Bertha Larson obituary

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Friday, August 16, 1912
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Mrs. Bertha Larson who has been making her home about a half mile south of Mona for the past 30 years passed away Friday evening, Aug. 9th. On account of her advanced age she was not very strong or active but on Friday had felt very good and visited with neighbors and friends during the afternoon, never complaining of any pain or suffering. When her son John returned doing the evening chores there was no response to his call and he found that she had passed beyond the reach of all earthly voices from whence there are no greetings or good byes to those left so suddenly without word of council or farewell.

Bertha Larson was born in Ness, Hedemarken, Norway in 1829. She came to this country with the family in 1880 and settled for a short time in Mower County, but soon moved on the place a half mile south of Mona where she lived until her death. She leaves two sons C.B. Larson of Orchard and J. S. Larson who has always remained at home. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. Waldeland. Interment was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

We desire to express our thanks to those who showed their sympathy for us in our bereavement, by various deeds of kindness etc.
J. S. and C. B. Larson.