Marie Rawn obituary
It is with sorrow that we are called upon to called upon to chronicle the death of Mrs. L. M. Rawn, which occurred at her home one mile west of Lyle, last Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Miss Marie Christianson was born on February 4th, 1842, at Porsgrund, Norway, and immigrated to this country with her parents when but a few years of age and settled in Wisconsin.
Thirty seven years ago last April she was married to L. M. Rawn when they came to this vicinity where she has since resided. The deceased has been in poor health for some time, being also afflicted with blindness for a number of years, but bore it with patience and fortitude to the end.
She leaves besides a husband, two daughters, Mrs. Chas. Fletcher of Lyle and Mrs. L. P. Erickson of Austin, and three sons, M. J., Walter and Dan, and a host of friends in this community, who have learned to know and love her, to mourn her loss.
The funeral was held, at the home, Wednesday afternoon and was largely attended. The remains were laid to rest in Woodbury cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. C. D. Belden of Austin.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our keenest appreciation for the sympathy the friends from far and near has shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother. Especially do we thank Dr. Frazer for his untiring efforts.