Anna Helgeson obituary
The many friends of Miss Anna Helgeson were saddened last week when it was learned that she had passed away at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon after a lingering illness of about ten months with consumption. Some time in July, last year, it was first discovered that she was suffering from the disease which eventually claimed her. Aside from a couple years spent in Minneapolis she lived in this community where she was born and raised to womanhood.
The deceased was born December 2 1896, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Knut Helgeson, who mourn her departure. Besides her parents she leaves three brothers, Ole, Henry and Alfred, all at home; also four sisters. Dena Hanson of Minneapolis, Mrs. Gertie Klawitter of St. Paul, and Clara and Hazel at home.
The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the local Lutheran church and interment was made in Pleasant Hill cemetery.