W. R. Hunter's Shoes and Furnishings

1913-08-22 - W. R. Hunter returned from the Cities Tuesday evening and has since been busy getting things in readiness for the opening of his shoe store which is being anxiously awaited by Lyle denizens.
1913-08-29 - Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Hedemark were over from Albert Lea and spent Sunday and Monday with friends and relatives. Bernie assisted W. R. Hunter in getting the store building in shape for the latter's shoe store.
1913-09-05 - W. R. Hunter hit upon a novel idea of advertising his shoe business by furnishing the scholars with bags for their school books. It was a live advertisement and went into most of the homes in the district without much effort.
1913-10-24 - Please tell us. We want to build up a shoe business in Lyle and are anxious to do our part to please you. Where we fail to give you satisfaction it will please us to have you so inform us. We want the footear business of this vicinity. Please call at Hunter's Shoe Store and talk it over with him at the old Hedemark Stand.
1914-08-28 - W. R. Hunter has a handsome window display of footwear
1915-03-26 - Hunter's Shoes and Furnishings. Lyle, Minn.
1915-12-24 - W. R. Hunter, Shoes and Furnishings
1916-06-30 - "Change in Business" - Having sold my SHoe and Furnishing Business to Henry Volstad, I wish to take this opportunity to thank my many friends and patrons for the business given me and trust you will give as good patronage, if not better, to my successor. - W. R. Hunter.

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