John Gould obituary
John Gould was born near St. Ansgar, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1870, and died at his mother's home in Otranto township May 12, 1902, age 31 years, 5 months and 17 days.
When but nine months old his parents moved from St. Ansgar and settled on the farm where he was raised and finally died.
After finishing the Mona schools he attended the Cedar Valley Seminary until he received a teacher's certificate and taught several terms of school in Mitchell county. Still having a desire for a better education, he took a course at the Highland Park College at Des Moines, Iowa. When he returned he taught school until he entered the Tribune office to work for E. F. Wilson who was editor of the paper at that time. Nov. 1st 1896, in partnership with R. Reierson he purchased the Tribune from E. F. Wilson. Mr. Gould did the editorial work during the time of their partnership, which lasted until April 1898 when he bought Mr. Reierson's interest and continued publishing the paper until Jan. 1, 1901, when his health failed and he retired to his old home where he died.
He was an able and efficient journalist, always expressing his views fearlessly regardless of public opinion or consequences. His remains were brought to the M. E. church here on Wednesday p.m. where Rev. M.W. Kenney conducted the funeral services and then all that was mortal of John Gould was laid to rest by the side of his father in the Mona cemetery. -Lyle Tribune.