Phebe Watkins obituary
At her home on Park avenue, early Friday morning, Oct. 6, 1905, of paralysis, Mrs. Abram Watkins, aged nearly 62 years. She was the daughter of John A. Carter.
Phebe Carter was born in Milton, Quebec, Jan. 29, 1844. Her folks moved to Burlington, Wis., when she was about 12 years old. In 1857, she came with her folks to Cedar City in this county. She was married April 11, 1867, to Mr. Watkins, Rev. A. Morse officiating. The husband survives. They settled on their farm at Cedar City an lived there for over thirty years, moving in to Austin about seven years ago.
Mrs. Watkins experienced religion at the age of 12. She united with the Baptist church in this city Aug. 1, 1886, under the pastorate of Rev. W. E. Stanley. She has been in failing health for the past six years, suffering from a creeping paralysis, but was able to be about until the present summer. She was good woman, a devoted Christian and affectionate and faithful in her family and other relations.
Five children survive: Franks, Mrs. Jennie Goslee of Waukegan, Mrs. Laura Conner of Oakland, Anna Watkins who teaches at Morgan, Minn., and Margie. Two children have died. Leon aged 9 months about 18 years ago, and Mrs. Elda Durrand, who died at Mason City, July 9, 1901. Mrs. Watkins has three sisters and five brothers surviving: Mrs. A. Galloway of Austin, Mrs. Emma Hoy of Fargo and Mrs. Charlotte A. Jones, Luman D., Daniel L., Alfred E. Carter of Austin, John A. mail carrier at Lyle and Rev. E. E. Carter of Stillwater, Okla.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Sunday morning in place of the regular services, Rev. R. E. Sayles assisted by Rev. C. D. Belden officiating. There was a very large company of relatives and friends present. Interment at Cedar City. There is a vacancy in the home and in the church caused by this bereavement that is sorely felt.