Mona tries to attract Seminary

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Publication Date: 
Thursday, March 18, 1880
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There is considerable animation and interest felt in town in regard to a Seminary building which is about to be located somewhere in the vicinity. It is something very much needed, and a grand enterprise which should be sustained by all lovers of education. It has been agitated in the papers for some time past, that St. Ansgar was very sure of being the desirable spot and place, but of late the idea has occurred to the citizens here that Mona is about the central point for such an institution of learning and about the right distance between Osage and Austin to make it convenient and handy to accommodate all classes of those wishing to avail themselves of superior advantages for their children.

Some leading citizens of this place circulated a subscription paper a few days ago among the townsfolk and a few farmers, and secured about 2,000 dollars on subscription towards such an edifice in Mona, and it is the candid opinion of the most prominent citizens of the surrounding country that the sum of [illegible:$5,000] can be readily obtained for this purpose, as all seem [illegible:desirous?] of having such a school near home, where they can send their sons and daughters, and not be to the extra expense of sending them off to a distant town.

The Seminary is to be under the control of the Lutheran Church but conducted on the principle of the Osage Seminary. Saturday the citizens of Mona and vicinity met at the school house in the village for the purpose of organizing a board of trustees for the management and prosecution of the project.

There were seven trustees elected as follows: Mr. J. P. Farley C. Rusted H. Alexander, Halver K. Volstad, P. K. Everson, Dr. W. F. Cobb and Ole S. Strodall.

On Monday the board of trustees met to organize and elect their officers and make further arrangements to carry on their work. Mr. J. P. Farley was elected president, H. Alexander vice-president, Dr. Cobb secretary, C. Rusted assistant secretary, P. K. Everson treasurer and now the board is ready for notion, and hope soon to see the arrangements all completed and the building pushed forward to completion.