Lyle column

Article Type: 
Publication Date: 
Friday, February 18, 1887
Publication Date Is Approx: 


Miss Clara Edwards departed from Austin, Thursday to the great sorrow of her Lyle friends.

Mr. Alex Sweningsen of Austin, formerly with J. T. Humel & Co., of this city, showed his genial
face amongst us for a short while, Saturday.

Miss Ella Kirby left Saturday, for her home at Rose Creek, after a pleasant visit with friends here.

Our popular blacksmith is evidently considering whether he would do well to apply for the position
of Assistant Post Master No. [illegible:?] at Lyle, Minn.

Burt Bisbee returned from the far west last week, to visit with his parents and friends.

Geo. Keasel has opened a meat market in the south part of town. He is prepared to furnish anything
in his line.

The farmers near Varco are organizing a company to start a cheese factory. They would do well a locate
at Lyle, as this is a good distributing point.

Dedication services at the M. E. church will take place February 20th. All are invited to attend.

The ladies of the M. E. church gave an oyster supper Monday evening which netted them a neat sum.

A Mona man has made a wonderful discovery. He has detected a resemblance between himself and the late
General Garfield.

Lyle wants a bank, newspaper, photograph gallery, cheese factory, and a good laundry.

Lyle markets: Wheat 60@65c, barley 39@42c. last 25c, butter 18@2[illegible:?]c, eggs 22c.

Mr. Bobupserenely left our city rather unexpectedly, to the great sorrow of his creditors, the other day.

Dr. Frazer, of Plymouth, has made up his mind to locate at Lyle, and we are glad to welcome him among us.

Omoth Bros. have got the nicest stock of furniture in Southern Minnesota, and we sincerely hope that they
make success here.

A nine months old child of P. Robertson, died last Saturday.

Social Dance No. 2, took place Masonic Hall last Friday evening. Everybody had a jolly time and are anxious
for No. 3.

Big blowers of Mona, Iowa, were vanquisoed by the Alpha Society, of Stacy, last Wednesday evening. They bore
the defeat however, with tolerable good grace. Dr. Cobb, of Mona, was particularly eloquent. Pity such eloquence
was wasted.

Saturday evening, at the Enterprise School House, "Little Brown Jug" was presented by the Palmeter Dramatic Co.,
to a crowded house. John made a big hit, as usual.