David Erickson obituary
In Memorial
It is with deepest sorrow we record the death of Brother David Erickson. As Master Masons and members of Alma Lodge, we sincerely mourn his loss, hearing in tender remembrance his fidelity to Masonry and his devotion to the principles it inculeates. We earnestly sympathize with the relatives and friends of our deceased brother and tender them that abiding consolation which the World knows not, therefore, be it.
Resolved that our Charter be draped in mourning for the space of thirty days, and that these resolutions be spread upon the Records in the Archives of the lodge.
Resolved that a copy of this memorial be presented to the relatives of the deceased and the same published in the Lyle Tribune.
"East as the rolling seasons bring
The hour of fate to those who love,
Each pearl that leaves the broken
Is set in friendship's crown above."
By Order of Committee
O.H. Dahl
Chris Johnson
Wm. Nordland.
We wish to thank the friends of their presence, sympathy and aid in our bereavement, especially those who sent flowers, the Masonic and K. of P. Lodges and Rev. Moe for the fine sermon.
Mrs. D Erickson and Children.
The funeral of the late David E. Erickson was held at the Lutheran Church last Friday and was largely attended, there being room in the church to accommodate about one-half of the people who came to pay their last respects to the departed. After the impressive services the remains were taken to Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Those who attended from away were Harry Farley of Stacyville, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson of Pikert, N.D., Edwin Frank of Albert Lea, and Ole Erickson, a brother of the deceased, from Loveland Colorado.