Hattie Swenson Knutson obituary
Mrs. Hattie Swenson Knutson, who has been sick for the past year, passed away Saturday at her home 3 miles west of Lyle. The immediate cause of her death was cancer of the lungs.
Mrs. Knutson was born in Norway Oct, 11th 1858, and came to America with the family in 1880 and located in this community. In 1884 she was united in marriage to K. A. Knutson. The deceased is survived by the faithful husband who so tenderly cared for her during the long weeks of illness, and also by four sisters and two brothers: Hanna Nelson and Mrs. Powell of Montana, Ella Steffnell of Valley City, N. D., and Halvor Swenson and Halvor Moen of this community and Mrs. Knute Gunderson of Austin.
The funeral was held at the home at twelve o'clock and at the Lutheran church at one o'clock, Wednesday afternoon. Interment was made in the S.M.Grove cemetery, Rev. Moe having charge of the services.