Modern Brotherhood of America, Lyle Lodge 333
(from Golden Memories of Lyle, page 22)
"The Fraternal Orders in Lyle, were M.B.A. Lodge, Willow Wood Camp, Knights of Pythias, the Railroad Order of Trainmen, I. O. G. T. and A. F. and A. M. Alma Lodge and the Royal Neighbors. . . . Other organizations were the Modern Woodmen of America and the Modern Brotherhood of America."
(from Lyle Centennial, page 30)
"Modern Brotherhood of America
Lyle Lodge 333 Modern Brotherhood of America, was organized in 1899. Meetings were held in the Masonic Hall. Officers in 1911: Peter Anderson, president; T. Thompson, vice president; C. M. Anderson, secretary-treasurer; Tom Murphy, chaplain; Gen Helfritz, conductor; George Larson, watchman; Sam Olson, sentry; trustees, Osmun Olson, T. H. Murphy, D. E. Erickson."