Ronald Radloff obituary
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Lewis B. Sola Funeral Held February 20
Funeral Services for Lewis B. Sola, 89, of Glenville formerly of the Mona area, who died February 17 at the Lutheran Retirement Home in Northwood, were held February 20 at the Worlein Funeral Home in Austin, Minn. with the Rev. Theodore Anderson, pastor of Deer Creek Valley Lutheran church, officiating.
Lewis was born March 28, 1888, son of Pete and Ingeborg Sola in London township. He served in World War 1 and received a Purple Heart award.
Mrs. Sidney Case
Mrs. Sidney Case of London township died at her home Tuesday afternoon last, at 4:30 p.m. Funeral services were held Friday, conducted by Rev. A. J. McFarlane of the Baptist church of this city.
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