Miriam St. John obituary

Research Notes: 
likely Woodbury cemetery but unsure
Article Type: 
Publication Date: 
Wednesday, August 4, 1886
Publication Date Is Approx: 
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--Died, on the morning of July 31st, 1886, Miriam St. John of Lyle, wife of Lyman St. John, beloved in the memory of all who knew her so well.

Miriam Spencer was born in Waterloo, Albany Co., N. Y., in 1809, of Quaker parentage and was reared in modest plainness, which characterized her subsequent life. She was married Nov. 22d, 1822. The golden wedding anniversary was appropriately observed four years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. St. John settled in Nevada, Mower Co., in 1858, and have been residents of the county since. 45 years ago Mrs. St. John connected herself with the Baptist church and was until death a steadfast member of that denomination. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon, by Rev. C. D. Belden, a large number of friends were present.