Gertrude Erickson obituary
Mrs. Erickson Dead
Mrs. Erick Erickson was born in southern Norway on February 2, 1828, her parents being John Hundere and wife. She emigrated to America in the year 1855 and came to Stoughton Wis., when she was 27 years old. There she was united in marriage to Erick Erickson in 1857. The couple remained there about nine years. They then left for the West to grow up with the country and came to Mitchell County, Iowa, in June 1865. They purchased the old Erickson homestead for $700 and built a log cabin the first year. On this homestead she remained until her death which occurred June 20, 1911.
Mrs. Erickson was the mother of six children, John Erickson of Mitchell Co, Iowa; Mrs. Iver Hofland of the same county; Mrs. Andrew Hofland of Nevada Twp; Mrs. Jens Thorstad of Thief River Falls, Minn., and Mary Erickson who remained at home. She is also survived by one brother, John Foss of Fosstown, Minn., and two sisters, Mrs. Herness of this place and Mrs. Hustad of Battle Lake, Minn. She also left 25 grandchildren and 11 great grand children.
Mrs. Erickson was a good natured tender hearted women, true to her church, good to her family, kind and upright in all her dealings. Her last days were darkened by sickness and pain until she succumbed to that dread disease diabetes on the above mentioned date. The funeral was conducted from the Mona church, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Esser officiating. Interment was made in the Pleasant Hill cemetery.