Sophia Sorenson obituary
Mrs. Peter Sorenson who has been suffering for the past two weeks with cancer of the stomach passed away at her home 2 1/2 miles north of Lyle Saturday evening about 11 o'clock.
The deceased had not been well for years but not until some two weeks ago was it known that her ailment was so soon to take her from time to eternity; from the family she had so tenderly cared for to the great beyond.
Mrs. Sophia (Rasmunson) Sorenson was born in Newestlestup, Demark Oct. 19, 1848, and was the third child of a family of 13 children. In the year 1870 the family came to America and settled at Cedar Rapid, Iowa. There she was married to Peter Sorenson in April 1875.
About 17 year ago they moved to Mower county and have since made their home here. To them were born four children; Harry and Nels and Misses Nellie and Ida, all at home. The deceased also leaves six brothers and three sisters: Nels, Wilhelm and Christopher Roberts of Perham, Minn., James of Racine, Wis., Hans of California and Peter Roberts of Morris, Minn. The sisters are Mrs. Anna Sanders of Racine, Wis., Mrs. Mary Erickson of Ft. Dodge, Iowa and Mrs. Peter Hanson of Lyle.
The funeral was held from the house Tuesday afternoon and interment was made in Varco Cemetery, Rev. Esser had charge of the services which were largely attended by friends and neighbors.