Welcome Osborne obituary
We copy the following obituary of an old and respected citizen of this county, from the Transcript.
"At his home in Cedar City, Feb. 28, 1903, of cancer, Welcome Osborn, aged 78 years. He has been in failing health for over two years, and for much of the time has suffered intensely and death came as a sweet relief.
He was born near Montreal, Canada, Jan. 11, 1825, being the oldest son of Isaac and Sarah Osborn. Early left without a father's care, he learned self-dependence and knew from boyhood what hard and constant toil was.
He was married in April, 1849, to Miss Caroline Yates, also a native of Canada. They came to Cedar City in 1856, when there were but three houses in Austin, and experienced all the hardships and deprivations of pioneer life. John Chandler, Alfred Cressey, John Watkins and Caleb Stock came the same year. His mother came with him and always had a home with him until her death four years ago at the ripe old age of 94. In 1864, Mr. Osborn and family moved to their farm in section 14, town of Lyle, near the present Red Star school house and lived there until about eight years ago when on account of advancing years they moved to Cedar City.
He was quite prominent in Lyle town affairs, having been supervisor, treasurer and held other offices. He was for many years a member of the Methodist church, having been converted at Cedar City under Elder Cressey's ministry.
He was upright in his life and bore with great resignation and patience the sufferings and sorrows that came into his lot. Last fall, his son John came from California to take special care of him in his last illness.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. A. Cressey, were held at the residence Monday afternoon. Interment at Cedar City.
The widow and ten children survive: William of Battle Lake, Minn.; John and George E. at home; Stephen of Moscow; Mrs. Melissa Parmenter of Austin; Charles of Marietta, Wash.; Mrs. Edgar Spicer, Carlisle, N. D.; Arad of town of Nevada; Mrs. G. P. Marsh, Reading, Mich.; and Herbert of town of Lyle."