Krause's Shoe Store

1910-05-20 - A. L. Krause of Northfield has been secured to take charge of the Hedemark shoe store. Mr. Krause commenced upon his duties Thursday.
1912-03-29 - Buy your Easter Slippers and Oxfords Now at Krause's Show Store. You get 20 per cent off on the dollar. A. L. Krause. Lyle, Minn.
1912-12-06 - "A Moving Sale" - I am going to leave Lyle the first of the year and I will close out my stock of shoes and rubber overshoes.... A.L. Krause, proprietor.
1913-01-03 - A. L. Krause and family departed Monday for their new home at Northfield where Mr. Krause will conduct a shoe store.

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