Lyle Community Sports and Sorts 1870-1995

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1870 1995

The Lyle Community Sports and Sorts Booklet, represents a community and
Alumni effort in gathering information for this publication.
The concept of this booklet originated in the Lyle Kopper Kettle Cafe, by the
morning coffee group. Sports questions were being asked in this group and
they reluctantly admitted they didn't know everything. Thus the creation of
the Lyle Community Sports and Sorts History Booklet becomes available to
all of you sports enthusiasts. Contributors of this booklet are Charles Ekle,
Tip Taylor, Donald Patterson, Dave Young, Harland Balgeman, John
Moeller, Otto Nelson and Wayne Helgeson.
Realizing sports information was being lost or forgotten, a sports information
research plan was initiated. A communication network was established,
producing a wealth of information and interesting stories. The responses and
cooperation in putting together this booklet has been overwhelming.
We are lacking information, therefore, as you read this booklet, please write
down the additional information and send it to Randy Krulish, 801 Hollerud
Avenue, Lyle, Minnesota 55933.
Lyle sports history coordinators are Randy Krolish, Harold Rohne and Rod

Information and Publication Contributors
Lyle Community Sports and Sorts History
Sports and Sorts Information
Scorebook Closure

The Lyle Community
Sports and Sorts History Booklet
is dedicated to the memory of "Chico" who had
the most influence on
Lyle sports history.
19208 - 1980s
Lloyd "Chico" Olson
Player Manager
Coach Custodian
Chico loved sports and reserved the time
to share his knowledge andfriendship
with so many Lyle Lions.
The Ly le Sports Community

Lavern Austinson Warren Austinson Melvin Rohne
Oris Golberg Duane Enerson Devere Austinson
Glenn Dahl Katherine Howard Bob Nelson
Loren Denisen Shirll Nelson Gary Meyer
Kenneth Meyer Idore Larson Bill Bell
Olaf Golberg Gene Myhre Jerry Fossey
Lorraine Kilgore Harvey Golberg Ron Reuter
Neil Fedson Rod Golberg Marty Olson
Sam Koopal O . C. Huff Ralph Schroeder
Ron Peters Richard Hollerud Charles Truckenmiller
Roger Nelson Harold Rohne Robert Rohne
John Kohnke Lavern Leidall Arleigh Austinson
Stu Skov Kevin Enerson Debbie Golberg
Marsha Sola Rod & Connie Williamson Dan Williamson
Richie Williamson Randy Fett Neal & Sherry Kenyon
Brad Nelson Chet Nelson Carol Ekle
Lloyd "Chico" Olson Bill Haney John Perkins
Randy Krulish Bob Helfritz Russell Sampson
Bill Koopal Tom Knudson Spencer Morgan
B rad Walters Tom Nelson Elroy Penning
Cliff Schroeder Daryl Steinbrink Art Hollerud
Loren SpinIer Kenneth Hollerud Wayne DeBoer
Coach Steve Bauman Coach Mark Buntje Jerry Reuter
Wayne Skov Doug Chaffee Emery Price
David Taylor Derby Olson Eldon Larson
John Fossey Kent Lenz Paul Wilson
Bill Lonergan Donny Carroll Donna Barclay
Wayne Skov

1 870 - 1919
The founding of Lyle in 1 870 created a unique community of hardworking industrious
people, who eagerly established homesteads, built homes, and created a city. In horse and
buggy days, Lyle developed into a progressive business community. A network of families
and neighbors enjoyed social gatherings when work was done.
In 1 876, Lyle celebrated the nation's 1 00th anniversary by building its first public school
which opened in 1877. Railroads established a link with other communities to market
products made in Lyle, transport passengers, and communicate via wireless telegraph.
A strong sports tradition evolved next, generated in the desire to succeed, and the
determination to achieve a new way of life.
In 1 881, the Lyle City Park was developed to later include July 4th celebrations. The city
park added its Walk of Pride in 1 989.
Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1 83 9 in Coopertown, Massachusetts. The
first known organized sport in Lyle was in 1 896 . A baseball team was formed, to begin
organized sports.
In 1 89 1 , another sport was invented by Dr. Jame Naismith in Springfield, Massachusettes.
This game was basketball, which attracted Lyle ladies at the tum of the century. Several
teams were organized due to high interest. An indoor facility was needed to play, so City
Hall was built in 1 906, with the upper floor becoming the gym.
The first 3 0 years of Lyle's history anchored its foundation and developmnt. The
willingness to try new things, and the determination to develop skills with abilities to
perform, were intense. Access to horseshoes provided the game of horseshoe pitching, a
popular family and social gathering event. It has prevailed. Horseshoe pitching was
invented in 1 50 AD. by the Roman Soldiers.
Baseball and basketball teams flourished in the early 1 900's. Athletic coordination was
awkward at first, but skills and techniques in the game made progress through continued
practice and playing games.
1 870 - 1919
Who was the first Mayor of Lyle in 1 870? L.W. Sherman
What year was the first Lyle Public School built? 1 877
Who was the first teacher? S . Anna McCune

When was the second Lyle Public School built without a gym? 1 906 cost $ 1 5,000
When was Lyle's first City Hall built with the second floor used as the community's gym
for events such as basketball? 1 906
Name the baseball players of the Lyle summer baseball team in 1 897.
Albert Ahrens Ted Myhre Mort Kelsey
George Eastlee George Stanley
Julius Fischer Oscar Wilson
The baseball players of the Lyle summer baseball team in 1 905 were:
mens: Gilbert Martin Newell Nelson Alva Gregg
Bert Larson
Cris Larson
George Richardson
Gust Richardson
Name of the Otter Creek basketball team.
ladies: Wilma Evenson
Lulu Gregg
Clara Larson
Florence Meyer
Della Richardson
Cora Swenson
Name the baseball player who was on the 1 905 baseball team as a young player and
continued the spirit of Lyle baseball for 60. years as a player and coach. Alva Gregg
How did the 1 906 independent girls basketball teams divide into three teams?
"CmCKS " - younger players
"PUL LETS" - middle aged players
"HENS" - married players
Name the players that played in City Hall in 1 906.
Bertha Anderson Palma Lee
Ida Anderson Mrs. Miller
Sadie Bisbee
Minnie Brix
Ethel Cobb
Mrs. W.L. Cole
Agnes Cronan
Lulu Eastlee
Lulu Fischer
Mrs. Hanson
Harretta Peterson
Mrs. Art Rockafellow
Mavde Stanley
Josephine Thompson
Millie T ofton
Mrs. A.B . Wilder
Anna Williams

Name the 1 909 Independent Girls Basketball teams and players.
Jasie Ashley
Myrtle Bisbee
Josie Jacobson
Clara Monstad
Cora Nelson
Billina Sampson
Corn Bisbee
Nora Enerson
Cora Lernd
Alma Morstad
Mabel Nelson
Sophia Nelson
Lorimer Nelson; a local businessman whose mother was on the Busters Team. Name her.
Billina Sampson
What local business was he the proprietor of'? Nelson's Texaco
Name the captain of the 1 9 1 7 boys basketball team and the players.
Captain: Jay Mortenson
Players: John Beach
Lester Buthum
Lester Hughes
Robert Grant
Jay Mortenson
Ome Paulmer
Ray Volstad
Who was the 1 95 7 boys basketball captain who married the 1 9 1 7 captain, Jay Mortenson's
daughter, Lois? Richard Hollerud
What Six Mile Grove girls basketball player had perfect attendance at Lyle High School in
1 9 1 2? Hazel Nelson AKA Mrs. Harvey Golberg
Lyle High School has the certificate.
The year of 1 9 1 4 earmarked the entry of Babe Ruth into Major League Baseball. He was
born in 1 895 and at age 1 9 started his major league career as a pitcher. The Babe's first
love was hitting and over the 22 years of his major league career, hit 7 1 4 home runs.
Babe Ruth introduced the long ball hitting tradition in baseball.

Lyle Community Activities
July 4, 1896
1 : 00 pm Afternoon Sports
Horse Racing
Race #1 - Trotting 1st Place $ 1 0.00
2nd Place $ 5 . 00
Race #2 - Running 1st Place $ 1 0. 00
2nd Place $ 5 . 00
*No blooded or mained horses admitted
1 00 Yard Foot Race - All 1st Place $ 3.00
2nd Place $ 2.00
50 Yard Fat Man Race 1 st Place $ 2 . 00
(No less than 200 pounds) 2nd Place $ 1 .00
Wheelbarrow Race $ 2.00
Sack Race $ 2 . 00
Egg Race $ 2 . 00
Barrel Race $ 2 . 00
Hurdle Race - 3 Feet High $ 2 . 00
Bicycle Race Medal 1st Place $ 2 . 00
Medal 2nd Place $ 1 . 00
Greased Pole $ 2 . 00
4:00 pm Baseball Game - Lyle vs Cedar City $20. 00

Culvert Factory.
Later converted to the
Lyle Public School
The first schoolhouse in the vi lIage of Lyle was constructed
in 1873, the same year school District 90 was
organized, formed mostly from the eastern part of District
15, or Minnereka. A 16 x 26 foot school was constructed
on lots 11 and 12 in block 4. The lots were a gift from the
owner. Decks extended around three sides, attached to the
walls with benches for seats. S. Anna McCune, Austin,
was the first teacher.

BASEBAll TEAM 1905 - Back row, left to right: Bert larson, George Richardson, Cris larson, Gilbert Martin, Alva Gregg,
Newell Nelson, Gust Enerson, George Petersen, Gust Richardson; front row: Cora Swenson, Florence Meyer, lulu Gregg,
Wilma Evenson, Della Richardson, Clara larson (Meyer).
1917 Lyle High School Basketball team. Left to right, John Beach,
Orrie Palmer, Jay Mortenson, captain, Ray Volstad, Lester Bothurn,
Robert Grant, coach, and Lester Hughes.

Main street looking north. Before autos came to Lyle. The smoke
stack near the water tower is part of building that housed Lyle's
Power Plant.

Lyle ball team, 1897 or 1898. Top row, left to right, Albert Ahrens,
Doctor of Medicine, St. Paul; Mort Kelsey, retired Great
Northern Railroad conductor, Fargo, N. D.; George Stanley, deceased;
Julius Fischer, deceased. Middle row, Oscar Wilson, the
man wtth mustache; other three were country boys, but could
not be identified. Bottom row, George Eastlee and Ted Myhre,
both deceased.

1909 BUSTERS - Left to right: Mrs. Bartil (Jasie Ashley).
Mrs. Jewett Hofland (Josie Jacobson), Mrs. Kelly (Myrtle
Bisbee), Mrs. Newell Nelson (Billina Suyeson), Mrs. Ben
Myhre (Cora Nelson), Mrs. John Jacobson (Clara Morstad).
'909 BLOOMERS - Mrs. Hvoe (Alma Morstad), Mrs. Elmer
Nelson (Nora Enerson), Mrs. Lawrence Meyer (Sophia
Nelson), Mrs. Anderson (Coru Bisbee), Mrs. Chris Foss
(Cora Lerud), Mrs. Theo Enerson (Mabel Nelson).

1910 Maxwell owned by Frank Beach, cashier at First National
Bank.-With his wife and family, Catherine, John, and Marjorie.
Dr. Peter Torkelson and his red sports Buick car.
This was also one of Lyle's first autos.

1904 Nevada Baseball Team
Back Row: Theodore Enerson, Alfred Ostenson, Gilbert Martin, Lauritz Meyer.
Front Row: Henry Nelson, George Richardson, Oscar Baker, Henry Meyer, A. O . Austinson, Gilbert Nelson.

1 920 - 1 939
Following World War I, the roaring 20's ushered in an exciting era. The Model T and
Model A Ford were the means of transportation.
Baseball and basketball continued to be popular and girls kittenball was introduced. The
gals became fierce competitors and traveled long distances to play other teams.
The oldest person to contribute to this sports history was Oris Golberg, age 93, born in
1 902 . He identified his teammates through pictures and scorebooks. Oris and his
brothers, Harvey and Johnnel, became great baseball players.
The lady who contributed to this sports era was Katherine (Mortenson) Howard, a Lyle
High School graduate of 1 928. She shared some interesting stories about the good old
The 1 93 0 depression years were hard times however, this did not deter the interest in
sports. Sports equipment was scarce so a high value was placed on preserving what they
had available. Bats were a precious item in those days.
The most influential person in Lyle sports started coaching and managing teams in this era,
Lloyd "Chico" Olson. He managed the girls kittenball team which launched his impact on
Lyle sports.
Name the players of the Lyle 1 924 summer baseball team.
Players: Judd Dixon Bill Hunter
Harvey Golberg Dorby Johnson
Johnel Golberg Bill Miller
Oris Golberg L. Ryan
Alva Gregg T. Smith
C. Hanson Ted Unruh
E. Nelson Hecker
Name the top hitters on the 1 926 Lyle summer baseball team .
. 3 49 L. Ryan . 3 10 Harvey Golberg
. 3 1 7 Oris Golberg .285 Alva Gregg
. 3 1 0 Ernest Nelson . 275 Ted Unruh
Other players who played in the years of 1 926, 1 927, and 1 928 were:
Coggins Dugan Baldner
Erikson Gute Cowley
C. Hanson F. Langrock Meigten
Knucklebee C. Olson Munson
M. Nelson Schumel

1 928 - 1 935
Name the Lyle Ladies Kittenball Team of 1 92 8 .
Pitcher: Katherine Mortenson
1 st Base: Erma Kilgore
2nd Base: Margaret Capretz
3 rd Base: Dorothy Dugan
Left Field: Mavis Newling
Center Field: Blanche Gregg
Right Field: Ruth Howard
Shortstop : Margaret Morgan
Lloyd "Chico" Olson
Name the players of the Girls Independent Basketball Team of 1 93 5 .
Center Dorothy Dugan
Guard Sally Dugan
F & G Leone Gordon
Guard Grace Howard
Katherine Howard
Irma Kilgore
The "FAMOUS GAME" - - Lyle vs Albert Lea
3 6 3 1
Lyle emerged the victors after being behind 24 to 20 at halftime. Leading scorers were
Katherine Howard, Irma Kilgore and McKay.
How many points did Katherine Howard score against the Adams Girl's Basketball Team
in 1 927? 42 points
What happen to Leone Gordon following her trip by bobsled to the girls basketball game
in Carpenter, Iowa in 1 928? Her overshoes were frozen on her feet and they cut off the
overshoes so she could play.
Named the 1 93 1 Mens Summer Baseball Team.
Leo Baumgartel Delmer Helfritz
Alan Bjork Galen Martin
Bob Bjork Merle "Mush" Miller
John Bjork Lloyd Olson
Rick Bjork Sydney Olson
Walt Denisen Vic Peterson
Alva Gregg Gamet Richardson
Name the two baseball players who dominated baseball in the 1 93 0's as pitcher and
catcher? pitcher -- Art Rohne and catcher - - Melvin Rohne

Name some of the players who played on the team with Melvin and Art Rohne from 1 93 3
thru 1 93 9 .
DeVere Austinson Ole Lillegard Black Ole
Howard Austinson Clifford Nelson Moses Nelson
Lavern Austinson Rossett Barley Nelson
Leland Nelson Cletus Johnson Charles Hollerud
Glenn Martin Cubby Jacobson Milo Nelson
Otis Jorstad Carl Anderson Clayton Nelson
Gus Jorgenson, manager
Name the captain for the LHS boys basketball team in 1 93 8 . Lavern Austinson
Who were the leading scorers for the 1 93 8 team?
Lavern Austinson Season Record
Merle Heard
Leland Nelson
Wins: 1 5 Losses: 2
Other players for the 1 93 8 team were:
Warren Anderson Thorman Jorgenson
Addison Howard Dean Fossey
GoHeen Johnson Noren Jahr
Darol Fossey
Odin Johnson
Name the baseball pitcher who pitched a no hit /no run game for Lyle High School in
1 938. Lavern Austinson
Who was the outstanding freshman baseball player who played on the varsity team in
1 93 8? Devere Austinson
What team played the last game in the Lyle City Hall? 1 93 8 Boys Basketball Team
What year was the gym built on the Lyle High School? 1 93 8 (currently the cafeteria)
Name the six locations of baseball diamonds in the Lyle area from 1 920's to 1 99 5 .
l. Six Mile Grove (Gary Meyer's current home)
2 . west side of railroad tracks in Lyle
3 . south end of Lyle High School - athletic field
4. north end of Lyle High School - athletic field
5 . four miles east of Lyle, one mile north past the Nevada School
6. Art Rohnes "Field of Dreams" on west banks of Otter Creek

1 930's
Who were the outdoor sportsmen of the Lyle area in the 20's, 3 0's, 40's, 50's and 60's?
The avid hunters and fishermen were:
Harold Denisen Alvin Nelson
N.E. Fedson Johnny Nelson
Leo Hanson Newell Nelson
Jim Krulish Raymond Nelson
Ole Lilegard Herbert Rohne
Melvin Rohne
Roger Skov
Elmer Swanke
Loren Spinler
George Ransom
Name the Lyle pitcher who pitched two no hitters in 1 937. Phil Johnel Golberg
Phil pitched for Lyle, Austin Packers, plus other teams and in the semi-pro
Northern League.
What Six Mile Grove baseball player constructed his "Field of Dreams" by landscaping a
baseball diamond on his farm on the west banks of Otter Creek? Art Rohne
Name the Lyle baseball player who played against Dizzy Dean of the St. Louis Cardinals
in the 1 93 0's. Phil Johnel Golberg
Name the checker players who challenged the "New York Comet" William F. Ryan, a
master checker player, in the 1 93 0's.
O.A. Austinson Wayne Lerud
N.E. Fedson Jay Mortenson
Art Fortun Newell Nelson
Ryan played blindfolded and ten men tied him.
L . G. Ranum
Hubert Rohne

1924 Lyle Baseball Team
Top Row: Harvey Golberg, C. Hanson, Bill Miller. Middle Row: Ted Unruh,
Oris Golberg, Judd Dixon, Alva Gregg, L. Ryan. Front Row: L. Smith , Bill
Hunter, Hecker Nelson, Dorby Johnson , Phil Golberg .
193 1 Lyle Baseball Team
Back Row: Alan Bjork, Vic Peterson, Galen Martin , Delmer Helfritz, Leo
Baumgartel, Garnet Richardson, Mush Miller. Front Row: Walt Denisen,
Lloyd Olson , Sidney Olson , Bob Rick, Alva Gregg, Batboy-Jahr.

1926 Lyle Baseball Team
Back Row: Hecker Nelson , Harvey Golberg, Oris Golberg, Dorby Johnson,
Phil Golberg, P. Eastle; Front Row: Alva Gregg, Judd Dixon , Lee Ryan, C.
Hanson, Ted Unruh.

BRILLIANT GAME FOR 2ND VICTORY Locals Bombine Heavy Hitting
in 5th and 6th
Frames for Runs
Ideal baseball weather coupled with
a brl!llant pitching performance by
Phl! Golberg, aC8 right-hander, gave
Austin fans an enjoyable afternoon
yesterday, esreclaUy when the Packers
came through with a 3 to 0 victory
over the Owatonna Aces for
their second straight in the Southern
Minnesota League campaign.
Hurling a meager 6-hlt exhibition
that found him strikmg out 13 Owatonna
batsmlln, Golberg chalked his
second shutout victory of the season.
His baffling slants forced the Aces
to swing helplessly and only in the
ninth inning because of an error,
did the visitors get past second base.
Golberg's outstand1ng performance
was a duplication of his first appearance
at Faribault and the big
right-handel' yesterday lacked nothin
g in pitching skill.
2 Owatonna Flingers
Two Owatonna flingers stood the
mound duty for the visitors. Erickson.
rangy rif;ht-hander. had the
first shift until he was batted out
of the park in the sixth and Prange.
another right-hander. finished out
the game. Erickson was ticked for
seven bingles, while Prange weathered
his stay without issuing a single
hit. Erickson had three strikeouts
and the latter collect2d one.
It was an all-Austin day. The
locals were making their first appearance
at home and a record attendance
turned out. Flag raising
oeremonies in which the Herala
Newsboy band, boy scouts. city officials
and th club6 took part, preceded
the tegular pme.
AU was peaceful In the old bail
park until the fifth frame when suddenly
the locals exploded and brought
in their first counter that broke up
the heretofore tight, scoreless affair.
Hub Golberg, lanky first sacker, provided
fans with a thrill when he
parked a double out in center 'field,
but he overran second and got
caught at third, when Ekedal plastered
a slow bohble at Pitcher Erickson.
Ekedal was forced at second
ba..o;e when Nordly tG'.mc another
at Erickson and with two dcwn things
looked mighty dark.
It remained fol' "Black" Olson,
fireball third sacker, to put the final
touches on an eventful inning. still
lacking a little wind, when he was
knocked fiat the previous inning by
a charging Owatonnan on the baseline,
Olson shouldered Ills heavY
club, determined then and there to
sock the cover of! the ball. His first
pair of sWihgs started a mild dust
storm and he scowled lplhappily as
he untangled h1m8elf for his final
.. N,' ltit 'be Siild'tfl&.t-".BlaeIt'. OlsOIi. dldn;tqo hIS best. He ilI1 evin 'bettei' . . For On 'the nex t pitch,
&. straight on,e in the -grove. OIson'
swung . . . and. out the ball salleeJ
in right fieltl, a pretty double WhicJ
found .NordlYscafnpering home with
th e opening run. -The wild keY"5toni
sacker got cau,;ht 01f seccnd, however,
and the side retired :
, . MIss Home, plate
They'were oft again In the sixth
w hen bOth Gollierg and Kulawic hit
_mlght drives that just Iil1s6ed clearing
the fences .. PetersOn in-iii Cawleyscareci.
on the hits and Erikso!l
retired . Primge Succeeded In' tyln
down the Packer's efforts and the
frame ended with McDowell, Gol.
berg iild' tkedii Striilded on tne
sack!. c'
, It was in th ninth when Golberg's
Shut Club seemed periled. - The ace
'Packer pitcher, fanned Arndt with
three ballS but the trouble came
. aut when Hub Gofuerg bobbled an
easy rrounder and 1 threw wUd to fiu eovering-: the k. ,
atole .s.ecood, iUld e4v.oced to thli-d
alter Ekedil e &'bruiJ.antcatefi
Bkie'S h1' fly behmd eecohd
b8.Si!. GlIest, &tthig for Hani.inafui,
elouted a single into short right and
Erdmil.n did not attempt to run in.
Prange ended the bBll gme wheh
he fani1ed .
.. at three str8.1ght pltcneiJ
givmg AtistIhtfielr "t:tIild victOry;
.\ The oi 'lcOrre ; "';'--"
",u.tln . .. (, "Ail 'iI 1>0 A
Ollon;' :b. . . . . . .
; 4 1 1 3
f'eteflan. _ "' . .j 1 1 0
awler. rf ......... ....... j * 1 O!
MeDowell. .. - .... ..... . ;'
% 1 .13. 0:
P. Golbe. P ' .. ...... ; 3 1 _ 0 3
Kula .. le-; If 4 .0 . iJ n
B. Go\berir. 1& .. .0; 3: 1. '7 0
Ekedal. 2b . .. .
.'1.'; 2 0 2 1
Nordly. It . . . . 3 0 2 1
=9 7. 27 7
OwllCOltilio AB H PO A
Gu.e. If ....... ; . . 4 o 3 0
jJ, Erdman, rt . . 3 1 0 0
>lenlt.. Ib . .......... . .. .. 3 0 2 0
it. At-ndt, et ...... ....... . 4 1 2 0
W. ,1!:rdmn iI .......... . . 4 .0 1 5
M. Bzoskte, c . \ . 3 " 1
Hammann. 2b . .. .. . . .. . ..:u.2 0 1 1
ErlekBO'n; p . , 1 0 5
leA,. Arndt, rf . 1. 0 0 0
.x:d:3Itzek, 2b . 1. 0 0 0
Pran&. p . . .
. . . 2 0 1 0
ik.!t;;:;-;;;k>J.::c;:,ikLj.;;}4t;,;;,). ., ;,i-,;:::,,,'
First Row L to R Scott Holst Brad Walter Dan Weidiman Carl Turckemiller Mitch Hueman Keith Bridgeman. Row 2 Coach Guthmiller Bra
Stoff Troy Rohne Trent Murphy Tom Haakenson Scott Nelson Mr. Bunjte. Row 3 Vern Bauer Mike Nelson Justin Olsen Donny Swank 0
Williamson Chad Fossey. Row 4 Danny Hanson Jeremy Sampson Marty Johnson Sean Slowinski Scott Rohne Todd Johnson Jeremy Nels,
Row 5 Scott Elis Derek Nelson Allen Elis Joel Nelson Javier Guterez Troy Olson.

,JSQ'lJFJWOLLEYBALL 8 -, (;t:iiiJ-ii2J}-+f;1!:k!i'.li-:-:\':2:i;';,+z;.,<::.: .. .22.:ii1;a.-1<, .,.,i,
., "'." . . - .
. . . . . . . I , .... .. .. _i First row L. to R. Dyan Lastine, Shelly Helgeson. Jenny Felten, Angie Felten, Stephanie Hrabach, Staci Rugg. Back row L to R Coach CindYl
. Hutchinson, Carrie Harrison, Trisha Hutchinson, Colleen Nelson, Danna Lastine, Janelle Nelson, Anna Luecke.
Seniors: Front Anna Luecke. Back L to R Danna Lastine Carrie Harrison.
All Confp.rence; Danna Lastine. Honorable Mention: Carrie Harrison

'A; S Q UJ AD'vBbys 'BA SKETBALL , , ' ;;;; ;!;;'''\f- , ,-_:, '-' -" ' ,
L to R: Coach Todd Cameron, Brad Walter, Todd Johnson, Mark Kenyon, Troy Oleson, Joel Nelson , Dean Chaffee. Joe Spi nier, Javier
Gutterrez, Derek Nelson, Jeff Retterath, Marty Johnson, Scott Rhone, Dan Williamson, Coach Jim Guthmiller.
L to R: Coach Randy Swanhorst, A ngie Felten, Jenny Felten, Carrie Harrison, Patty Scheffel, Trisha Hutchinson, Colleen Nelson,
Danna Lastine, Anna Luecke, Kathy Walter, Coach Steve Baumann.

First row; Coach Bntje. Scond row, L - R; Dyan Lastine, Kathy Walter, Debi Johnson, Janelle Nelson, Patty Scheffel , Colleen
Nelson, Danna Lastme, TrIsha Hutchinson, Anna Luecke, Barb Price, Staci Rugg. Missing- Robin Sheldon.
<6 <3 Baseball
First row, L-R; Brad Walter, Chad Fossey, Dan Williamson, Keith Bridgeman, Trent Murphy, Scott Perry. Second row, L-R; Tom
Haakenson, Brant Strouf, Scott Rohne, Todd Johnson, Donny Swank, Troy Rohne, Manager-Allen Anderson. Third Row, L-R;
Marty Johnson , Mark Kenyon, Troy Olson, Coach Baumann, Derek Nelson, Joel N elson.

Varsity Volleyball- l to R eOck Row: Shelly Helgeson, Colleen Nelson, Trisha Hutchinson, Kathy Walter. Jenny
Felten. Coach Hutchinson. Front Row: Denise Haasl, Barbie Price, Tommy Kenyon, Stephanie Hrabak, Dyan
Lostine, Kerre Goslee
,. ._ -----,----
All Conference, Colleen Nelson Trisha Hutchi nson & Janelle Nelson
This yea r vol l eybal l was n ot a winning season, we had only two victories, Even thoug h we didn't win many
games, we sti l l enjoyed playin g , We p layed many games to the fifth match, but we just couldn't get the win.
For tournaments we played Bloo m i ng Prairie, and lost i n the fifth match, We'd l i ke to thank M iss H utchinson,
our parents, and our team members for these past years of g reat vo l l eybal l seasons. The best of l uck next
Trisha & Janelle

Footba ll Players L to R Back Row: Mngr. Dan Hanson, Jeremy Sampson, Joel Nelson. Alan Ellis. Joe Spinier. Derek Nelson, Troy Olson. See n
Slowinski. Brant Strout Middle Row: Brad Wa lter. Dan Williamson. Don Peacock. Tom Haakenson. Troy Rohne, Carl Truckenmiller, Ve m Bauf r,
Keith Bridgeman. Caoch Guthmiller, Ass. Coach Buntje Front Row: Mngr. Jeremy Nelson. Chad Fossey, J. T. Hemann. Mike Swank, Ryan Chos.
Scott Perry. Mitch Hueman. Trent Murphy, and Mngr. Dusti n Steinbrink.
Senior Captains l to R: Derek Nelson. Dan William
son, Chad Fossey, Sean SlowinskI;
lyle 20
ly le 56
lyle 16
lyle 31
lyle 19
lyle 14
lyle 12
lyle 6
lyle 18
lyle 14
Claremont 6
Wald./Pem. a
Ceylon 12
Minn. lake/Del. 12
Morristown 46
S. Central 48
Ceylon 6
Morristown 16
The Lyle football squad posted a 6-4
overall record to its most successful
season in recent history. The season
was one ot mony highlights with the
first playoff victory in lyle history to a
#10 ra nking near mid seaso n. The
year started in high gear with consecutive
victOries over GHEC and Clare
mont. The Mustangs from Granad< l
handed the Uons their first defeat i 1
week 3. T he Uons won their first Home,
coming game in six ye ars. After mounting
many victories over the season the
Uons won a playoff spot. The next two
games gave lyle losses. Playoffs were
a victory over Ceylon and a loss to

Taeandm H eamedm Coabersc hfr oCom meL ro R .Bao Frckont R Row:w:.6& Ma.nacogaer Dustinh mSt;elIienrb. TrirnOky. D6aIsno Win. lJli()eamr son, Manager,fy1,tuk Nen,. .
Team Captains
Derek Nelson Dan Williamson
All - Conference And Honorable Mention
(Left) Dan Will iamson, All-Conference (Right) Joel Nel- All-Conference
son, Honorable Mention . Derek Nelson

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Back Row' L to R Trisha Hutchinson; Colleen Nelson, patty Scheffel, Denise Hoosi, Jenny Felten, Coach Baumann. Front Row L to R Angie Felt'rTI
Kathy Walter. Tammy Kenyon. Barbie Price, Dyan Lostine. & 'i

, ! : ' #
,! .
.....-.- \ ' e

1 990 - 1 995
The first five years of the 1 990's concludes the 1 25 years of Lyle sports. The athletic
talent in this five year period ws fantastic to say the least.
Once again, the basketball nets were burning, with Kathy Walters and Laura Chaffee
achieving the 1 ,000 point milestone.
Talented athletes and teams were assembled in this five year period, achieving great
success in their perfonnances.
The 90's produced great football players who established themselves as the best ever in
Lyle's football history of 53 years.
The 1 99 1 football team often called Lyle's best, brought stardom for Brad Walters the all
time leading rusher for Lyle with 3 ,486 yards in his career. Brad was All-State and
succeeded Kirk Nelson's rushing record in 1 983 .
The golden ann of Brandon Sampson established him as the greatest quarterback in Lyle's
football history. He scrambled and hit his receivers for 1 ,2 5 5 yards passing and 1 5
Brandon Sampsons favorite receiver, Brian Strouf, made Lyle football history with 1 1 62
yards as a receiver and collected 1 3 touchdowns in his career.
According to Brandon's grandfather, Russell Sampson, Brandon carries a tune fairly well
also . Brandon and Troy Rohne are embarking on singing careers.
The 1 99 1 Lyle nine man football team was honored by the State as the team with the
highest grade point average of the entire state of Minnesota.
Tammy and Tara Kenyon finish their brilliant careers in the 90's.
1 990
The captains of the 1 990 LHS football team are as follows:
Vern Bauer Don Peacock Trent Murphy
Alan Ellis Justin Oleson Troy Olson
Keith Bridgeman
All-Conference: Joel Nelson and Brad Walter
Honorable Mention: Vern Bauer

The captains for the LHS girls basketball team in 1 990 are Patty Scheffel, Colleen Nelson
and Kathy Walter.
All-Conference: Kathy WaIter and Colleen Nelson
Honorable Mention: Dyan Lastine
Season Record: wins 1 6 losses 5
Coach: Mr. Bauman
Team: Dyan Lastine
Jenni Olson
Reldun Skjelsuik
Denise Haast
Kerry Olson
Colleen Nelson
Allison Cooling
Tammy Kenyon
Tara Kenyon
Barb Price
Patty Scheffel
Name the first girl in Lyle history of girls basketball to score 1 ,053 points. Kathy Walther
averaged 2 1 points per game, was a starter during her sophmore, junior and senior years.
The captain of the 1 990 boys basketball team was Troy Olson.
Co-captains of the 1 990 girls softball team was Patty Scheffel and Kathy Walter.
Team most valuable player was Patty Scheffel.
Golden Glove aware went to Kathy Walter.
Batting Champ award went to Tammy Kenyon.
Most Improved Player was Terri George.
The All-Conference baseball players for LHS 1 990 were Joel Nelson, Brad Walter, Mike
Nelson and Brant Strouf.
Holnorable Mention: Troy Olson and Dean Rohne
Most Valuable Player: Joel Nelson
Stolen Bases: Mike Nelson
Golden Glove: Troy Olson
Name the top players and batting averages for LHS 1 990 baseball team .
. 469 Mike Nelson
. 446 Joel Nelson
The leading scorers for the LHS 1 990 girls basketball were:
20. 8 Kathy Walters
1 1 .4 Colleen Nelson
4 . 7 Tammy Kenyon
4 . 2 Patty Scheffel
4 . 0 Dyan Lastine
Season Record: wins 1 5 losses 5

Name the senior volleyball players on the 1 990 team at LHS? Colleen Nelson, Kathy
Walters, Stephanie Hrabak, Shelly Helgeson and Patty Scheffel.
Name the leading scorers of the 1 990 LHS boys basketball team.
1 8 . 0 Brad Walters
1 6. 0 Troy Olson
1 4 . 9 Joel Nelson
1 99 1
Name the All-Conference football players o f the LHS football team of 1 99 1 .
Brant Strouf, Carl Truckenmiller, Joel Nelson and Brad Walter
Honorable Mention: Tom Haakenson, Scott Perry, Mitch Hueman and Mike Nelson
Season Record : wins 7 losses 3
Coach: Guthmiller
The All-Conference volleyball players on the LHS team of 1 99 1 : Tammy Kenyon
Honorable Mention: Rikka Miettlinen, Dyan Lastine and Barb Price
First ever volleyball trophy for second place in conference.
Season Record: wins 6 losses 7
Name the 1 99 1 all time leading rusher in Lyle's 52 years of football history. Brad Walters
rushing yards - 3486
touchdowns - 40
senior year - 1 4 1 2 yards rushing and 22 touchdowns
When finished reading the above, please stand and give him a standing ovation. He was
All- State, concluding a great career.
The All-Conference players of the boys basketball team of 1 99 1 were Brad Walter and
Joel Nelson.
Honorable Mention: Carl Truckenmiller and Dean Rohne
Conference Record: wins 1 0 losses 9 -- second place
Coach: Swanhorst
Name the All-Conference players on the 1 99 1 girls basketball team.
Dyan Lastine -- Tammy Kenyon -- Barb Price
Honorable Mention: Tara Kenyon
Season Record : wins 1 4 losses 8
Who is Tara and Tammy Kenyon's grandfather, who was a great player and coach for
LHS in the 1 940's? Duane Enerson

Who was Tammy & Tara Kenyon's great, great grandmother who played on the 1 909 Lyle
Bloomer Girls Basketball Team? Mabel Enerson "Nelson" (Mrs. Teodore Enerson)
Name the Lyle H S . 1 99 1 football player who is the starting center for South Dakota State
Univerity. Joel Nelson. Joel's brother Mark Nelson plans to enroll in the Fall of 95 at
South Dakota State.
The players on the 199 1 LHS baseball team are as follows:
Brad Walter Dean Rohne Mike Nelson
Joel Nelson Ryan Chose Matt Perry
Carl Truckenmiller Scott Perry Aaron Goslee
Dustin S teinbrink Randy Lee Mike Fossey
Jeremy Nelson Kevin Rohne Mike Swank
Allan Anderson Brandon S ampson
Coach: Bauman
The players on the LHS girls softball team of 1 99 1 :
Kerri Olson Alison Cooling
Laura Chaffee Jennifer Scheffel
Tammy Jutzi S arah Helgeson
Kerri Goslee J anae Koopal
Dyan Lastine
Coach: Buntje
Jessica Murphy
Hilary Austinson
Tammy Kenyon
Tara Kenyon
Name the 1 99 1 LHS baseball player who made a clutch hit in the bottom of the 7th inning
against New Richland in the 2A District Baseball Tourney to give Lyle the win. Carl
Truckenmiller. Line shot to right field.
Name the leading scorers for LHS 1 99 1 boys basketball team.
1 4.3 Brad Walters
1 2 . 8 Joel Nelson
8.5 Carl Truckenmiller
6.3 Dean Rohne
3.9 Scott Perry
The players and batting averages of the LHS 1 99 1 baseball team:
.225 Brad Walters
.303 Joel Nelson
.268 Scott Perry
.282 Mike Nelson
. 300 Brandt Strouf
.280 Carl Truckenmiller
.2 1 2 Aaron Goslee
.303 Dean Rohne
.250 Mike Swank
Season Record: wins 3 losses 1 0
The leading scorers for the LHS 199 1 girls basketball team:
9.4 Tammy Kenyon
8.6 Dyan Lastine
8.5 Barbie Price
8. 1 Tara Kenyon
4.3 Kerry Olson
Season Record: wins 14 losses 8

The leading scorers of the 199 1 boys basketball team.
1 4.3 Brad Walters
1 2 . 8 Joel Nelson
6.3 Dean Rohne
8.5 Carl Truckenmiller
1 9 9 2
The tri-captains of the LHS 1 992 football team:
10sh Hemann
Ryan Chose
Marty Hele
Season Record: wins 0 losses 7
Name the seniors on the LHS volleyball team in 1992.
Barb Price
Mary Deutchman
Coach: Swanhorst
Season Record: wins 9 losses 8
Name the team members of the 1 992 LHS girls basketball team that won the Sub-district
title and took on the mighty Lourdes team in Section lA play.
Laura Chaffee Barb Price Allison Cooling
Tammy Kenyon Jennifer Scheffel Kerri Goslee
Tara Kenyon Sarah Helgeson Kerry Olson
Shannon Price Hillary Austinson
Season Record: wins 19 losses 5
What were the season records of the LHS 1992 softball and baseball teams?
girls softball: wins 5 losses 1 2
boys baseball: wins 9 losses 8
What was the season record for the LHS boys baseball team in 1 992:
wins 9 losses 8
John Truckenrniller
Brandon Sampson
Mike Fossey
Scott Perry
Mike Swank
Coach: Bauman
Aaron Goslee
Kevin Rohne
Allan Anderson
Dean Rohne
Brian Strouf
Dustin Steinbrink
Mark Nelson
Jeremy Nelson
The leading scorers for the LHS 1992 boys basketball team are as follows:
12.8 Jeremy Nelson
1 0.3 Dean Rohne
8 . 5 Jason Stoen
6. 1 Kevin Rohne
Season Record: wins 3 losses 19

The players and batting averages of the LHS 1992 baseball tearn .
.355 Aaron Goslee
.308 Dean Rohne
.294 Mike Swank
.278 Al Anderson
.250 Chad Fossey
.333 Dustin Steinbrink
. 2 1 4 Scott Perry
. 1 67 Brian Strouf
. 1 48 Brandon Sampson
.227 Kevin Rohne
. 2 1 2 Mark Nelson
Season Record: wins 9 losses 8
The leading scorers of teh 1992 LHS boys basketball team.
1 1 .9 Jeremy Nelson
1 0.4 Dean Rohne
8.2 Kevin Rohne
N arne the boys basketball player who lead the conference in free throw percentage in 1 992.
Kevin Rohne with 80.6%.
The leading scorers of the 1992 girls basketball team.
9.4 Kerri Goslee
9.3 Tara Kenyon
7 . 3 Tammy Kenyon
7.0 Laura Chaffee
5.0 Barbie Price
Season Record: wins 1 9 losses 5
1 9 9 3
The captain of the 1993 highly successful LHS girls volleyball team.]
Tammy Kenyon
Season Record: wins 1 1 losses 7
The captains of the LHS girls basketball team of 1993 were:
Tammy Kenyon
Kerry Olson
Coach: Steinbrink
Season Record: wins 1 6 losses 6
Alisha Baldner
Tammy Jutzi
Kerry Olson
Alison Cooling
Anna Deannin
Shannon Price
Tammy Kenyon
Laura Chaffee
Erin Ransom
Jessica Murphy
Sarah Helgeson
Kerri Goslee
Tara Kenyon
Hilary Austinson
What was the season record for the LHS 1 993 football team?
wins 1 losses 7

What was the season record for the illS boys basketball team in 1993?
wins 5 losses 1 8
What was the season record for LHS girls softball in 1 993?
wins 6 losses 10
Name the players of the 1 993 baseball team.
Brandon Sampson Dustin Steinbrink
Ryan Rugg Tim Cook
Jeff Olson Josh Perkins
Kevin Rohne Mark Nelson
Mitch Helle Kevin SpinIer
Coach: Bauman
Season Record: wins 5 losses 1 2
John Truckenmiller
Allan Anderson
Brian Strouf
Scott Perry
The players and batting averages for the illS 1993 baseball team .
. 208 Kevin Rohne
.380 Brian Strouf
. 1 76 Dustin Steinbrink
. 1 86 Scott Perry
.226 Mark Nelson
. 1 00 Al Anderson
. 1 07 Brandon S ampson
. 2 1 9 Jim Cook
.273 Jeff Olson
.222 John Truckenmiller
Season Record: wins 5 losses 1 2
Name the leading scorers for the 1993 illS girls basketball team.
1 2.4 Laura Chaffee
8.5 Tara Kenyon
8.6 Kerry Olson
6.9 Tammy Kenyon
5.6 Kerri Goslee
Season Record: wins 1 5 losses 5
Name the leading scorers of the illS 1993 boys basketball team.
1 3 . 6 Jeremy Nelson
9.8 Dean Rohne
8.9 Jason Stoen
6.0 Kevin Rohne
1 9 9 4
The captains of the LHS 1994 exciting football team were:
Brandon Sampson
Kevin Rohne
Dustin Steinbrink
Season Record: wins 5 losses 4
Who was Brandon Sampson's grandfather who played on the LHS 1943 football team?
Russel Sampson

Name the All-Conference players of the 1994 LHS football team.
Kevin Rohne Brandon S ampson Dustin Steinbrink:
Brian S trouf
Honorable Mention:
Craig Helgeson Scott Perry
Coach: Buntje
Assistant Coach: Steinbrink
Name the greatest all time quarterback in Lyle's 53 year history of football. Brandon
S ampson.
Senior year 1 994
1 ,255 yards passing
15 touchdowns
2,864 yards passing
29 touchdowns
Name the all time receiver in the 53 year history of Lyle football. Brian Strouf.
Senior year 1994
582 yards receiving
7 touchdowns
1 , 1 62 yards receiving
1 3 touchdowns
The players of the highly successful LHS 1994 football team.
Brandon Sampson Jeff Olson Taran Jack
Tim Cook Ryan Leighton Mark Nelson
Kevin Rohne Dustin Steinbrink: Shawn Enerson
Chans Meyer Mitch Helle Brian Strouf
Adam Steinbrink: Todd Blood Steve Sampson
Josh Perkins Scott Perry Brett Anderson
Ryan Rugg Zack Henaman Carl Wellington
Kevin SpinIer Craig Helgeson James Moore
The senior star players on the 1 994 girls volleyball team at LHS.
Allison Cooling Kerri Goslee Tara Kenyon
Shannon Price
Conference Record: wins 8 losses 5
The captains of the 1994 LHS boys basketball team.
Kevin Rohne Scott Perry
Season Record: wins 1 3 losses 10
All-Conference: Scott Perry
Honorable Mention: Kevin Rohne
Coach: Brinkman
The captains of the LHS girls basketball team in 1994.
Kerri Goslee Tara Kenyon Alison Cooling
How many games in a row did the 1994 girls basketball team have to place them in a tie for
the Southeastern Conference Title? 1 6 games.

The All-Conference players of the 1994 girls basketball team were.
Tara Kenyon Kerri Goslee Laura Chaffee
Honorable Mention: Alison Cooling
Coach: Baumann
The players of the 1 994 girls basketball team.
Kerry Goslee Tara Kenyon
Tamny Jutzi Shannon Price
Alison Cooling Hilary Austinson
Luara Chaff ee
Erin Ransom
The All-Conference illS baseball players in 1994.
Kevin Rohne Dustin Steinbrink
Honorable Mention: Mark Nelson
Season Record: wins 7 losses 1 2
The All-Conference girl softball players for illS in 1994.
Tara Kenyon Laura Chaffee
Honorable Mention: Kerri Goslee
Season Record: wins 5 losses 1 3
The leading scorers of the 1994 girls basketball team.
1 3.8 Laura Chaffee
8.8 Kerri Goslee
6.9 Tara Kenyon
5.2 Hillary Austinson
Season Record: wins 20 losses 6
The 1994 baseball team finished with a 7- 1 3 season record The following are the leading
hitters of the team .
.386 Kevin Rohne
.38 1 Dustin Steinbrink
.340 Jack Taran
.261 Nelson
.259 Scott Perry
.222 Jeff Olson
.208 Tim Cook
. 176 Brandon S ampson
. 1 32 Chans Meyer
Team Average: .263
1 9 9 5
Name the illS Superintendent and Principal in 1 995. Superintendent: O. Paul Trelstad.
Principal: William J. Griffiths.
Name the coaches for LHS in 1995.
girls volleyball - Don Brinkman
girls basketball - Steve Baumann
boys basketball - Don Brinkman
girls softball - Mark Buntje
boys baseball - Steve Baumann
boys football - Mark Buntje
assistants - Daryl Steinbrink
Carl Ellis
Dan Hackbarth
Michelle Flatin

Name the LHS Board of Education in 1995.
Gene Pell - Chainnan
Todd Cooling - Director
Jean Price - Clerk
Mark Schnieder - Director
Darwin Small- Treasurer
Wendy Kunze - Director
The players for the LHS girls volleyball team of 1995 are as follows:
Tanuny Jutzi Andrea Rohne Jenny Mudra
Kristin Freese Hilary Austinson Connie Jutzi
Jessica Murphy Amy Cooling Sarah Helgeson
Erin Ransom Cristy Helgeson Jessica Krulish
Laura Chaffee
Coach: Don Brinkman
Laura Chaffee Hilary Austinson
Honorable Mention:
Sarah Helgeson
Season Record:
Name the cheerleaders for LHS in 1995.
Stacy Frank Anna Wempner
Ericka Nelson Meggan Wendt
Leah Fryer
Jessica Hastings
Melissa Olsen
Advisor: Deanne Silbaugh
Tanya Cook
Tina Frank
Janae Koopal
Laura Bublitz
Bethany Read
Hazel Sola
Molly Bublitz
The football players for LHS in 1995 team are as follows:
Jeff Olson Steve Price Mark Nelson*
Brian Sampson Ryan Leighton Tim Cook
Eric Kline Shawn Enerson Chans Meyer
Mitch Helle Paul Silbaugh Todd Blood*
Steve Sampson Greg Read Nate Fryer
Brett Anderson Adam Coleman Ryan Rugg
Brad Nagel Carl Wellington* Kevin SpinIer
Cory Ziegler
* Denotes captains
Coach: Mark Buntje
Asst Coach: Daryl Steinbrink
All-Conference: Mark Nelson
Honorable Mention: Mitch Helle
Season Record: wins 2 losses 7
The players of the LHS 1995 girls basketball team are as follows:
Tanuny Jutzi Sarah Helgeson Laura Chaffee
Alisha Baldner Hilary Austinson Erin Ransom
Jessica Murphy Mikky Scheffel Cristy Helgeson
Candice Scheffel Jennifer Mudra Kristen Freese
Andrea Rohne Connie Jutzi

All-Conference girls basketball
Laura Chaffee Hilary Austinson
Honorable Mention: Sarah Helgeson
Season Record: wins 1 3 losses 10
Name the 125 year all time scoring leader of LHS girls basketball. Laura Chaffee with
1 , 1 36 points. Laura surpassed Kathy Walters of 1990 who had 1 ,053 points.
Who is Hilary Austinson's grandfather who graduated from LHS in 1 938 and was an all
around athlete? Lavern Austinson
The players of teh 1995 boys basketball team are as follows:
Shawn Enerson Chans Meyer Tim Cook
Jeff Olson Mitch Helle Adam Franzen
Carl Wellington Todd Blood Mark Nelson
Ryan Leighton Cory Ziegler John Truckenmiller
Barry Nelson Kevin SpinIer Davin Johnson
Coach: Don Brinkman
Manager: Lance Whalen
All-Conference: Mark Nelson
Honorable Mention: Jeff Olson
Season Record:
The girls softball team of LHS in 1995 are as follows:
Nicole Bauer Jennifer Hastings Heidi Hemann
Carlie Price Amy Cooling Jennifer Mudra
Andrea Rohne Jessica Hastings Michelle Scheffel
Laura Chaffee Sarah Helgeson Janae Koopal
Season Record: wins 0 losses 1 5
The boys baseball team of LHS i n 1 995 are as follows:
Mark Nelson Ryan Leighton Ryan Rugg
Mitch Helle Jeff Olson Josh Perkins
Kevin SpinIer Brett Anderson Shawn Enerson
Chans Meyer Eric Kline Jim Krolish
Greg Read Damn Small
Season Record: wins 2 losses 1 9
Name the leading scorers on the LHS 1995 girls basketball team.
1 6.0 Laura Chaffee
8.3 Hillary Austinson
6.9 Sarah Helgeson
5.9 Alisha Baldner
5.7 Tammy Jutzi
Season Record: wins 1 3 losses 1 0
The leading scorers for the LHS boys basketball season.
9.7 Jeff Olson
9.3 Mark Nelson
8.9 Todd Blood

The final LHS baseball team of 1 25 years finished with a 2- 19 season record. The leading
hitters of the 1995 team are as follows:
.226 Brett Anderson
. 1 88 Jeff Olson
. 1 85 Mitch Helle
. 1 79 Tim Cook
. 1 72 Greg Read
. 1 67 Mark Nelson
. 148 Shawn Enerson
. 1 46 Chans Meyer
. 1 25 Eric Kline
. 1 20 Kevin SpinIer
. 1 1 6 Ryan Rugg
Team Average: . 1 58
Thank You Fans!
Reflecting back over the 20 some years I've done the P A announcing for Lyle High
School sporting events, my mind is fIlled with so many memories. I think about some of
the great players and teams who have played for LHS . I hear the LHS band playing the
school fight song. I see coaches drawing up various strategies during timeouts. My mind
races with all the activities I've seen over the years, but one aspect seems to stick out above
the rest That is the tremendous support the Lyle community gives its teams year after
The people of Lyle love their sports. They are very knowledgeable fans. It doesn't
matter if the teams are winning or losing, Lyle fans will be there to cheer thier teams on.
You can count on that Make no mistake about it, the people of Lyle think of the players as
their own. It is almost a sense of family. I've always been impressed by the range of ages
you can see in the stands at a Lyle game. You have the elementary students, the high
school students, parents, and many elderly people from the community show up to give
their support. The loyalty seems unmatched.
I believe sports is a very intregal part of a communitcy the size of Lyle. Sports
gives the people of Lyle a common bond. Wherever you go you hear people talking about
how their teams are doing. Lyle is a proud community and they most certainly are proud of
"THEIR" teams.
I would like to take this opportunity to salute the fans of Lyle. There have been
many great achievements by athletes and teams over the years, but the loyalty by the fans is
perhaps the greatest achievement of all. Lyle fans your support does not go unnoticed.
You are the real champions. Thank you !
Lyle sports fan,
Randy Krulish

Richie Williamson
1 98 5
1 , 396 Points
Randy Fett
1 980
1 , 035 Points
:',j ft;;. i _ s&i_.J _ __ _ _ _ _ Neil Fedson
1 949
1 303 Points
1 , 000
Kathy Walter
1 990
1 , 0 53 Points
Laura Chaffee
1 995
1 , 1 36 Points

7JjI- 0\0\

'- QJ J I =
to r--- c.
c. *

9 1 Brad Walter
All State FB
All Time Leading Rusher
94 Brian Strouf
All- Conference
All Time Leading
Pass Receiver
1 990s
94 Brandon Sampson
All- Conference FB
All Time Leading
90 Kathy Walter
1 , 000 Point Club
9 5 Laura Chaffee
1 , 000 Point Club

Sch6ffelLpYon Lostine bock L1oRBorpie pri\:Ka1hY W<:u tet, CoIleeJ) N 'sordomrnY
.OY(ID; StclPl"lCinle I III UUU",.'. Missing" Shelly Helgeson. Jennl orso n ) ,j ;" ,;,:;: >;,., > ' f.i ," ',
-" .,/ ; '" i

Barbie Price, Kerri Goslee, Kerry Olson, Tara Kenyon, Jenni
Olson, Tammy Kenyon, Dyan Lastine, Johanna Ruokonen,
Shannon Price, Staci Rugg, Alison Cooling, Riikka Miettinen
Lyle at So uthland 2 - 3
Lyle vs Shattuc k - S t . Mary's 3 -0 *
Lvle at GHEC 3 -2 *
LIe at MSAD 3 - 1 *
Lle vs Hayfield 0-3
Lyle at Glenville-Emmons 1 - 3
L yle vs Martin Luther 3 -2 *
Lyle vs South Central 0- 3 *
Lyle at Shattuck-St. Mary ' s 3 -0
L v le vs Ceylon 3 -2 *
Lyle at S o u th Central 0-3
Lyle at Martin Luther 0-3
District 2A (First . Round)
Lyle vs NRHEG 0- 3
* Denotes Conference
The 1 990 VB team finished 5 - 1 in the conference and
finished in second place, which earned the first known
volley bal l trophy in Lyle history.
The team played inconsistently throughout the year,
but the season had many high points. both for the team
and individuals. I n this the team paved the way for
success in the years to come.
Thanks to the parents, players, and all who helped us
th roughout the season . - Coach Randy Swanhorst
Seniors : Dyan Lastine and Staci Rugg

Brad Walter becomes
LHS's All-Time Leading
Rusher with 3 , 48 6 Yards
BACK ROW : Coach Guthmiller, Brant
Strouf, Ryan Chose, Jeremy Sampson, Joel
Nelson, Mitch Hueman. Marty Helle, J.T.
Hemann, Coach Buntje; MIDDLE ROW :
Manager-Dean DeBoer, Mike Nelson, Carl
Truckenmiller, Scott Holst, Tom Haakenson.
Brad Walter, Scott Perry, Troy Rohne, Man
ager-Mark Nelson; FRONT ROW: Mike
Fossey, Alan Anderson, Brandon Sampson,
Dustin Steinbrink, Scott Ellis, Brian Strouf,
Jeremiah Krulish, and Kevin Rohne
B rownton
St. Clair
S outh Central
26- 8
2 7-22
3 9-20
5 6- 1 6
5 5 - 1 6
26- 0
34- 0
* * PLA YOFFS* *
24- 6
South Central 46- 0
The 1 990 LHS football season was an
immense success for Lion players and
coaches, as well as gridiron fans. The
team extended their season all the way to
a sectional berth against South Central.
The varsity received numerous awards;
among them was the selection of Lyle as
M i n n es o t a 9 - M a n S t a t e Academic
Team. The senior players will truly be
m i s s e d . T h a n k s t o c o a c he s M r .
Guthmiller and Mr . Buntje, the varsity
and junior varsity players, and the fans
for a great year.

South Central
Martin Luther
South Central
Martin Luther
64 - 81
46 - 39
57 - 36
40 - 56
70 - 27
55 - 41
72 -64
70 - 41
70 - 72
67 - 55
58 - 51
45 - 74
44 - 60
49 - 64
42 - 54
70 - 57
55 - 66
60 - 55
73 - 59
45 - 68
BACK ROW: Coach Swanhorst, Carl Truckenmiller, Dean
Rohne, Jerem y Sampson, Bryan Pederson, Jason Stoen , Joel .
Nelson, Coach Cameron; FRONT ROW : Brad Walter, Scott
Perry, Marty Helle, Ryan Chose, J.T. Hemann , Mike Nelson,
Tom Haakenson, and Aaron Go slee
The Lyle Boys' Basketball
Team finished the
season as Runner-up in
the Southern Minny Confe
rence at a record of 7 &
3, and 13 & 10 overall.
Once again we were a top
contender in the conference
and district . We experienced
a very frustrating
loss to Pacelli in the
quarter finals of the district
tournament. W e will
miss the graduating seniors,
as they were an excellent
group of student
athletes to coach. Thanks
to the players, parents
and fans for a great season.
All Conference - Brad Walter and Joel Nelson
Honorable Mention - Carl Truckenmiller and Dean Rohne

BACK ROW: Coach Guthmiller, Barbie Price, Alison Cooling,
Denise Haasl, Jennifer Sheffel, Tara Kenyon, Coach
Baumann; FRONT ROW: Kerri Goslee, Shannon Price,
Kerry Olson, Tammy Kenyon, Jenni Olson, Staci Rugg, and
Dyan Lastine
A The 1 990-9 1 girls basketball
team was very
young with only two returning
seniors. After losing
our first three games,
the rest of the season
seemed to be a long one.
With hard work and dedication,
we won our fourth
game and went on to be
.. - Co-Champs of the South-
All Conference - Dyan Lastine, Tammy Kenyon & Barbie ern Minny Conference. In
Price Honorable Mention - Tara Kenyon districts we beat Blooming
Prarie in double overtime
on a buzzer-beater
three-pointer by Tammy
Kenyon and free-throws
by Dyan Lastine. We lost
the next two games to
finish fourth. Overall, it
was a super season.
\ '

Blooming Prarie L 3 8- 3 9
Hayfield L 2 7 - 5 8
Ceylon L 43-5 1
NRHEG W 47- 1 8
GRHEC W 49- 3 7
MSAD W 5 7- 1 7
Hayfield W 5 3 - 3 8
Martin Luther W 67-45
South Central L 60-6 1
MSAD W 5 2-22
Triton L 49-7 1
Southland W 5 7-48
GRHEC W 3 9 - 3 3
Glenville-Emmons W 5 1 -45
LeRoy-Ostrander W 42-4 1
Ceylon W 54-26
Martin Luther W 6 1 -49
South Central W 43-34
Southland L 4 3 - 5 2
Blooming Prarie W 5 3 - 5 0
Pacelli L 46-62
Southland L 42-47

GREAT SEASON!! BACK: Kerri Olsen, Jessica Murphy, Jennifer Scheffel, Alison
Cooling, Laura Chaffee, Coach Buntje, Hilary Austinson,
Tammy Jutzi FRONT: Sarah Helgeson, Tammy Kenyon, Kerri
Goslee, Janae Koopal, Tara Kenyon, Dyan Lastine
BACK ROW: Coach Baumann, Brad Walter, Mike Nelson, Ryan Chose, Dean Rohne, Joel
Nelson, Matt Perry, Carl Truckenmiller, Scott Perry- 1 2, Aaron Goslee FRONT ROW: Dustin
Steinbrink, Randy Lee, Mike Fossey, Scott Perry-9, Jeremy Nelson, Kevin Rohne, Mike Swank,
Allan Anderson, Brandon Sampson

Top : Asst. Coach Steinbrink, Jamie Moore, Brandon Sampson, Kevin Rohne, Scott
Perry, Brian Strouf, Craig Helgeson, Coach Buntje, Middle: Dustin Steinbrink, Ryan
Rugg, Adam Steinbrink, Mark Nelson, Carl Wellington, Todd Blood, Cory Ziegler,
B ottom: Allan Anderson, Mike Fossey, Jeremy Nelson, Ryan Chose, Scott Ellis, Dean
Rohne, Marty Helle, Josh Hemann
Josh Hemann
Ryan Chose
Marty Helle
St. Clair
42 Lyle
37 Lyle
34 Lyle
40 Lyle
44 Lyle
39 Lyle
32 Lyle

FRONT: lenni Olson, Mary Deutchman, Tammy Kenyon, lanae Koopal mgr,
Laura Chaffee, Tara Kenyon, Alison Cooling BACK: Coach Swanhorst, Kerri
Goslee, Shannon Price, Kerry Olson, B arb Price, Asst. Coach Fulton
Lyle at Lanesboro 0 -
Lyle vs Leroy-Ostrander 3-1
Lyle at Preston-Fountain 3-0
Lyle vs Grand Meadow 3-1
Lyle vs Southland 1 -3
Lyle at Harmony 3-1
Lyle at Leroy-Ostander 2- 3
Lyle vs Preston-Fountain 2-3
Lyle at Grand Meadow 3-1
Lyle at M.S.AD. 1 -3
Lyle vs Glenville-Emmons 3 -0
Lyle vs Harmony 3-0
Lyle vs Blue Earth Area 1-3
Lyle at Southland 1-3
Subsection 2A Tournament (quarterfinals)
Lyle vs Blooming Praire 2-3
Lyle Lion volleyball continued to establish "firsts" with the
achievement of an overall winning record.
The results of 1991 were believed to be largely due to the
girls putting in time to improve their game in the off season.
The future appears to be bright for the Lion volleyball team,
although to continue to improve, the girls must continue to put
in the work in the off season.
I would like to thank Coach Fulton, the players, parents, and
fans for their part in the success of the 1991 season. Also, best
of luck to graduating seniors Barbie Price and Mary
Deutchman. - Coach Swanhorst

Boy's Basketball '11 / 9 2
Front Row:Dustin Steinbrink, Aaron Goslee, Brandon Sampson, Jamie Moore Middle Row:
Coach Williamson,Marty Helle, Scott Ellis, Kevin Rohne, Mark Nelson, Jeremy Nelson Back
Row :Scott Perry, Dean Rohne, Jason Stoen, Josh Hemann, Ryan Chose, Coach Swanhorst
Lyle 41 vs Mabel-Canton 56 The 1991- 1992 Lyle boy's
Lyle 45 at Lourdes 67 basketball season was not a season
Lyle 51 vs Leroy -Ostrander 63 to be measured by wins and
Lyle 39 vs Blooming Prairie 54 losses, but by improvement. The
Lyle 50 vs Glenville-Emmons 52 season was really a great learning
Lyle 50 vs Grand Meadow 52 experience for all involved.
Lyle 42 vs GHEC 60 I would like to thank all of those
Lyle 34 at USC 61 who supported us throughout the
Lyle 51 at Lanesboro 67 season. I also wish the Seniors the
Lyle 45 at Spring Grove 49 best of luck in the future. - Coach
Lyle 47 vs Southland 64 Swanhorst
Lyle 58 at Glenville-Emmons 66
Lyle 58 at Harmony 70
Lyle 48 vs Preston-Fountain 55
Lyle 50 at Leroy -Ostrander 71
Lyle 61 at Preston-Fountain 49
Lyle 60 at Grand Meadow 46
Lyle 42 at Southland 56
Lyle 24 vs Blooming Prairie 44
Lyle 65 vs Houston 47
Lyle 43 vs Harmony 57
Subsection 2A First Round
Lyle 55 vs Blooming Prairie 65

Girl's Basketball
FRONT: Laura Chaffee, Tammy Kenyon, Kerri Goslee, Sarah Helgeson, Shannon Price,
H i lary A u s tinson BACK: Coach B aumann, B arb Price, A l i s o n Cooling, Jennifer Scheffel, Tara
Kenyon, Kerry Olson, Coach Steinbrink
The 1 99 1 - 1992 Lyle girl' s basketball team went farther than it ever
did before by advancing to the Section 1A semifinals. The team set a
goal of winning the Southeastern Conference, but finished one game
short b y losing a tough game to Harmony. That didn't stop the girl s
from entering the sub- section 2A tournament with a fourth seed .
The first opponent for the Lady Lions was the Super L arks from
Grand Meadow . Lyle dominated the game, earning a game with the
number one seeded Stewartville Tigers, who expected " a trip back to
Rochester . " With an upset win over the Tigers, Lyle entered the
Championship game against Blooming Prairie. Lyle ran away with
the game and earned a berth in the section semifinals against
Rochester Lourdes . The surprising season ended there, but it was one
to remember.
Lyle 50 Preston- Fountain
Lyle 27 Mabel - Canton
Lyle 52 NR- H / E - G
Lyle 54 Lanesbore
Lyle 71 Glen ville- Emmons
Lyle 43 Sprin g Grove
Lyle 31 Blooming Prairie
Lyle 48 Southland
Lyle 54 St. James
Lyle 48 Harmony
L yle 43 Grand Meadow
Lyle 48 Preston- Fountain
Lyle 48 Leroy-Ostrander
Lyle 41 Grand Meadow
Lyle 49 Glenville - Emmons
Lyle 49 Southland
L yle 59 Leroy - Ostrander
Lyle 47 Hayfield
Lyle 48 Hou ston
Lyle 61 Harmony
Sub-Section 2A
Lyle 40 Grand Meadow
Lyle 49 Stewartville
Lyle 48 Blooming Prairie
Section lA
Lyle 29 Rochester Lourdes

FRONT: Sabrina Lechner, Kerri Goslee, Sarah Helgeson, Janae Koopal, Amy Cooling,
Andrea Rohne, Connie Jutzi BACK: Shannon Broitzman, Jennifer Mudra, Tara
Kenyon, Alison Cooling, Laura Chaffee, Kerry Olson, Tammy Kenyon, Coach Buntj e
Lyle 4 LO/GM 3
Lyle 9 LO/GM 7
Lyle 0 Rushford/Peterson 7
Lyle 6 Rushford/Peterson 4
Lyle 2 Blooming Prairie 3
Lyle 4 Blooming Prairie 8
Lyle 3 SG/C 4
Lyle 13 SG/C 7
Lyle 1 Southland 14
Lyle 13 PF/L/H 15
Lyle 0 Mabel/Canton 12
Lyle 7 Mabel/Canton 10
Lyle 3 Southland 13
Lyle 6 Houston 3
Lyle 5 Houston 24
Lyle 5 PF/L/H 12
Sub-Section 2A
Lyle 0 Hayyfield 10
The 1992 girls softball team had a 3-1
record in the early going, but with
injuries and a lack of experience the
wins became less .
The 1992 season can be thought of as
a learning experience to build on in the
future. Without any seniors on the
team, this young ballclub is sure to
improve and become a conference and
section threat.

9 2
FRONT: John Truckenmiller, Aaron Goslee, Brian Strouf, Brandon Sampson, Kevin Rohne,
Dustin Steinbrink BACK: Mike Fossey, Allan Anderson, Mark Nelson, Scott Perry, Dean
Rohne, Jeremy Nelson, Mike Swank, Coach Baumann
Lyle 7 Southland 9
Lyle 5 Rushford/Peterson 6
Lyle 1 1 Rushford/Peterson 9
Lyle 3 Spring Grove 2
Lyle 4 Spring Grove 3
Lyle 0 LO/GM 6
Lyle 2 LO/GM 3
Lyle 1 Mabel/Canton 2
Lyle 8 Mabel/Canton 1
Lyle 3 Southland 14
Lyle 5 Caledonia 10
Lyle 5 Caledonia 2
Lyle 9 Houston 8
Lyle 9 Houston 3
Lyle 2 PFLH 1
Lyle 7 PFLH 4
Sub-Section 2A
Lyle 09 Stewartville 9
The Lyle B oy's Baseball Team had quite
a season considering the lack of
experience that they had. With only
three returning starters they held a 9
and 7 record going into sub- sections,
where they ended up losing to
Stewartville 9 to o. Overall it was a
successful season. Many of the younger
players gained a lot of valuable
experience. Best of luck to Seniors :
Dean Rohne, Mike Swank, Ryan Chose,
and Aaron Goslee.

First Row: Dustin Steinbrink, Jamie Moore, Jeremy Nelson, Mike Fossey, Allan Anderson,
Troy Anderson, Mario Rinaldi, Brandon Sampson Second Row: Mike Hanson, Mark Nelson,
Kevin Rohne, Tom Hoag, Ryan Rugg, Zach Henamann, Cory Ziegler Third Row: Coach
B untje, Scott Perry, B rian Strouf, Craig Helgeson, Adam Steinbrink, Carl Wellington, Todd
B lood, Jake Wilde Fourth Row: Coach Steinbrink, Mitch Helle, Tim Cook, Jeff Olson, Kevin
SpinIer, Phil Gleason, Lance Whalen
Lyle @ Hills-Beaver Creek
Lyle vs Leroy-Ostrander
Lyle vs St. Clair
Lyle @ Alden-Conger
Lyle @ Cleveland
Lyle vs Goodhue
Lyle @ GHEC
Lyle @ MSAD
13 - 1 8
1 3 - 3 9
0 - 46
19 - 33
3 - 34
16 - 23
14 - 26
30 - 40

Back Row : Coach Hei necke, Shannon Price, Tara Kenyo n , A l ison Coo l i ng, H i l a ry Austinson,
Lau ra Chaffee, Coach Swa n h o rst Front Row : M a n age r J esse Coo l i ng, Sa rah He lgeso n ,
Tammy Kenyo n , Ke r ry Olso n , Ke r r i Goslee, Manage r Alyssa Ro h ne
Lyle at Lanesboro
Lyle vs Le Roy Ostrande r
Lyle at Southland
Lyl e vs H a rmony
Lyle vs Caledonia
Lyle vs P reston - Fo u ntai n
Lyle v s G rand Meadow
Lyle at B l u e Earth
Lyle at Le Roy - Ostrander
Lyle at H a r mony
Lyle vs Southland
Lyle at P reston - Fou ntai n
Lyl e vs Ran d o l p h
Lyle a t Sp ring G rove
Lyle at G rand Meadow
S u bsectio n IIA Qua rte rfinals
Lyle vs H ayfield
S e m i fi nals
Lyle vs Stewartville
Th i rd Place Game
Lyl e vs Southland
3 - 0
1 - 3
2 - 3
3 - 0
3 - 2
3 - 1
3 - 1
1 - 3
1 - 3
3 - 1
0 - 3
3 - 0
3 - 1
0 - 3
3 - 2
3 - 2
0 - 3
3 - 2

Boy's Basketball'i;J/93
Front Row: B randon Sam pso n , J a m i e Moo re, Dusti n Ste i n b r i n k, M i ke Fossey, Tod d Blood,
John Trucke n m i l l e r , Adam Stei n b r i n k Back Row : Coach Swa n h o rst, Kev i n Ro h ne, Co ry
Ziegl e r , Scott Pe r ry, J e remy Nelson, M a r k Nelson, Ca rl Wel l i ngto n , Coach Walte r
Girlls BasketballCf/93
Front Row : M a n age r B a u m a n n , A l i s h a Ba l d n e r , S a r a h H e lgeso n , Tam my Kenyo n , Ke r ry
O l so n , S h a n n o n P r i c e , Tammy J u tz i , M a n age r Ste i n b r i n k Back Row : Coach Ba u m a n n , Ke r r i
G o s l e e , La u ra C h a ffee , Ta ra Kenyo n , A l iso n Co o l i n g, E r i n Ra n so m , t l i l a ry A u sti n s o n , A n n a
Dea r m i n , Jessica M u r p h y , Coa c h Stei n b r i n k

9 2 q 3
Front Row : Dustin Stei n b r i n k, Rya n Rugg, Ian Ande rson , J o h n T r u cken m i l l e r , Tim Cook,
J e ff Olson, Josh Pe rki ns Back Row : B r ian Stro u f, Kev i n Ro hne, M a r k Nelson, Scott Pe r ry,
M itch Helle, Kev i n S p i n i e r , B randon Sampso n , Coach Bau m a n n
. 2 / q 3
Fi rst Row: Alison Cooling, And rea Rohne, Amy Cool i ng, Tara Kenyon Second Row: Sarah
Helgeson, Ke r r! Goslee, M i kky Scheffel , Tammy J utzl, Janae Koopal Th i rd Row : Tammy
Kenyon, Jennife r Mud ra, Co n n ie J utzi , Kristen Freese, Candi Scheffel, Beth Laws, Ke r ry
Olson, Coach Meye r Fou rth Row : Coach Buntje

Varsity Row 1 : * Brandon Sampson, Jeff Olson, Tim Cook, Mark Nelson, Taran
Jack, Ryan Leighton, *Kevin Rohne, *Dustin Steinbrink. Row 2: Shawn Enerson,
Chans Meyer, Mitch Helle, *Brian Strouf, Adam Steinbrink, Todd Blood, Steve
Sampson, Josh Perkins. Row 3: Scott Perry, Brett Anderson, Ryan Rugg, Zach
Henaman, Carl Wellington, Kevin SpinIer, Craig Helgeson, Jamie Moore.
Row 4: Coach Mark Buntje, Asst. Coach Daryl Steinbrink. * denotes captain
"The 1993 football season was one of hard
work, dedication, and improvement. After an
impressive preseason scrimmage, we were
ready for the regular season. The first game,
where everything went right, we cruised by
Alden-Conger. That performance set the tone
and gave us momentum for the rest of the
season. With a total team effort the Lions were
able to pull out victories in exciting fashion,
highlighted by a thrilling 22 point comeback in
the opening round of playoffs versus
Glenville-Emmons. Lyle football loses seniors:
Craig, Taran, Jamie, Scott, Kevin, Brandon,
Dustin, Brian, and looks back on the season of
1993 as one that brought back the winning
attitude and the "Lion Pride" for future teams."
-Coach Buntj e
The 93/94 Football Team can be described as
an explosive wide open offensive team led by
Brandon Sampson. the quarterback of all times .
Comparable teams are 68/69. l e d b y Kevin
Enerson and 51/52. led by Ward Huff.
!993-1994 Varsity Football
Lyle 39 Alden-Conger l3
Lyle 16 Glenville-Emmons 1 0
Lyle 1 2 Leroy-Ostrander 40
Lyle 25 Grand Meadow 21
Lyle l3 Alden-Conger 6
Lyle 7 Hills-Beaver Creek 21
Lyle 18 Nicollet 22
Section I-Nine Man Playoffs
Lyle 22 G lenville-Emmons 21
Lyle 14 St. Clair 18

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Varsity Row 1 : Tara Kenyon, Laura Chaffee, Alisha Baldner, Erin Ransom,
Hilary Austinson, Alison Cooling, Sarah Helgeson. Row 2: Coach Don
Brinkman, Kristin Freese, Jessica Krulish, Janae Koopal, Shannon Price,
Andrea Rohne, Tammy Jutzi, Kerri Goslee, Asst. Coach Carl Ellis.
"The 1993 volleyball season
was one with many ups and
downs. It was a slow start but
a stro n g f i n i s h w i t h f i v e
straight victories."
"Lion volleyball says goodbye
to four hardworking seniors:
Alison Cooling, Kerri Goslee,
Tara Kenyon, Shannon Price.
Good Luck girls!"
"I want to thank everyone involved
with our program, I
look forward to next season."
-Coach Brinkman
! 993-1994 Volleyball
Lyle 3 Lanesboro 1
Lyle a Leroy 3
Lyle 1 Randolph 3
Lyle a Caledonia 3
Lyle 3 Southland 2
Lyle 1 Fiullmore Central 3
Lyle 3 Grand Meadow 2
Lyle 2 Leroy 3
Lyle 3 Spring Grove 1
Lyle 3 Southland 2
Lyle 3 Fillmore Central 1
Lyle 3 Randolph 2
Lyle 3 GrandMeadow 2
Hayfield Tournament
Lyle a KassonMantorville 2
Lyle 1 Lourdes 1
Lyle 1 Leroy 1
Lyle a Byron 2
Pacelli Tournament
Lyle 1 Byron 2
Lyle a Pacelli 3
Leroy Tournament
Lyle a Hayfield 2
Lyle 1 Southland 1
Lyle 1 Lanesboro 1
Lyle 2 Glenville-Emmons 0
Lyle a Southland 2
Subsection 2A
Lyle 2 Blooming Prairie 3

Jutzi. Row 2 : Coach Baumann, Shannon Price, Erin Ransom, * Alison
Cooling, Hilary Austinson, Asst. Coach Steinbrink. *denotes captain
"The girls basketb all team proved to have another successful season.
After a slow start the girls went on a 1 6 game winning streak, the
longest in southern Minnesota. In that 16 game span they tied for the
Southeast Conference title. The girls then went on to win the SubSectionIIA
title game with an impressive win over Hayfield. The
winning streak ended abrubtly when they faced a strong Caledonia
team in the first round of the Section IA Tournament."
-Coach Baumann
Above Left: Junior Laura Chaffee prepares to shoot.
48 Girls Basketball Above Roght: Coach Baumann diagrams the play.
1993-94 Girls Basketball
Lyle 76 Houston 34
Lyle 43 Grand Meadow 30
Lyle 56 Glenville-Emmons 25
Lyle 40 Southland 44
Lyle 47 Caledonia 70
Lyle 77 Glenville-Emmons 27
Lyle 53 Buffalo 56
Lyle 45 Austin Pacelli 75
Lyle 50 Southland 51
Lyle 50 Spring Grove 32
Lyle 45 Fillmore Central 28
Lyle 54 Leroy-Ostrander 44
Lyle 56 Kingsland 43
Lyle 47 Grand Meadow 44
Lyle 46 Mabel-Canton 24
Lyle 48 Alden-Conger 21
Lyle 44 Rushford-Peterson 42
Lyle 46 Southland 40
Lyle 37 NRHEG 34
Lyle 57 Leroy-Ostrander 46
Lyle 42 Lanesboro 38
Lyle 49 Fillmore Central 47
Sub-Section Tournament
Lyle 45 Kingsland 3 1
Lyle 3 2 Southland 29
Lyle 49 Hayfield 35
Section 1 Tournament
Lyle 25 Caledonia 47
< 1t ._'---... ,
Left: Shannon, Kerri, and Laura
looking concerned.
Above: Kerri Goslee shoots for two,

Boys Varsity Row 1: Jamie Moore, Todd ,Carl
Wellington, Adam Steinbrink, Jeff Olson, Tim Cook, Dustin Steinbrink.
Row 2: Coach Brinkman, Brandon Sampson, Mark Nelson, *Scott Perry,
Cory Ziegler, Mitch Helle, *Kevin Rohne, Ryan Leighton, Coach Hackbarth.
*d enotes ca pta in
"The 1993-94 Boys Basketb all
season was a successful one with
a 13-10 overall record and a 5-3
conference record which was
good enough for a second place
finish in the standings. I'd like
to thank the seniors: Kevin
Rohne, Scott Perry, Brandon
Samp son, Dustin Steinbrink, &
Jamie Moore for their hard work
and dedication thro ughout their
high school care er. Good luck
luck in the future!"
-Coach Brinkman
Congra tu lations to Sco tt Perry for being named to the
Southeastern Conference All- Confe rence team, and to
Kevin Rohne for being named Honorable Mention.
1993-94 Varsity Basketball
Lyle 66 Spring Grove 70
Lyle 79 Mabel-Canton 56
Lyle 70 Grand Meadow 56
Rebel Classic
Lyle 54 Blooming Prarie 79
Lyle 64 NRHEG 51
Lyle 42 Hayfield 40
Lyle 44 Rushford-Peterson 73
Lyle 73 Glenville-Emmons 70
Lyle 36 Southland 60
Lyle 59 Lanesboro 97
Lyle 54 Fillmore Central 71
Lyle 58 Leroy-Ostrander 49
Lyle 64 Grand Meadow 46
Lyle 58 Alden-Conger 50
Lyle 64 NRHEG 52
Lyle 58 Caledonia 74
Lyle 44 Kingsland 43
Lyle 52 Southland 47
Lyle 54 Leroy-Ostrander 42
Lyle 52 Houston 58
Lyle 71 Spring Grove 60
Lyle 60 Fillmore Central 61
Sub-Section Tomament
Lyle 52 Kingsland 64

Varsity Softball Row 1 : Alison Cooling, Kerri Goslee, Connie Jutzi, Amy
Cooling, Jenny Mudra, Sabrina Murphy. Row 2: Janae Koopal, Jessica
Hastings, Sarah Helgeson, Mikky Scheffel. Row 3: Tara Kenyon, Coach
Bunfe, Andrea Rohne.
"The softball season began in the gym
I in March with a minimum amount of
players. The team got off to a good start i by having a winning record in April.
, When May came our luck changed and I we didn't get many things to go our way.
: We were competitive in almost almost all
l our games and the girls played hard and
never gave up."
-Coach Buntj e
1994 Varsity Softball
Lyle 1 Leroy-Ostrander 4
Lyle 8 Rushford-Peterson 5
Lyle 9 Rushford-Peterson 8
Lyle 13 Filmore Central 12
Lyle 4 Glenville-Emmons 5
Lyle 7 Glenville-Emmons 6
Lyle 0 Houston 1 2
Lyle 2 Houston 5
Lyle 2 Leroy-Ostrander 1 2
Lyle 6 Spring Grove / Caledonia 1 9
Lyle 6 Spring Grove / Caledonia 7
Lyle 8 Filmore Central 7
Lyle 1 Southland 1 3
Lyle 2 Southland 9
Lyle 6 Mabel-Canton 7
Lyle 6 Mabel-Canton 1 2
Sub-Section IIA Tournament
Lyle 3 Southland 7
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Congratulations to Tara Kenyon and Laura Chaffee for being named to the
Southeast Conference All- Conference team, and to Kerri Goslee for being
named Honorable Mention.

Varsity Baseball Row 1 : Ryan Rugg, Brian Sampson, Taran Jack, Brett
Anderson, Shawn Enerson, Cha ns Meyer, Dustin Steinbrink. Row 2 : Tim
Cook, Jeff Olson, Mark Nelson, Scott Perry, Kevin Rohne, Brandon
Sampson, Coach Baumann.
"The 1994 b aseball season was a season
of tough breaks. Many of the games
came down to the final inning with the
boys of spring coming up a run or two
short. The season ended in a disappointing
loss in the semi-finals of the subsections.
To sum up the season, we
played hard, we won some and we lost
some, but we had fun!"
-Coach B aumann
- /- \. ..
1994 Varsity B aseball
Lyle 8 Fillmore Central 2
Lyle 7 Rushford-Peterson 1
Lyle 3 Rushford-Peterson 7
Lyle 5 Glenville-Emmons 7
Lyle 5 Caledonia 4
Lyle 5 Caledonia 6
Lyle 0 Southland 5
Lyle 1 Houston 4
Lyle 4 Houston 5
Lyle 2 Spring Grove 3
Lyle 1 Sprong Grove 3
Lyle 9 Leroy-Ostrander / GM 6
Lyle 1 0 Fillmore Central 4
Lyle 6 Leroy-Ostrander/ GM 1 2
Lyle 5 Southland 4
Lyle 2 Mabel-Canton 5
Lyle 5 Mabel-Canton 1 6
Lyle 5 Glenville-Emmons 1 4
Sub-Section IIA Tournament
Lyle 7 Leroy-Ostrander 6
Lyle 2 Chatfield 1 1
. - --==---... -
- ----.
Congratu lations to Kevin Rohne and Dustin Steinbrink for being
named to the Southeast Conference All-Conference team, and to Mark
Nelson for being named Honorable Men tion .

('I 1-,
! r

Name the fastest 1 00 yard dash track star for LH S in the 1 960's.
Neal Kenyon with a time of 1 0 . 1 seconds
To some of us slower runners, this is like the speed of sound .
Name the Spring Valley baseball pitcher who played against Lyle in summer baseball and
eventually played pro football with the New York Giants as an outside linebacker next to
Sam Huff, the middle linebacker in 1 962 . Bill Winter
Guess who the basketball player that was called for a 3 second in the lane violation for
laying in the lane to long? I'll never tell!
Name the two devoted Lyle golfers who played in the winter snowbanks with black golf
balls in Rochester. Pastor Harold Luecke and William Haney
Who was a track star in South Dakota, a left handed golfer and the most sought after
vocalist in Lyle? Charles Ekle
Name the two 1 943 hard nosed, Six Mile Grove football players, who collided head on
with their leather helmets in a practice tackling drill.
Duane Enerson and Russell Sampson (They staggered away from the impact with
stars in their eyes!)
How many dimples are there on a golf ball? 3 3 6
Who was the Six Mile Grove girl basketball player who threw the ball over her head and
went in receiving a box of candy from an admirer in the 1 920's? Hazel (Nelson) Golberg
What were Lyle's first colors for uniforms? black and orange
What year did the Minnesota Twins win their first world Series? 1 987
What year did the 3 point basket start in the high schools? 1 987
What was the name of Chet Nelson's race horse? Sailor
What two Mona players road hunted pheasants with their Model A Ford before school
and one shot a hole in the radiator and raced to town before the water ran out?
John Rush and Harvey Golberg
Name the five famous pool champs of Lyle in the 90's AKA "Rackem Up Five " .
Nonnan Anderson, Jim Lastine, Marty Olson, Stuart Skov and Bob Nelson
The first D&R Star Pool League in this area was established in Lyle in 1 97 5 .

90/9 1
9 1/92
1 -7
1 5-6
1 4- 8
1 0-9
4- 1 5
5- 1 8
1 3- 10
1 3- 1 1
5- 1 2
7 - 1 1
2- 1 5
1938- 1 995
1 . Richie Williamson
2. Richard Hollerud
3. Randy Fen
4. Kevin Wilder
5. Ward Huff
6. Howard Krueger
7. Brad Walter
8 . Dwight Goslee
9. Randy Price
1 0. Neil Fedson
1 1 . Harvey Golberg
1 2. Dan Williamson
1 3 . Troy Olson
1 4. Steve Halvorson
1 5 . Dean Chaffee
1 6. Phil Block
1 7 . S am Koopal
1 8 . Derek Nelson
19. Bob Nelson
20. Kent Lenz
2 1 . Spencer Morgan
22. Bill Bell
23. Jeff Nelson
24. Joel Nelson
25. Jim Berg
20. 3
20. 1
1 9 . 3
1 8 .9
1 8 .0
1 7 .6
1 7 .7
1 7 . 3
1 6.7
1 6. 3
1 6.0
1 5 . 8
1 4 . 8
1 4 .7
1 4 . 4
1 4 . 3
1 3 . 8
1 3 . 5
1 3 .2
1 3 . 1
1 2.9
1 2 . 8
1 2.6

1938 Lavern Austinson 1 1 . 2
Merle Heard
Leland Nelson
1939 Darnl Fossey
Dean Fossey
1 940 Noren Jahr
Gollen Johnson
1 94 1 Devere Austinson
Eldon Huck Larson
1 942 Eldon Huck Larson 9. 1
Edgar Nelson 7.2
1 943 Warren Austinson 1 2 . 3
Duane Enerson 1 0 . 3
1 944 Glenn Dahl 1 1 . 1
Willard Jorgenson 8.3
1 945 Art Jahr 1 2. 2
Donny Markam 1 0 . 1
1 946 Neil Fedson 1 2 .0
Clair Johnson 8.6
1 947 Neil Fedson 1 4 .0
Loren Denison 8.7
1 948 Neil Fedson 1 6.0
Jerry Fossey 1 1 . 2
1 949 Neil Fedson 1 7 . 3
Bob Nelson 1 1 . 2
1950 Bill Bell 1 3 . 1
Donny Carroll 1 1 . 8
1 95 1 Ward Huff 1 6. 8
Gene Myhre 8.3
1 952 Ward Huff 1 9 . 3
Harvey Golberg 1 4 . 3
1 953 Harvey Golberg 1 6.7
Spencer Morgan 1 3 . 2
1 954 Bob Nelson 1 3 . 8
O . C . Huff 1 1 . 6
1 955 Sam Koopal 1 4 .4
Paul Austinson 1 2. 3
1 956 Richard Hollerud 1 6. 3
Fred Nelson 1 4 . 2
1 957 Richard Hollerud 20.3
Mac Soderquist 1 1 .4
1958 Dick Anderson
Bruce Bachman
1 959 Bobby Anderson
Rob Peters
1 960 Dale Stanton
Carroll Austinson
1961 Tom Nelson
Carroll Austinson
1 962 Phil Block 1 4.7
Tom Nelson 1 2 . 3

Leading Scorers Continued
1 963 Albin Slinde
Bill Klusmeier
1 964 Dick Nelson
Tom Ennen
1 965 Derby Olson
Robert Mittag
1966 Walt Amacher
LeRoy Lehnhardt
1967 Arnie Scheffel
Rod Williamson
1968 Dwight Goslee 1 7 .6
Kevin Enerson 1 2 .6
1969 Kevin Enerson
Paul Wilson
1970 Ted Ekle
Paul Wilson
197 1 Roger Scheffel
1973 Kevin Wilder 1 9 . 6
Jeff Nelson ,1 2.9
1974 Steve Halvorson 1 5 . 8
Jim Berg 1 2. 6
1975 Jim Berg
Mike Taylor
1976 Howard Kruger 1 8 .9
Randy Price 1 7 .7
1977 Howard Kruger 1 8 . 8
Randy Price 1 2 . 3
197 8 Randy Fett 1 6. 6
Jim Wilson 9.4
1979 Randy Fett 20. 1
Greg Meidt 7. 1
1980 Randy Fett 1 8 .7
Dennis Ricke 10.9
198 1 Dennis Ricke
Robert Smith
1982 Kirk Nelson
Wayne Fett
1983 Richie Williamson 2 1 .4
Kirk Nelson 1 3 .0
1984 Richie Williamson 23.4
Greg Halliday 1 0 . 6
1 985 Richie Williamson 2 1 .9
Kent Lenz 1 3 . 5
1 986 Kent Lenz 1 0 . 8
Danny Ransom 7.9
1 987 Dean Chaffee 1 4 . 8
Derek Nelson 1 2. 2
1988 Derek Nelson 1 3 .5
Dean Chaffee 1 0 . 7
1 989 Dan Williamson 1 6.3
Derek Nelson 1 4 . 3

Leading Scorers continued
1 990 Brad Walters 1 8 .0
Troy Olson 1 6. 0
1 99 1 Brad Walters 1 4 . 3
Joel Nelson 1 2 . 8
1 992 Jeremy Nelson 1 1 . 9
Dean Rohne 1 0 .4
1993 Jeremy Nelson 1 3 . 6
Dean Rohne 9. 8
1994 Kevin Rohne 1 2 . 3
Scott Perry 1 1 . 5
1995 Jeff Olson 9.7
Mark Nelson 9.3

1 974
1 975
1 976
1 977
1 97 8
1 979
198 1
1 982
1 984
1 985
1 987
1 989
1 990
1 99 1
1 992
1 993
1 994
1 995
1 974- 1 995
VQllkball Baskktball SQftball
1 0-3*
8-6 7-7
4- 12 6- 1 2
3- 1 4
5- 1 4
8-9 0-9
1 6-5 5- 1 1
8- 1 2
1 - 17 8- 1 2 9-3
0- 1 5 0- 1 7
3- 1 7
1 3-5
4- 14 1 5-4 6- 10
1 6-5* 2- 1 3
1 3-5 8-7
1 5-5 4-9
6-7 14-8* 2-7
9-8 19-5 5- 1 2
1 1 -7 1 5-5 6- 1 0
8-5 20-6* 5- 1 2
12- 1 0 0- 1 5
1973- 1 995
1 . Kathy Walte r
2. Danna Lastine
3. Laura Chaffee
4. Jo Ellen Wahlers
5 . Colleen Nelson
6. Carrie Harrison
7. Sue Johnson
8. Deanne Magee
9. Debbie Henaman
10. Joan Berg
1 1 . Jo Jo Kyllo
12. Julie Philegas
20. 8
1 6.9
1 6.0
1 5 . 5
1 4 . 5
1 2 . 7
1 2.2
1 1 .7
1 0 . 5
1 0 . 3
1 0 . 3
1 0.0

80/8 1
8 1/82
Jo Ellen Wahlers
Carol Helgeson
Jo Ellen Wahlers
Judy Wahlers
Deanna Magee
Jackie Johnson
Deanna Magee
Joni Fett
Joni Fett
Polly Berg
Julie Phiuegas
Debbie Henaman
Debbie Henaman
Julie Kyllo
Debbie Henaman
Sue Johnson
Joan Berg
Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson
Mary Swank
Mary Swank
Terri Swank
Terri Swank
Carrie Harrison
1 5 . 5
1 1 . 7
1 1 . 3
1 0 .0
1 0 . 3
1 0 . 5
1 0 . 3
1 2 . 2

85/86 Carrie Harrison 1 0 .7
Jo Jo Kyllo 1 0 . 3
86/87 Danna Lastine 1 6 .6
Carrie Harrison 1 1 . 2
87/88 Danna Lastine 16. 9
Carrie Harrison 1 2 .7
88/89 Kathy Walter 1 7 .9
Colleen Nelson 1 4 . 5
89/90 Kathy Walter 20. 8
Colleen Nelson 1 1 .9
90/9 1 Tammy Kenyon 9.4
Dyan Lastine 8.6
9 1/92 Kerri Goslee 9.4
Tara Kenyon 9.3
92/93 Laura Chaffee 1 2.4
Kerry Olson 8.5
93/94 Laura Chaffee 1 3 . 8
Kerri Goslee 8.8
94/95 Laura Chafee 1 6.0
Hillary Austinson 8.3

We have closed these score books on 1 25 years of cherished moments of fun and
excitement We experienced a tremendous sense of belonging to a proud community called
Lyle. We put forth our best efforts, upholding a competitive spirit of sportsmanship.
Being a Lyle Lion gave us a sense of pride.
We challenge future generations to exceed our achievements and maintain the Lyle
Community Sports Tradition.
On June 6th, 1 995, Lloyd "Chico" Olson passed away without seeing the completed
booklet. He was informed of the booklets dedication to him and he was given a sincere
thank you for his great contribution to Lyle sports history. Chico acknowledged the
dedication and felt very proud.
The end of 1 25 years of Lyle Sports History.