Lyle column: jail caught fire, new street gutters in

Article Type: 
Publication Date: 
Wednesday, October 31, 1888
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Miss Jennie White went to Austin Saturday.

Hon. A. F. Norden will speak at Lyle tonight.

Our streets are a vast improvement with the new gutters in.

H. O. Durkee, the life insurance man, was in town several days this week.

J. O. Myhre returned from Chicago last week. Made quite an extended trip.

Mrs. Schuyler and Mrs. Van Camp went to Osage, Ia., Saturday for a visit with friends.

E.H. Donaldson has been busy this week fixing up his house and preparing for winter.

Mrs. J. E. Williams is visiting her mother in Mitchell, Iowa, who has been quite ill, but is now better.

Rev. Barkaloo preached his first sermon in Lyle last Sunday. He made a good impression on his audience.

P. F. Rooney will speak at Lyle, Friday, Nov. 2. Make a note of it. He is a good one, and you want to hear him.

Postmaster Collins is having quite a siege of sickness in his family, but at last reports the invalids were all improving.

Rollin Gordon rejoices over the arrival of a bouncing boy at his house since Wednesday, the 24th. Mother and son doing well.

Doctor Frazer's family have gone to Arkansas to spend the winter with Mrs. Frazer's relatives. The Doctor looks rather forsaken.

John Penny was in town last week. He is preparing to move from Mona to Stacyville, but will not make the change until after he votes.

Louis Sherman and Oliver Myhre spent Sunday in Lyle. Monday morning they returned to Osage, where they are attending the Cedar Valley Seminary.

The jail caught fire Monday morning, but by the timely efforts of several citizens the first was extinguished before much damage had been done to the

Talk about Lyle going Democratic! Here is about the way she will size up after election. At a place where campaign badges are sold, we found that sixteen Harrison badges to one Cleveland badge had been sold. And the merchant assured us he could have sold 24 to one if he had the Harrison badges. Democratic? Well, not bad.

The Democratic speech Saturday night was considered a slim affair. The same tune was sung that was compared by Cleveland. The terrible surplus and that is has wrung from the poor farmer. The hand writing on the wall becomes more and more distinct. If Cleveland would only start a bank in Lyle with some of his surplus, he might gain two or three more votes, but even that is doubtful. If he had only heard the vibrations that emanated from an anvil and seen the sky rockets Saturday night, he would undoubtedly have been cheered. The rockets are a fit emblem of his administration.