Jorgen Thompson obituary
The funeral of the late Jorgen Thompson was held last Saturday afternoon from his late home west of Mona at 1 o'clock and from the Lutheran church at Mona at 2 and interment was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Rev. A. Elmer Moe, conducted the services.
The deceased was one of the early settlers of this community having located here 42 years ago. He was born in Songdal, Norway on the 29th day of July 1834. June 28th 1866 he was united in marriage to Miss Olgaard Thorstad and for nine years they resided in their native country. The family then came to America and settled on a farm 3 miles south of Mona where they lived for 3 years. In 1877 Mr. Thompson purchased a farm west of Mona where he lived until his death. Six children were born, of whom, besides the widow, five survive to mourn the father's death. They were Ole G. Thompson of Lyle, John of Otranto, Mrs. Emma Robertson of Dupee, S.D, Mrs. Will Dense of Stacyville and Marie at the home place.