Lyle column
-Rev. J. D. Shannon preaches next Sunday at the school house.
-T. G. Mandt of the T. G. Mandt Mfg. Co. of Stoughton, Wis., was in town Monday.
-J. I. Taylor of Plymouth, Iowa, has stopped in Lyle with a stock of clothing for a
couple of weeks.
-I. J. Quale formerly of Mona has moved his house to Lyle and has secured
employment in the M. & N-W. R. R.
-J. P. Collins feels happy thinking that he is to become postmaster here, he
has now been in Minnesota nine months and has at last succeeded in getting
the appointment.
-Roads are not very good and the consequences are only a limited supply of
produce has been marketed here this week. Lyle markets are as follows:
Oats. 22@34c. Hay, $3.10@$3.25. Butter, 18@20c. Eggs, 18c.
Potatoes, 40@50c.
-Rev. Rounce preached in the new Congregational church Sunday. The
dedication was to have taken place Thursday last but was postponed on
account of the Home Missionary Society Convention at Austin. The time
has not yet been set for the dedication services.