David Sharbonno's Pool Hall

1930-03-21 - A change of ownership of the west side pool hall took place last week, when F. W. Madera sold to David Sharbonno of Geneva, Freeborn County. Mr. Sharbonno has moved his family, consisting of six children, into the rooms over the pool hall. He will run a lunch counter in connection with the pool hall.

1930-08-15 - "Sharbonna given 60 days" - David Sharbonna who has been operating the west side pool hall and lunch room, was taken to Austin Tuesday afternoon and sentenced to 60 days in the county jail, on a liquor nuisance charge. Sheriff Ira Syck and deputies raided the place and found a small quantity of liquor. The County Attorney was in Lyle Thursday morning, looking for evidence relative to another matter that concerns Mr. Sharbonna.

Start Date: 
Business Type: 
pool hall