Esther Olson obituary
Esther Olson.
The funeral of the late Esther Olson was held at the Lutheran church in Lyle, Monday, at 1:00 o'clock and was conducted by Rev. A. Elmer Moe. interment was made in the family lot at Pleasant Hill cemetery.
The deceased was born in Tellemarken, Norway, December 25th, 1852. Thirty-four years ago she came to America with the rest of the family and located in this vicinity where she continued to live until her death last Saturday, December 29th. During the past year she has been working for Mrs. E. Schwanke. She has not been very strong for some time but not until the middle of the week was she confined to the bed. She leaves two brothers, Amund and Osman, who are now the only surviving members of the family. --Lyle Tribune.