds of the people of this community early Wednesday morning when the tragic news was learned that a canoe accident on Cottonwood lake had cost one young man his life, while another narrowly escaped death in the icy water of the lake.
Dr. C. O. Peterson and Jos. Anderson left their homes shortly before 6 o'clock Wednesday morning to hunt ducks on the lake in a canoe. When they had reached a point somewhere to the east and north of the center of the lake they fired several shots at a flock of ducks passing over to their right, and in their excitement and without a moment's warning the canoe capsized, throwing them into the lake. A struggle to regain the boat followed and both succeeded in reaching it which, although submerged, afforded some assistance to them in keeping their heads above the water until assistance might come. With heavy clothing on they could not hope to swim. Shortly after the shots were heard, Ed Harmening, employed as chore boy on the E. S. Reishus farm near the lake, heard someone cry for help and on going to the lake shore saw the terrible plight of the hunters, floundering in the water, about three hundred yards from shore. He ran to the house and informed Mr. Reishus who called central with instructions to inform someone, anyone, to hurry with a boat to the rescue of two men who were drowning in the lake.
It was about 6:20 and it took some time to inform the people in town at that early hour. Ed. Harmening then tried to swim a horse to the rescue of the men, but on getting about half way the horse refused to go. He returned to shore and whipping the horse in to a gallop, went to the Appelthum home, a half mile east, where he secured a boat and hastened to the rescue. When within about 200 feet of the tragic scene all he could see was two upturned faces on the surface of the water and the next moment one disappeared from view. As he drew up to the spot he recognized the face of Jos. Anderson, who was so near dead from exposure and exhaustion that he could neither speak or make the slightest attempt to assist himself when it come to getting him into the boat. Nothing, however, could be seen of Mr. Peterson, who sank from sight a few moments before.
By this time a boat arrived from town and others from town came by auto but too late to render any assistance other than to attempt to recover the lifeless body of Dr. Peterson.
Joseph Anderson was taken to Reishus home where respiration was restored by a physician and he regained consciousness a couple of hours later. He was brought home about noon Wednesday, and aside from the effects of a severe shock he is apparently as well as ever.
The work of recovering the body of Dr. Peterson was then begun and various methods of search were put into use without avail. The exact spot where he was last seen had not been marked, and at 11 o'clock Wednesday night the work was abandoned. Yesterday morning the search was resumed and the lifeless remains were recovered shortly after six o'clock last evening, the body being dragged to shore by the use of a seine.
Dr. C. O. Peterson came to Cottonwood from Lyle, Minn., in October, 1913. and as he made acquaintances he made as many friends. Through his visits as a veterinarian to the farms in this community, he showed ability in his profession and enjoyed an extensive practice. He established a record for square dealing in his transactions that made him many friends. He was kind genial and accommodating and his untimely death has caused profound sorrow to a host of acquaintances and associates. Especially will his loss be felt in his home and by those to whom he was nearest and dearest. He was married to Louise Larson at Lyle, Minn., Oct. 1913. His untimely death is a severe shock to his wife, who at present is in poor health, and for several weeks has been under the cares of a nurse.
Deceased is survived by his parents, who reside in Lyle, four brothers and two sisters, one of whom was visiting here at the time of her brother's tragic death.
The father and brother of the deceased arrived here yesterday. Burial will be at Lyle, Minn.
Funeral services here will be held at Silo church at four o'clock this afternoon.