Lyle column: A. O. Myhre returning to Lyle

Article Type: 
Publication Date: 
Wednesday, October 24, 1888
Publication Date Is Approx: 


The teachers of Lyle wise to thank the patrons of the school and the many out-siders who have so generously contributed funds for a school library.

P. K. Everson returned home from Dakota Saturday noon.

J. A. Mills and Geo. Webber, of Austin, were in Lyle Saturday.

Espen P. Groth is the happy father of a bouncing boy, now over a week old.

Mrs. Tenary, who has been quite ill for some weeks, is improving in health.

Remember that Hon. A. F. Norden will speak at Lyle next Wednesday, Oct. 31.

Rev. Rounce preached in the Congregational church Sunday, morning and evening.

Peter Johnson, Democratic candidate for sheriff, was in Lyle Friday looking up his political

Mr. Arons, brother-in-law of J. E. Willams, a successful dairy and stock farmer residing near
Owatonna, is in town.

Putnum's Merry Makers and Refined Specialty and Comedy Co. will show at Lyle Opera House
Nov. 21. Do not fail to see them, as they are said to be a good company.

A. O. Myhre & Son are closing out their store at Otranto Station, and O. G. will return to Lyle and
assist his father in their extensive business here.

W. H. Barkaloo, the new M. E. minister, arrived Friday night and preached at London Sunday morning
and Cedar City in the evening. He will preach in Lyle next Sunday.

Our streets present a very dilapidated appearance just now, but wait until the new gutters are all in,
and then we will show you as fine street as need be.

A very pleasant party of twenty or thirty young people gathered at Ed. Stanley's last Thursday evening in
honor of Miss Emma Hanson, who is visiting here. A "good time" is the unanimous verdict of all present.

What's the matter of our Democratic friends? It is about time they were getting in a rousing free trade speech
here that don't mean free trade. Either they are too confident, or fear the black Republicans are too thick

The enterprising teachers of Lyle sent for $40 worth of books yesterday, having already sent for a Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary, and a much needed bookcase. The list includes Chambers Encyclopedia, ten volumes.
Longfellow. Lowell and Whittler represent the American poets, Scott and Shakespeare, the foreign. There are
a few works of choice fiction and many books on Science, History and Biography.