Lyle moral aspects
A few words in regard to the moral aspect of our town. Our sensitive natures are frequently aroused by the insinuations and slurs about Lyle, from those who know nothing of us excepting what they have heard from others. You might think form their insinuations that as a class we were not far advanced from the cow boy; that we carried side arms and were ready for any lawless act at any time. For the information of your readers allow me to say that we have quite a number of good people here, and they are not all of one nationality either. They worst element that walk our streets are from surrounding neighborhoods and the small towns in Iowa. It is true many of those go armed with what might properly be termed, in the language of southern people, a weap-on, placing the accent on the last syllable. It is not exactly a revolver, still it sometimes revolves around the owner as he loses his balance, when he steps out of the place where he has been to load, and rolls off the sidewalk. What a pity Satan every introduced such ammunition into this fair world.