John Norris obituary
Old Settlers
Passed Away
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is to the goal;
"Dust thou art, to dust returnerth,"
Was not spoken of the soul.
The harvest is past and the summer is ended, and the golden sheaves are being gathered into the garner, so likewise the great reaper has been in our midst, calling home some of our citizens that have passed the three score and ten mile post.
John Norris
On Friday morning after several illness John Norris Sr. passed from this life to join the waiting members of his household that have gone on before. Mr. Norris has been in failing health since his return from California, where he spent the winter. He has had several strokes of apoplexy, but from each he rallied after a few hours but steadily grew weaker and during the past six weeks has been confined to his room. He was patient sufferer and was resigned to the inevitable, feeling that his life work here was done and that the ties linking him to the other world were strong.
John Norris was born in North Ireland of Scotch parentage, Feb. 16, 1836 and came to America, with his parents, when a lad of 9 years and settled in Belville, Wis., where he resided until 1868 when he came to Mower County.
On May 29th 1856, he was married to Miss Marie E. Spears, and to them were born eight children, three of whom survive; J. Edwin of Plaza, N. D., Mrs. T. J. Sweeton of Hardisty; Alberta, and John E. of Lyle.
For several years Mr. Norris run a flouring mill in what is now known as Old Otranto. There the family made their home for about 7 years, and those who came to know Mr. Norris in either a business or social way found him a man of integrity and a friend indeed. In 1890 the family moved to Dakota, and it was while there the the faithful wife and mother passed away, the remains being brought to Lyle for interment. The year following, in May 1906, Mr. Norris and son, J. E., came to Lyle to reside, J. E. going into the lumbar business here.
The deceased was a member of the Congregational church, and was a regular attendant before his hearing became so poor that he was unable enjoy the service.
The funeral was held from the home Sunday afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. Samuel Johnson. The casket was crowned with choice flowers, and a golden sheaf was among the floral designs, truly signifying that this life had to been without its fruitage.
The remains were laid to rest in the family lot in Woodbury cemetery.