Aslak Knutson obituary
Aslak Knutson, who for the past 5 years has been practically helpless on account of his advanced age, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. K. L. Leidahl (sic), Monday afternoon. It was a quiet ending of a long life. He complained a little in the morning about not having had his rest and said if he could get to sleep he would be all right. Later on he went to sleep and his spirit quietly passed away.
The deceased was born in Voss, Norway, October 6, 1825 and came to this country, with his family in 1867, and located in Wisconsin, where they resided two years. They then came west to Mitchell County, Iowa, where he made his home until the time of his death. His wife died 17 years ago.
He leaves 4 children and a large circle of old friends. The children are Mrs. K. L. Leidahl and K. A. Knutson of this vicinity, Mrs. Christenson of Zion City, Ill., and Erick Knutson of Appleton, Minn.
The funeral was held Thursday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. Urness of Osage. Interment was made in Six Mile Grove Cemetery.