Robert Rustad obituary
The funeral of the late R C Rustad at the Mona Church last Friday afternoon was very largely attended. There were a large number of friends of the deceased from the surrounding community and towns, especially from Osage, showing their respect for a departed co-worker and citizen. Robert C. Rustad will be greatly missed in the community where he served so conscientiously these years.
Robert C. Rustad was born Oct. 22 1867 on his father's farm in Otranto township and there in the house his father built sixty years ago, he passed away November 7, 1934.
He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. When he was thirteen years of age his father died and Robert, with his older brother, assisted their mother in caring for the home, until he went to Seattle, Washington, where he spent seven years, returning to take charge of business matters in connection with his father's estate and that of his brother who died in 1894. He purchased the homestead from his mother, and since that time this community has been his home.
He was left a widow in 1907 with a family of six small children, for whom he was a mother as well as father, leaving them today doubly bereft in the loss of the only parent they knew during the years of their childhood and youth. To them he was always most kind and loving.
Though Mr. Rustad was first a home loving man he was also a kind friend and a good neighbor, vitally interested in the affairs of his community as well as the nation. He served in various offices of his township and was President of the Farmer's State Bank of Lyle, Minnesota. He thought deeply and read widely, keeping in touch with events of the day. He was especially interested in the political situation of our state and nation and gave much time and effort in furthering the cause he favored. During the recent campaign he was chairman of the Republican County Central Committee and cast his ballot for the election held the day before his death.
He will be greatly missed by many friends as well as the sorrowing wife and family.
He leaves to mourn his passing his wife to whom he was married two years ago, and two sons and four daughters: Erwin of Cincinnati,
Ohio; Mrs. Moyle Cederstrom of Seattle, Wash.; Carroll, Mrs. Mense Fossey, Miss Alice, Miss Annie of this community, one sister Mrs. Cha Dorow of Osage, and ten grandchildren.