Clara Myhre obituary

Article Type: 
Funeral Notice
Publication Date: 
Friday, March 18, 1904
Publication Date Is Approx: 

Miss Clara Myhre the sixteen year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Myhre died at the home of her parents on First Street, Tuesday morning about seven o'clock.

Clara was born on Oct. 2nd, 1887 and was one of a family of five children. For a year and a half she had not been well but the immediate cause of her death was pneumonia and pleurisy, with which she had suffered three weeks.

The funeral was held Thursday morning. Rev. Waldeland of St. Ansgar conducting the service to which a large number of relatives and friends gathered. Interment was made in Sunny Side Cemetery.

The sympathy of all are with the family so deeply afflicted.