2 Lyle Scouts become Eagles

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Publication Date: 
Wednesday, October 30, 1991
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Two Lyle Boy Scouts received their Eagle Awards, the highest given in Scouting, in a special ceremony Oct. 20 at the Lyle Legion Hall.

Matthew Perry, 18, son of Roger and Barbara Perry, and Jeremy Sampson, 18, son of Gerald and Diane Sampson, all of Lyle, finished their work for the award this summer.

Perry is a graduate of Lyle High School. In Scouts, he was a patrol leader and received the Historic Trails and World Conservation awards. For his Eagle proj-ect, he set up a child registry.

Sampson's Eagle proj-ect was a Historic Trail. The Lyle High graduate received the Historic Trails Award and the Mile Swim.

Both Scouts are now in college, Perry at Austin Community College and Sampson at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.