Cromwell Gould obituary
The funeral was conducted at the home and at the First Lutheran Church of St. Ansgar by his pastor, Rev. M. E. Waldeland, on Wednesday, the 2nd of July, and was very largely attended being one of the largest funerals ever held in St. Ansgar, not half the people being able to get into the church Rev. Waldeland preached a very impressive sermon from Romans 1.16 "For I Am Not Ashamed of The Gospel of Christ, for It Is the Power of God unto Salvation to Everyone That Believeth."
His remains were laid to rest at the Pleasant Hill Lutheran Cemetery south of Mona, Iowa, where he rests beside his uncle, John Gould, and his grandfather, Collin Gould.
The most beautiful wreath placed upon the casket of Cromwell Gould was that which was given by the members of his confirmation class. Instead of buying flowers that would wilt within a few days, they have donated a sum of money to be sent to the Foreign Mission field of the Church and there to be used in keeping one of the Foreign Missionary children in a Mission school. These children always assume new names when, after instruction, they are baptized, and it has been suggested to the Foreign Mission Board of the Church that they suggest to our missionaries to have the child that will be supported by this money given the name Cromwell Gould. In this way, Cromwell's memory will have a blessed influence abroad and the action of the confirmation class it is hoped will bring beautiful flowers of Christianity to bloom in the heart and life of some little heathen child.
Present at the funeral from away were: Mr. S. M. Gould, New Lexington, Ohio; Dr. and Mrs. Geo Gould, Conrad, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. E. Tostenson and son, Vernell, Jackson, Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Frank, Rudd, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Springer, Charles City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer, Lyle, Minnesota; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hofland, Star Prairie, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank and family, Carpenter, Iowa.