Gilbert Ferris obituary

Research Notes: 
In the 2nd paragraph, I think they mean Mona, Iowa, not Monona.
Article Type: 
Publication Date: 
Friday, September 12, 1919
Publication Date Is Approx: 
Referenced Places: 

Passed Away

Gilbert Ferris Died Suddenly
at His Home Thursday Evening
at 10:00 o'clock After
A Few Hours Illness.

"Gill Ferris gone," were the solemn words that were passed from one to the other Friday morning as the people met on the streets or in the places of business. Only a few were aware that he was ill the day before, and it was hard to realize that he, who had walked our streets through the silent watches of the night, had been called hence and was no longer responsive to the calls of friends or relatives. There was a hush and a quietness about the whole town, a silent tribute to the man who had so suddenly been taken from our midst by the grim reaper, that will sooner or later overtake us all. He had not been in the best of health for the past few weeks, but continued about his work until the last. Thursday noon when he awoke he ate his dinner, and then called a doctor as he was suffering considerable from acute indigestion and heart trouble. He lingered until about 10 o'clock in the evening when he passed to the great beyond. It was a solemn warning as to the brevity of life and a shock in his many friends and acquaintances, but especially to his immediate family. For fourteen years he had served the people of the village in the capacity of city marshal and we become so accustomed to seeing him that when he was not on duty he was sorely missed. He has been intimately connected with almost all the affairs of the village and was a good booster for every worthy cause. It was largely through his efforts that Lyle was able to have a chautauqua, a lecture course and keep booze violators out of town. During the war he was called upon to act in many of the committees and never flinched from doing his duty as a loyal and patriotic citizen. His voice was often heard in support of the boys "over there," and the government in every move to win the war. He was a liberal, genial friend and a loyal citizen.

Gilbert Ferris, the youngest of a family of six, was the son of Frank Ferris and Anna Oliver, and was born in Stockholm, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1860. Six years later the family moved westward and located at Monona, Iowa, where they resided for twelve years. When about the age of 16, Gill commenced railroading for the Chicago Milwaukee railway and was with them a number of years, rising to the position of conductor. For a time he lived at Austin and about twenty-six years ago came to Lyle.

May 1st, 1904, he was elected to the position of village marshal and served one year. On May 1st, 1906, he was again elected tot he same position, which he held until the time of his death.

Besides his devoted wife and adopted daughter, Miss Genevieve, he survived by one brother, E. C. Ferris, of North McGregor, Iowa. His two eldest brothers served in the Civil War and died in Libby prison. The late Mrs. W. C. Hosrobin, a sister, and a brother, Rufus Ferris, were formerly of Austin.

The funeral service was held at the house Sunday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. Father Devlan, of Austin, who preached the sermon. Interment was made in Oakwood cemetery.

Words fail to express our appreciation for the sympathy and help of our friends and neighbors in this time of our great bereavement, and also for the beautiful floral offerings.

Mrs. G. Ferris and Genevieve

Resolution of Condolence

WHEREAS, in His infinite wisdom, the Supreme Rules of the universe has summoned from his labors upon earth, our beloved Knight, Gilbert Ferris, calling him by his omnipotent will to that judgement, which awaits us all and

Whereas, the ties which have long bound us in mutual friendship to our departed friend are severed, no more to be reunited until that day when the grave shall yield up its dead; therefore, be it

RESOLVED that we earnestly sympathize with the immediate family, the relatives and friends of our departed brother, and wish for them that consolation which the world can neither give or take away.

And be it further resolved that our charter be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days, that a copy of this preamble and resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our lodge, a copy be forwarded to the family of our deceased brother, and be published in the Lyle Tribune.
By Order of the Chancellor