Death of an Old Settler: Samuel Harris

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Wednesday, March 14, 1888
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Samuel Harris, an old resident of Lyle township, died at the residence of his son A. W. Harris at Sibley, Iowa, March 1, 1888, at 9:05 pm., aged 80 years, nine months and 18 days.

Mr. Harris was born near Hamilton, Canada, May 12, 1808, had lived on the old homestead in Lyle for twenty years and until about one year ago when he went to Sibley to reside with his son.

Previous to his death he had a bad cold which appeared to settle on his lungs, causing him to cough freely at night. The last day and night he had no pain. He had his right mind until noon before he died, and was ready and anxious to go. After that he did not talk and seemed to sleep himself away. He had been a member of the M. E. church about 50 years and was looked up to and respected by friends and neighbors as an upright conscientious Christian.

His remains were brought to the residence of John Bryan, the neighbor nearest the old homestead, by his son Jon Harris, where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. H. Dewart, Sunday, March 4. He was buried by the side of his wife and two sons in the cemetery at Cedar City.

He leaves four sons, A. W. and John E. Harris at Sibley, Iowa, George F. Harris at Hartland, Minn., and Charles Harris at Ruthven, Iowa.