Andrew M. Wilson obituary
It is with a feeling of regret and sadness that we stop to record the death of one who has been in our midst almost ever since the writer came to Lyle and was known to nearly everyone in this community. Death, in whatever form brings sadness. Even when it has been expected, as it brings with it a shock to those who survive. New and strange conditions at once exist. The member of the family who has lain ill and helpless, yet able to indicate his wants, is suddenly removed and he can no longer be reached by word or cry. He has gone into everlasting silence and we mourn his departure. His familiar face and figure will be missed, for Death had laid its heavy hand upon him and he is no more. In Lyle he spent his best days and knew the village his best days and knew the village from its early existence until the present. He was identified with her progress and business life, always showing an interest in the better things.
Andrew M. Wilson was born on a farm near Hesper, Iowa living there until he was 12 years of age when he came to Lyle with his parents. After taking a business course at Valder College, Decorah, Iowa he was associated with his father in the mercantile business in Lyle. In the year 1898 he was united in marriage to Miss Rena M. Eggen. Four children were born to them, three of whom are living. With the exception of the winters of 1906-7 spent at Thorsby, Ala., and the years 1908-9 at Moscow, Idaho, the family have made their home at Lyle. Mr. Wilson is survived by his wife, three children, Hazel, Esther, and Doris. Also one adopted daughter Mrs. A. E. Waters, his aged mother, three brothers and four sisters. For the past two years his health has been failing and since May 8th he has been confined to his bed, passing to the great beyond on the 30th day of July.
The deceased was a life-long member of the Lutheran church and was confirmed by Rev. Olson. Rev. Moe and Waldeland had charge of the funeral services.
The funeral services were held at the house at 1:30 and at the Lutheran church at 2:00 Monday afternoon and were largely attended. Interment was made in the family lot in the Six Mile Grove cemetery.
The out of town relatives who attended the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Newhouse of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Tollefson Minneapolis, Mrs. O. D. Irgens, Valley City, N. D., D. M. Wilson of Minneapolis, Mr. M. E. Wilson of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Waters, Winona and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wilson of Austin.
With deep feeling of gratitude we wish to express our sincere thanks to Rev. Moe, the choir and to all neighbors and friends who have rendered so much assistance and who have shown such love and sympathy during our late trial and bereavement.
Mrs. A. M. Wilson and Family.
Lyle, Aug. 4, 1915.